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  1. It all started last year when my other better low end laptop died on me, at the time I played the first Dishonored game. When I started to play on my lower end laptop, I couldn't really play a lot of games. I tried Splinter Cell Chaos Theory but it didn't really stick, I scoured the internet for a low end stealth game and that's when I discovered the original Thief series. The thief series was just different I, was free, I was a sly little thief who could go anywhere and there were countless missions online. Fast forward to this year when I finally got another better, better low end laptop and can finally try The Dark Mod. I first heard about The Dark Mod in the r/thief subreddit, I didn't know it was a fan game from the fans of the original thief series. I tried a bunch of missions and oh boy does it really give off thief vibes, even on the lowest settings it looks good, I also like the fact that it is free. In my opinion The Dark Mod is harder than the original Thief series, the tappy tappy on the forward button while creeping just gets annoying but still a pretty good game for it's time, but in The Dark Mod it's harder to tail on npcs since they're more sensitive and my ego doesn't let not get a 0 in the stealth score. Though I wish that the peaking option from the unoficial patch or the modpack was a game feature, where if you long press right click while the door is in frob you can do the peeking option. Did I mention the mantling? It is so good, but I still make quicksave just in case when it's time to parkour in the game. I do wish that there would be an official campaign one day following the story of Corbin. Though even with a game with better graphics, my friends still don't want to play it. I guess pacifism and running around a manor or a city finding loot isn't their cup of tea. I guess the original Thief series and The Dark Mod is just for those who are real stealth lovers, not for the stealth/action ones. I love The dark mod and the Thief series because it isn't a hassle it's quite literally a waiting game, a game of patience and reading, lots of reading. They even thought me how to read maps to read the environment, not to kill first ask questions later and to figure out where in the f*** I am in the map. Overall I love this game and its inspiration, though I'm quite literally in too deep in The Dark Mod I can't stop playing. Thank you to the people who made this wonderful game and to the people who are creating mods or addons, for it, I hope it'll stay free, more features will be added, and hopefully an official campaign.
    16 points
  2. dev17095-10833 is available. Yes, but it won't start on 2.12 then, so this will be applied in missions database only when 2.13 is close.
    4 points
  3. I've heard there are more than one organisation you can call an Inventors Guild...
    4 points
  4. I've just created a little python script to make packing missions a bit more convenient. It zips everything into the pk4 for you, while also excluding unwanted files that you list in a .pkignore file. https://github.com/Skaruts/tdm_packer It's in an experimental state. It should work fine, but there's probably things missing that I couldn't think of.
    3 points
  5. We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard fun! TDM Modpack v4.5 We have a new skill in the family and in this new version of the Modpack I have split the skills into two categories: Adept: Peek, Blow & Ignite and Whistle Expert: Alchemy, Loop and Penumbra You may opt for one skillset, the other, both or none: Each skill is still delivered in its own standalone package and the pk4 have been renamed to reflect the actual name of the skill. That's for you, @uyvie ! --------------------------------------------------- LOOP SKILL Teleport on demand! The first time you use the skill it will remember your current location and nothing else happens. The next time you use the skill it will remember your current location AND it will teleport you back to the previous location. You can reset the Loop by holding the "Use" key for 10 seconds. Here are some ideas: Initiate the loop at the beginning of the mission in case you want or need to backtrack Explore two different areas in parallel Establish a point of interest you can quickly and easily go back to anytime: a safe room, a shop, high ground... Run away from AI, avoid the cool down period and carry on with your business Ambush AI Anything else you can think of Limitations I haven't figured out how to force the player to crouch and this means you cannot teleport if there isn't enough vertical space in case you teleport back in standing position. Forget about teleporting in tight spaces such as vents, at least for now. In this initial release I have been very conservative and in order to minimize risks the skill can get at times a little annoying: you cannot be too close to walls or any other potential obstacle. Depending on the feedback received we can take some risks and make the skill more responsive. We will see. Summing up, whenever you hear the "hmm", it is either