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thebigh last won the day on April 19

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  1. I agree; I prefer ambient light to not contribute to visibility most of the time.
  2. That should be "chute" rather than "shoot". Blasted English and its homophones.
  3. Adding NPC names to bodies is up to the mapper. It defaults to "body" or "corpse" if the mapper doesn't change it.
  4. Yeah, they're definitely not the subtlest tool in our arsenal, that's for sure.
  5. thebigh

    Free games

    I don't like that they changed Isaac's face. There's no law that says a character has to look like their VA, and I thought Isaac's original face suited the character better.
  6. I'd be very wary of adding general file I/O to the scripting system. That just seems like it's asking for trouble.
  7. Yeah, Threepenny Revue is one of the shorter and easier missions. But I think it's nice that TDM has a range of different mission sizes and difficulties. Not everything has to be a gigantic sprawling masterpiece.
  8. Sorry to hear that, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing your mission whenever it gets released.
  9. We've been holding steady at ~12 a year since the beginning. So far in 2024 we've had 7 new releases, so I think we're well on track.
  10. The Thief formula, and TDM in particular, has really proven to stand the test of time. With a solid community and new mappers emerging all the time, I don't think we're in danger of fading away any time soon.
  11. The balcony overlooking the well is a great vantage point to do some archery practice, if you don't mind upsetting the neighbor across the street.
  12. Yes. I almost always play on the hardest difficulty.
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