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  2. In version 1 of the game It is actually both. However, version 2 fixes the problem. But since you are now in mission 5 it makes no difference anymore so just continue your adventure with version 1 of the game (as mission five does not "feature" this bug).
  3. Really enjoying this campaign. Thank you for all the work you put into this! I'm on Mission 4 and discovered something that may or may not be a bug. Weird or intended, I don't know.
  4. Today
  5. I had a period of about 6 hours where I kept getting 502 errors, but it seems to have cleared up now.
  6. https://github.com/GPUOpen-Drivers/AMD-Gfx-Drivers/issues/4
  7. minor edit it was called dx12 ultimate. mesh shaders are also possible with vulkan (all cards that support vulkan 1.85 ?) and in opengl but so far only for nvidia cards (turing and up), AMD should have the opengl version shortly if i hear right.
  8. Ah yes that one was indeed interresting havent heard much since so i dunno what to think ?. There was actually one FRB from somewhere nearer to us some 2 decades ago but it newer repeated. If i remember correctly this was about the time when several scientists pointed out the dangers of telegraphing our location with such abandon (i guess one theory sprang up from this short message ? that they might have been exterminated by a type 2 or 3 civilization). a type 1 civillization is close to where we are now (except climate control etc.) a type 2 is a hell of a lot more advanced and might control a stars energy output to some degree (using something like dyson spheres. hello star trek). a type 3 civilization is where all bets are off, they are capable of harnessing the energy directly from the home galaxy they live in and are most likely permanent space dwellers. so what makes these so dangerous ? well maybe nothing or maybe they see our little blue planet as a free for all and us as the ants that need squishing . probably aint going to end so well as independence day hehe.
  9. What i found to be a mistery is a peculiar Fast Radio Bursts(FRB) from far-off galaxy and how it differs from man made or atifical radio waves
  10. Une pierre que l'on jette dans l'eau vive d'un ruisseau Et qui laisse derrière elle des milliers de ronds dans l'eau Au vent des quatre saisons, tu fais tourner de ton nom Tous les moulins de mon cœur A different style of music a Chanson de Michael Legrand mostly better know as Jazz-Pianist and Componist for 200+Films one of his play with orchestra
  11. Yesterday
  12. I'll fly a star ship across the universe divide And when I reach the other side I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can Perhaps I may become a highwayman again Or I may simply be a single drop of rain But I will remain. RIP Kris Now only one Highwayman left.
  13. Oh boy, that last mission was a ramp up in difficulty. I made it but it took a lot longer. Nice mission , thanks much!
  14. Yes, what you said. Also, for me, I have good sneaking stamina for approximately 1 h. After that I run out of energy and get sloppy, and I start making mistakes. Therefore this kind of max 1 h sneaking mission is perfect for me.
  15. Allways loved star stuff, as a youngster i wanted to become an astronaut. Newer managed due to some complications with my eyesight which truth be told newer bothered me (i have a slight color seperation issue in my right eye) it has newer hindered me but it ment i could not go through the training . Instead i took a radio technician education and got shafted because when i was done most places who needed one had turned the key due to cheap electronics. Made little sense to repair it because it easily cost more than just buying a new one. So i got 1 year working as a tech then 3 years as a salesman for said tech then it all went to online shops... and from then on i just worked with whatever. Still got the passion and if need be im one of the last techs educated in tube powered amps in denmark. Im not a genious but i was immensly curious as a child so i learned a good deal, i diagnosed my first taperecorder at age 4 and the guy who owned it was completely bummed when the tech told him i was right . Said curiosity also had some downfalls, i been electrecuted so many times i should be glowing in the dark .
  16. It works for me in Firefox and Chrome. Did you try to login with your e-mail adress as username maybe (that dousn't work)?
  17. Personal reminder for me to actually get back to TDM and all the missions I missed.

  18. Last week
  19. venera i think survived about a few hours on venus before the atmosphere kicked the living daylight out of it . quite an achivement in itself as venus atmosphere is about the most lethal environment in our entire solar system . temperatures hot enough to melt lead, atmospheric pressure as dense as if you were 3 km below the ocean, and it rains sulphoric acid yikes. well in space nobody can hear you scream (no air) sound does not carry in a vacum despite what several sci-fi movies would lead one to think. its dead silent out there well unless you can hear radio waves then the noise is truly mindboggling. its also not nessesarily cold in space, the temperature on the moon ranges from freezing my ass off in splinters to charbroiled. deep space is cold however due to heat dissipating quickly when there is no medium and the distance to the stars. little known fact, the snow you see on old analog tv's not tuned in to any station is actually the background noise from the big bang. funny thing you can do with old radios on short wave tune a bit and listen for something that sounds like fast thumbing that my friend is a neutron star you hear , they come in several variants to. some actually sound more like ratatata thats how fast they rotate.
  20. I just tried and was able to login no problem.
  21. Downloading! Looks awesome. Congrats on the release.
  22. I signed up weeks ago, and I have not been able to log in since. I change my password, and it's not accepted when I try to log in later. I request a one-time email login and "Oops... Something went wrong. This is our fault, sorry! ". Literally *nothing* seems to work there. Is it just me?
  23. TBH, I played quite a few large missions lately which lacked the details of the smaller or medium szied missions (in TDM and Thief 1/2 fan missions). I'm really more for quality (detail) than size.
  24. Lovely small mission with suprisingly large areas outside the main location. I had really some difficulties finding the Seems like I am totally out of shape in looking all the nooks and crannies nowadays. Thank you for making this mission, I had a lot of fun playing it. I personally like these small gems more than the larger ones.
  25. I think that's more about the visual style of the comic art itself. I wasn't writing about that, although it could be interesting as well, because it could suit the tdm theme well.
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