because there isn't enough vertical space or you are too close to a wall or obstacle. Points of failure There are certain situations in which the loop may fail: If you try to teleport to a location that is occupied by AI the jump will be aborted. You can try again later. If you try to teleport to a location that is occupied by an object the skill will do its best to overcome the obstacle. Sometimes you must try a few times to clear the destination. There are some edge cases though that are unsolvable and you may very well get stuck. If you are unable to teleport you can break the loop by holding "Use" for 10 seconds. This action resets the loop and it cannot be undone. This new skill is far from perfect but it gets the job done and hopefully, it brings a fun new mechanic to the game and adds replayability value. --------------------------------------------------- STEALTH MONITOR Updated... The STEALTH MONITOR mod displays the stealth stats and it has been made persistent. This means that if you switch from Loot to Stealth it will never revert to Loot unless you trigger the action. --------------------------------------------------- DYNAMIC INVENTORY Revisited... When picking up loot the DYNAMIC INVENTORY mod displays the loot info in the inventory and shortly after reverts back to the last non-loot item selected. This old mod has now been rebuilt outside of a file often - wrongly - employed by mission authors [tdm_frobactions.script] and this means that the mod is now available in all missions. ...and Extended In the core game when unshouldering a body the inventory is cleared for good. This can break the flow in some situations and the functionality of the DYNAMIC INVENTORY mod has been extended and when unshouldering bodies the mod will now revert back to the last item selected. Just enable CORE ESSENTIALS and you are good to go. --------------------------------------------------- Speaking of... CORE ESSENTIALS For some reason few doors in the core game have, by default, a shorter frob distance than all the rest. What puzzles me is that we are not talking doors that one may consider "special", but perfectly normal, regular, standard doors. Do arms get shorter when manipulating some doors? Players get used to certain distances and this breaks the flow in some missions and it has been resolved in CORE ESSENTIALS. Mappers can change frob distances wherever they please (players shall judge their decisions) but I find it unacceptable that something like this comes by default. The subjects in question are: arched01_111x40_left arched01_111x40_right 3panel_104x56 door_96x48_2hinge02 6panel_104x56 stained_glass01_104x56 stained_glass01_118x52 Why do you make such a big point for seven doors, you ask? Because as of today there are more than a thousand instances of these doors in the mission catalogue. Please note this is also fixed in the Unofficial Patch but since there are no boundaries between the Modpack and the Patch it has been fixed here as well. --------------------------------------------------- I hope you have fun with this new version of the TDM Modpack. Cheers!
    3 points
  6. 2.13 compatible Northdale1 version: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dark-mod/addons/shadows-of-northdale-1-213-dev-edition
    3 points
  7. The latest Dev Build has a few textures created using the technique here: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Creating_textures_from_Ornate_Photos Both got a little enhancement via a tip from Arcturus to use an AI based tool: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Stable-X/normal-estimation-arena be forewarned that this AI instance goes down a lot so you may need to check back in a few hours or the next day if it throws a 500 error. ( Probably the perils of having a free AI tool open to the public... )
    3 points
  8. I finished all Splinter Cell Games multiple times, except for Conviction of course, which I only finished once because it's horrible. It did have excellent coop, 'though. If someone were to ask me if Splinter Cell or Thief/TDM are my favorite games, I'd have a hard time answering. Considering there is a shipload of content available for Thief/TDM, the longing for new Splinter Cell content is definitely a lot stronger! Maybe I should seek another hobby game dev community called PooBeeSoft for developing a game called "Separated Agent Group" featuring Cam Wisher...
    3 points
  9. see?!, i've told you it is a good feeling. the variaty of different missions made by different creators is a huge positive imo. tdm is such a beautiful result of decades of taffery, almost a vanity project - since it is just so taffing attractive and easily lovable, that it should be legally prohibited to speak about it, born to be loved by thief enjoyers - omg i am fainting... anyways, tdm pushed me back into the thief rabbithole and i am happy falling. thank you p.s.: just to be clear about the vanity thing, i guess we all know it is no vanity project. your work, devs and community, resulted in a sound experience for manys to enjoy. never had any problem, no crashes, it just works!
