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datiswous last won the day on July 18

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About datiswous

  • Birthday 07/18/1981

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  1. In the topic text it says: I think that's the download version (Google Drive download). So peeps have to search through the topic to find the most recent version (Dropbox download). Snatcher linked to that post above. Maybe if you make a new version, you could include a file in root with info, like version, etc.
  2. Ah ok sorry, I thought $player1 is idPlayer. atdm:player_base { "inherit" "atdm:entity_base" "spawnclass" "idPlayer" "scriptobject" "player" "ragdoll" "guard_base" "editor_displayFolder" "Internal" "editor_usage" "Base class for the player, defining default values."
  3. I have no clue what this is about, but I noticed this: So it responds to idEntity. But in your code I see this:
  4. I don't know what you mean with storing differences between files. In subs files you just specify the audio file and what subtitle is related to that.
  5. Sure, but it could be useful if people want to play it already with a dev built.
  6. Here is information about subtitles: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Subtitles Although actually I'm not sure how to best override core subs.
  7. @Amadeus implemented this: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6552 If you have more input, go there.
  8. You can find everything on the wiki, especially these video's: https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=DarkRadiant_Video_Tutorials @Springheel's video's give you a broad overview of a lot of things in mission making and or building it mostly uses pre-made prefabs @Sotha's video are very informative about classic building with brushes and patches etc.
  9. Btw. I'm looking at your subtitle overrides. Why do you override whole files? Currently you override everything in a subs file, while actually you only want to change a couple of lines. Can't you simply include 1 fm_root.subs file with all the inline and srt declarations that you want to override? If there's ever a change to the tdm bark subs files, your patch still overrides them. I also think you don't have to override whole defenition files (either, only the sections you want to change).
  10. I thought everything TDM is fantasy, no? If mappers want that map in there with Bridgeport in France then they have to work around your patch. I think the "fix" is too opinionated to be placed in one big patch. It's also not really gameplay related, while your other fixes are. I think you should make a seperate patch for that. Especially since (I think) tdm now offers a way to have multiple mods working at the same time.
  11. Why did you do this?
  12. It looks great, but the screen is very small for fps.
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