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nbohr1more last won the day on July 16

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  1. 2.13 compatible Northdale1 version: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-mod/addons/shadows-of-northdale-1-213-dev-edition
  2. The latest Dev Build has a few textures created using the technique here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Creating_textures_from_Ornate_Photos Both got a little enhancement via a tip from Arcturus to use an AI based tool: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Stable-X/normal-estimation-arena be forewarned that this AI instance goes down a lot so you may need to check back in a few hours or the next day if it throws a 500 error. ( Probably the perils of having a free AI tool open to the public... )
  3. I'll upload the fixed version to moddb tonight.
  4. Did you look at the auto-map in "The Painter"s Wife" ? I think that's the closest example to what you are aiming for?
  5. You need to use $player1.getWorldOrigin();
  6. That's what I prefer. Some authors do lots of tiny updates and don't want their mission to show as "version 15" (etc). Some updates are considered small or inconsequential so the author instructs that we don't bump the version flag and just let players delete their current version and download again if they want the improved version.
  7. Version 3.1 is up in the database. In case you are unaware, I have to bump the version to the next integer value for players to see the update alert so the TDM missions page will show version 4 but in-game it shows as v3.1
  8. The mission database has been updated with v3. Congrats!
  9. I'll upload tonight unless someone does it before me.
  10. Thanks! I don't see config problems so I think this issue is mission specific. I advise discussing with the mission author @joebarnin
  11. Please post your darkmod.cfg and the output of: condump mouse_issue.txt ( open the console via CTRL+ALT+TILDE ) https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Reporting_Problem
  12. LOL, many team members and players objected to the inventory grid feature in the first place. I think most team members are agnostic about any further development on it other than it's visual design. If players really want something improved about it, I doubt anyone but Durandall would be precious about changing the current design. Most of the core team would rather you become proficient with the classic hot-keys and key-rings.
  13. @Durandall I have no idea about why you chose the current design and do not care either way. Does the current sorting have advantages or is it just a personal preference? If the latter, perhaps we should add a cvar to toggle this?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. datiswous


      I might not know what I'm talking about, but I share it anyway:



      Stability Matrix - One click portable install manager for Stable Diffusion WebUIs

      including ComfyUI

      For Windows, Linux (Appimage) and Macosx

      Edit: no clue how this works..

    3. Arcturus


      Here's a website on Hugging Face that will generate normal maps using four different methods:


      And here are some that will generate depth maps:



    4. nbohr1more


      Already proven quite useful! Thanks!!!

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