    3 points
  10. Nice edit: Oh dam you're one of the devs, thank you for making this game man
    3 points
  11. Glad you enjoy it. And I can assure you, it will stay free forever.
    3 points
  12. What I ended up doing is to getting several pieces of data: the position of the player's eyes (getEyePos()) the position of the object ($object.getOrigin()) where the player is looking (getViewAngles()) the FOV of the player (getFov()) and doing math/trigonometry to determine if the player can see the object. This code is not general purpose, since it doesn't deal with walls/obstacles/line-of-sight. In my case it will only need to run in a certain room, so it'll be "good enough".
    3 points
  13. Updated mission to version 3. @nbohr1more Changes:
    3 points
  14. For once, the provenance of acquired Intel is known... this photostat - is a copy of a prominant Guildsman's work-journal ~ so may or may NOT represent reality; but a possiblity? I got it cheaply too; a box of fire-wine and some silver...was it worth it? What are ...Iron Sentinels... and they "Listen" too? I dislike these new concepts, and the Guild has enough apparatus to secure things as it is!
    3 points
  15. I also feel you. I used to be a regular here in the forums, but since my son was born in 2022, it basically grunded to halt, although I still get the mails on threads that I wrote in. Ironically, your post in June about not having time got me back here and got me motivated to try and use some of my precious spare time to get some progress on the map I started years ago. I still have not been able to finish a map and want to change that, as long long as the community here is still active
    2 points
  16. Thief taught me archaic English words and not getting lost inside huge buildings P.S. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory coop missions is the best two-player coop experience I've ever had. As for single player... let's say neither of us two finished it.
    2 points
  17. @Amadeus implemented this: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6552 If you have more input, go there.
    2 points
  18. would someone give the old man above new missions to test, please!?
    2 points
  19. The Thief formula, and TDM in particular, has really proven to stand the test of time. With a solid community and new mappers emerging all the time, I don't think we're in danger of fading away any time soon.
    2 points
  20. I joined this forum 20 years ago... to think people would still be coming in and making FMs just blows my mind. Really cool little mission!
    2 points
  21. I'm definitely going to have to update my playthrough video with this latest unexpected change. With the changes to the loot placement, and the new secret area, the overall value of loot is slightly higher. Not to mention with the light switches removed, I'll have to revise how to go about taking out certain lights with only a minimum amount of Water Arrows. Also, I've taken a screenshot, the window underneath the new secret area is bright even when the nearby torch is out. Or is that intentional, to mark the secret area?
    2 points
  22. Is it using the 7zip module just to create a better-compressed ZIP, or is it actually creating a 7z-formatted file using the LZMA algorithm? If it's an actual 7z file, will the game actually load it? The packaging section on the wiki suggests that only ZIP format is supported (although it could be out of date).
    2 points
  23. Working on an update for my mission By The Cookbook. If anyone that played it has any further bugs to report, please let me know. I posted more details about the update in the mission thread.
    2 points
  24. The trigger_look script can trigger outside rooms. If you can specify where or when it runs (inside info_location area for example), I think it's useful, otherwise I think not. The only place I know it's used is in mission Tears of st Lucia and there it is partly broken (I extensivelly tested it for a solution). Btw. there's also trigger_facing https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Trigger_Facing It's less complex but (I think) doesn't take height into account . Edit: These script options are about if a user looks in a certain direction, which isn't really what you asked.
    2 points
  25. I've followed the development on and off for a long time, and tried it a long time ago. It's got the look of Age of Mythology (if not better) which is good enough for an RTS, but focusing on time period of Age of Empires I. AOE II is my most played of the games. That one aged so well it's getting official expansions nearly 25 years after release. You know, I think 0 A.D. benefits from appearing at the top of software repos organized alphabetically.
    2 points
  26. Anyone tried 0 A D RTS? https://play0ad.com/
    2 points
  27. Mission Shadows of Northdale 1 starts correctly when I do search-replace in file /script/tdm_report.script: getpersistantFloat into: getPersistentFloat 4x starting line 22 and in file /maps/m1.script: setpersistantArg into: setPersistentArg 4x starting line 14
    2 points
  28. Pioneer (FOSS - Win,Linux) https://pioneerspacesim.net
    2 points
  29. being thankful for tdm is a good feeling
    2 points
  30. The balcony overlooking the well is a great vantage point to do some archery practice, if you don't mind upsetting the neighbor across the street.
