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Springheel last won the day on February 22 2023

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About Springheel

  • Birthday 02/17/1972

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  1. I guess knowing that Bikerdude is continuing to use my art without asking or giving credit provides some continuity to the universe....
  2. They're already experimenting with a game that has a neighbourhood of characters controlled by AI. Each AI was given a "prompt" of a paragraph detailing their personality and relationships, and then the AI took it from there. The characters set up a party, sent invitations, and then showed up at the correct time.
  3. https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=The_Dark_Mod_Gameplay#Blackjacking
  4. This is only true of guards that have helmets. Everyone else can be knocked out from behind regardless of what alert state they are in.
  5. Letting the player carrying the body on ropes and ladders was definitely not an intentional design decision. But given that it's been present for so long, it's too late to change it now.
  6. That's exactly why there is resistance to changing "what the players could do". No mapper can be expected to consider what players MIGHT be able to do in the future when the rules change.
  7. Yep, professional artists and graphic designers will be without a job within a few years. Modellers and animators won't be far behind, I imagine.
  8. What method do you plan to use to block their vision? Humanoid AI with special cone values always see less than the default, not more, so if it's an extra spawnarg, a default block value should work in those cases. There might be special AI, like spiders or willowisps, that see more than 180 degrees though.
  9. The turning in those videos is not caused by random head-turning...those are idle animations, which is a slightly different issue. One possible approach is to see if AI vision can be affected by frame commands in animations.
  10. There is a difference...professional guards have slightly higher acuity settings than generic thugs, for example. Drunk guards have much worse acuity. Alert guards might even have their acuity boosted--can't quite remember. Mission authors could also affect those settings based on difficulty, though I don't know if many do.
  11. I remember the last time someone made this claim, someone else posted a video showing that you could actually walk behind AI without alerting them on most floor types. Only the loudest ones (dry leaves, gravel, metal) cause problems, and that's exactly what moss arrows are for (what is the point of them otherwise?)
  12. No, I just wish we had someone who could improve our AI/animations in the same way.
  13. The problem with new, high poly assets like this is that they make our older assets, including the AI, look like crap by comparison.
  14. Putting Bridgeport in the British Isles is just as, if not more, inconsistent with existing details (setting aside the fact that the wiki says it is "on the coast of Southern Europe"). Last I checked there was no "large mountain range" north of London, no "warm, temperate sea" to the south with a "much hotter continent", no "range of mountains that inhibit overland attacks" between England and Ireland. It would also be difficult for Bridgeport to be the "commercial center of the Empire" when it is not connected to the rest of the Empire by land. There would be no "Builder Roads" leading to the capital. If you find it easier to accept all of that than to imagine that this alternate version of earth might have a slightly cooler climate and a more generic fantasy culture than the real world, then more power to you. But don't pretend it's anything other than personal preference.
  15. The rules are also explained in the tutorial mission. It's also one of the loading screen tips of both starting missions. And while there have been one or two vocal opponents to the current ruleset, I think they would be far outweighed by the number of people complaining if a core mechanic suddenly started behaving differently without warning.
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