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Diego last won the day on June 20

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  1. 2020 too? haha I have a four year old as well. It's a whole different life. It gets easier, and we get a little more efficient too. EDIT: just released a playable prototype, if anyone wants to check it out https://diegzumillo.itch.io/the-eldritch-monarch
  2. There's a pretty active dev scene for retro consoles. And they can sell well, as long as you also offer them on modern platforms. Personally, I like the console and I like the self imposed limitations. I find them creatively stimulating. Work on the demo has been soul crushing. I wasn't going to make one, because I thought it wouldn't need it. But seeing the launch flop I decided I had to make one. But it's a lot of work for such small amount of time. Implemented a bunch of new systems while designing the thing and I didn't even get to make the tilesets yet. (I have some half done I can use)
  3. Guys. Turns out having a kid is a lot more work than I anticipated. And I anticipated it would be the most exhaustive thing in my life, just to give you an idea. I'm a little thrown off by the fact I created this topic almost 5 years ago. I missed five seasonal visits to this forum! That megadrive project actually became a kickstarter campaign. Which is struggling, and probably won't succeed. I'm not throwing the towel yet. Currently working on a demo to spruce up the campaign. I'm quite proud of the trailer! Anyway, I'm just taking a look at all your projects and updates!
  4. Hi all! paying my seasonal visit to see all the cool screenshots you guys are working on

    1. chakkman



      check these out if you haven't already:

      Can't wait for those missions. :)

    2. datiswous


      Which one is your favorite?

  5. Oh look the status updates are back! 

    1. datiswous


      You've been away for a while?

    2. Diego


      I visit once a year :P

  6. My building/street has some machines running and they're combining into one ominous low note. It really sounds like I'm inside a thief mission.
  7. Just finished watching it and came here to comment. Excellent documentary indeed! Really cool hearing all those people who worked on it. The deadly shadows part made me feel bad for him. It's a flawed game, for sure, not just because of constraints and technical difficulties, I think the wrong choices were made and only later they understood them. However, it's clear from the interview that it was obviously made with a lot of love and effort, and sometimes bad choices are not obvious at the time. And flawed as it may be, I still hold the opinion that the plot is at the same great level on all three games. The way they worked at Looking Glass goes against all my instincts of any creative project. It was very much a chaotic group effort, there is no one person who you could say made Thief. To me that is a terrible way of making art, but I guess that it has its merits if it can produce Thief, system shock and deus ex.
  8. Streaming is weird. I don't watch any streams of any kind! I do not understand the appeal. But I decided to do it for my own selfish purposes. You see, it's way harder to procrastinate when there are witnesses. Sometimes there are 2 or 3 people watching me for whatever reason and it makes me feel bad for scrolling twitter instead of working.
  9. BTW, I started streaming my game deving. If anyone's interested in watching hours of mostly black screen with some characters on.
  10. Yes! they do bother me! Coincidentally just a few minutes ago I was thinking "I could really use an extension that makes these go away"
  11. There's a guy working on a raytracer for the mega drive. He pops up on the SGDK discord server every now and then. His seems more advanced than wolfenstein, with slopes and levels, but I think it's not going to have texturing.
  12. I hate this kind of stuff. I get it that there must be limits to what people can do in their own property to ensure the neighbor's rights are preserved, but every government will seize the opportunity to go well beyond that goal while extorting as much as possible.
  13. Me too. That's how much potential it has! We stopped playing when we really didn't want to. From what I have been reading of the older reviews and comparing with my experience, most of the bugs were dealt with. But as I said, with their no-save design choice 'most of the bugs' is not nearly good enough. If you're 25 minutes into a play session and the guard spots you through a wall, no matter how rare the bug happens, that just murders the flow of the game.
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