    2 points
  31. So I got a Steam Deck (OLED) as well and installation of TDM is very easy with the default installer: Go to desktop mode (Steam button > Power > Switch to Desktop) Open Chrome and download the TDM installer It comes in a zip-file. Place it inside the "Home"-folder and unzip it. Use the installer to install TDM Go to Steam and create a shortcut to a non-steam game. You have to choose "browse" and have to change the filter to "All Files". Then select thedarkmod.x64 Look up the shortcut in Steam, go to properties and change the name. You can also change the image somewhere else. Go back to normal mode and you see the shortcut for TDM in your Steam library and it'll start fine. (Choosing for .x64 means you use Linux native instead of via Proton) Btw. you can open the keyboard with the x key. In-game you first have to press the Steam button and then the x key. In desktop mode the right touchpad controls the mouse pointer. The left touchpad works as a scroll wheel in certain windows.
    2 points
  32. Why o why didn't you update the download url with the v3 One?
    2 points
  33. Overview There are three rooms: Main Room: Has surface types arranged in a way that's better for testing consistency between each other (e.g. tile next to metal, metal next to water, etc.), and it includes ladders, a rope, and vines to test climbing sounds. Swimming Pool Room: For testing swimming sounds. Prototype Room: For testing almost all of the surface types (including some not in the main room) arranged somewhat alphabetically with duplicate sounds next to each other (e.g. grass and straw, dirt and sand). Installation Download: z_footsteps_test_map_v1.pk4 Place the pk4 file in the main TDM directory, alongside the other pk4 files. To Use Type "map footsteps_test" into the console. Use with the "Training Mission" to test TDM core sounds. Use with a mission to test that mission's altered sounds. Tips * Reload sound shader files while in game. - reloadDecls * See the names of sounds. - s_drawSounds 1; pm_thirdPerson 1 * See AI sound propagation volume and range. - tdm_spr_debug 1; con_noPrint 0 * See 3D ring of AI sound progation. - tdm_showsprop_radius 1 * See sound progation to AI shown as lines. - tdm_showsprop 1 * Show sound decoders. - com_showSoundDecoders 1 * Files of interest. - def/tdm_propagated_sounds.def - def/tdm_player_thief.def - sound/tdm_sfx_movement.sndshd - sound/tdm_sfx_movement_footsteps.sndshd - sound/tdm_sfx_movement_footsteps_player.sndshd - sound/tdm_sfx_world.sndshd The method I use to make volume changes involves using tdm_spr_debug and the dB meter from OBS. I run both TDM and OBS in window mode so I can view them simultaneously. First, I compare two footstep sound shaders with similar volumes as indicated by tdm_spr_debug. Then, I use the OBS dB meter to fine-tune the volume of the sound shader I'm modifying, making final adjustments by ear with headphones. Credits * Map: Daft Mugi * Proto Pack: WellingtonCrab License This work is openly licensed via CC0.
    1 point
  34. Fallout: London 100% off on GOG. Requires Fallout 4: GOTY Edition to install. A paid total conversion mod? I guess so. https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout_london https://www.gog.com/giveaway/claim
    1 point
  35. Sure, but it could be useful if people want to play it already with a dev built.
    1 point
  36. "...to a robber whose soul is in his profession, there is a lure about a very old and feeble man who pays for his few necessities with Spanish gold." Good day, TDM community! I'm proud to release my first FM: "The Terrible Old Man", an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's short story of the same name. This is a short, 30-45 minute mission in which you are the getaway driver in a team of three small-time thieves. You and your associates were fortunate enough to overhear rumors of a famously wealthy and frail old man, but things change when your cohorts do not return from what is supposed to be their easiest and most lucrative job. Now it's up to you to brave the old man's house and find your associates. Download: The in-game mission downloader TDM Website's Mission Page Dropbox Special Thanks: The kind beta testers: Cambridge Spy, stgatilov, xlm, wesp5, nbohr1more, and Dragofer. peter_spy and Dragofer for answering my endless barrage of editor questions while learning DR. The TDM Discord for their warm welcome. Ending stinger courtesy of Zapsplat. Content Warnings: Enjoy!
    1 point
  37. Taking a break to alleviate burnout. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have jumped into a map-making contest so quickly after just finishing another project and especially with my busy schedule, but I do believe I have something that the community will enjoy. No clue if I'll be able to finish it on time for the competition if I factor in a break, but I'd rather take my time and deliver something of quality rather than engage in development crunch or lose part of the map's soul to burnout.
    1 point
  38. nukems framegen mod has also been updated for FSR3.1 though vulkan support is not completely supported yet (from what i could read on the github site he does not have the knowlegde to get it fully supported and it might newer be added unless someone with a good understanding of vulkan takes over that part). this unfortunatly means that it might newer come to pass with more and more game companies adding there own support. i tested it with alan wake 2 and horizon zero dawn and it works well enough atleast.
    1 point
  39. Hey, I finally got around to trying out the latest version. Makes things slightly easier with the removal of half the guards in the guard tower. However, there's a bug at the start - the voice clip that triggers after reading Astrid's note can be triggered every time you finish reading it when it should have played once. Also, with the dialogue now voiced, datiswous needs to update them with in-game subtitles.
    1 point
  40. Version 3.1 is up in the database. In case you are unaware, I have to bump the version to the next integer value for players to see the update alert so the TDM missions page will show version 4 but in-game it shows as v3.1
    1 point
  41. Here's version 3.1, which fixes the issues above. https://www.mediafire.com/file/82unapzjq8f08np/sk_cooks.pk4/file Hopefully everything is good now. @nbohr1more sorry to bother you with this again.
    1 point
  42. I'll upload tonight unless someone does it before me.
    1 point
  43. Not sure about RE2 and RE3 (it's been a long time since I played them...), but, Resident Evil 1 has real actors in the FMVs, yes. They give a real B movie vibe.
    1 point
  44. Lots (if not all) of the paintings/painting skins have the preview on the wrong side. Can they be defaulted on the oposite view?
    1 point
  45. Maybe have a look at this? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Triggering_events_when_looking_at_something It also links to a video where he explains how it all works.
    1 point
  46. Yes, that's because of persistent info improvements: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6509#c16675 I'll add it to known issues, but it will only be fixed during 2.13 beta.
    1 point
  47. Just want to note that my installer script runs like the datiswous installation method, but does it almost automatically. And doesnt forget to unpack the zipfile.
    1 point
  48. I'm in, using this as motivation to continue the work I had previously started on my series. Probably not a whole lot in the way of horror, but I think I have some creative elements in the pipeline...
    1 point
  49. I wanted to bring this up for a while and am sorry I took so long. As such this thread is based on an old observation, I didn't retest recently but from what I know this limitation still exists with the latest code. If others confirm it and the issue is considered solvable I may post it to the bug tracker as well. EFX for spatial sounds are an amazing addition we had in recent years, however they suffer from a noticeable limitation: Reverb only accounts only for the location of the player and not that of sound. Sounds originating from a place with reverberation will not cause any echo if the player isn't standing in that room... oppositely sounds coming from outside will be heard with the full extent of the reverb effect in the room you're hearing them from, they should be echoing less due to not originating from the reverberating hallway. Example: Let's say there's a Builder church with a large hallway containing a reverb definition, inside there's an ambient sound of chanting. If the player is standing in front of the church door, they will hear the chanting without any kind of echo: Only once they step through the door and walk inside the echo suddenly makes itself heard. In a realistic scenario you'll hear the reverberation of any sound coming from a room that causes it, even if you're standing far outside that room hearing this noise in the distance. The simple solution would be a mixture between the location of the player's camera and that of the sound source: Each sound gets 75% the reverb defined in the room it's originating from, then on top of that all sounds being heard by the player anywhere have 25% the reverb of the room the player's standing in (current functionality). The more realistic but also more complicated option would be to use the portal tracing already implemented for sound attenuation and make each sound pick up reverb from each EFX room it passes through, accounting for the room of origin the room the player's standing in but also the rooms it's passing through; That way a noise emanating on one side of a building and passing through open windows in a corridor to reach the player on the other side would still echo, even if both that sound and the player are located outside in an area without reverb.
    1 point
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