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Everything posted by thebigh

  1. We've been holding steady at ~12 a year since the beginning. So far in 2024 we've had 7 new releases, so I think we're well on track.
  2. The Thief formula, and TDM in particular, has really proven to stand the test of time. With a solid community and new mappers emerging all the time, I don't think we're in danger of fading away any time soon.
  3. The balcony overlooking the well is a great vantage point to do some archery practice, if you don't mind upsetting the neighbor across the street.
  4. Yes. I almost always play on the hardest difficulty.
  5. With just two guys? Not likely, even though one of them is carrying a torch. That said, it wasn't as easy as one might think. Getting the loot under the balcony was the trickiest bit, and took some imaginative leaning to stay shadowed. And being able to escape semi-easily to the alley allows the player to watch and wait for more accommodating patrol timings without pressure, so that was nice.
  6. Really nice little mission! Trying to supreme-ghost it was a heap of fun. So much coolness in such a small package.
  7. I still have NFI what the mission is about but I managed to find multiple endings and figured out how to get that one pesky coin. Nice work!
  8. Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you had fun @codiflow Spoilers incoming:
  9. There's a few benefits to using caulk that I've seen. You can filter them out, which makes seeing what you're doing in DR much easier. That's the big one. Caulk also doesn't z-fight, so there's no harm in having one face of a caulk brush sit flush with the textured face of some other brush or func_static. That can come in really handy when you're trying to seal areas with complicated and detailed geometry. Also, caulk is designed to be a non-rendering thing that seals against the void. That's its purpose and I have no reason not to use the intended tool for the job.
  10. Somehow Thief's Den 3 wouldn't be as charming if you didn't have to fumble about with the slow match in that one bit.
  11. No problem. Nice work on the new ones!
  12. I use custom EFXs heavily, so I for one would not want to be restricted entirely to presets.
  13. Hey, sorry you had trouble. You need to find several of the glowing white mushrooms and put them in the pot. After that you'll be able to carry it around with you.
  14. Some nobles are so gluttonous that they stick their whole hand in their mouth while shovelling food in there, and inadvertently suck the rings off their fingers.
  15. If I update this map I'll see if I can figure out how to fix that bug. As for the loot, I do tend to hide treasure a bit more thoroughly than most mappers. People keep giving me grief for it. But if you've looted the decoy secret and uncovered Mr. Pidgeon's secret stashes (big clues if you read all the pages of the notes he's left around), as well as scoring all the pickpockets, you should be almost at the Easy loot goal already.
  16. My first thought would have been to use a rat or spider babby on the grounds that it's small.
  17. Heh, that works better than I expected.
  18. Maybe a dumb question and ugly hack. But could you create an invisible, nonsolid, and inert AI, continually update its position to be on top of the player, and then have the "follower" AI follow this dummy?
  19. Excellent! Happy mapping and I look forward to playing it
  20. Signing up! I'll be starting from scratch for this one.
  21. Thanks for playing! Glad you had fun, and I deffo learned a lot from building this mission.
  22. We really did not have a contest over that period. I think there were a few attempts to have one, but those didn't get off the ground.
  23. I wouldn't be in favor of that because adding bonus points would basically make it mandatory, and would defeat the purpose of "do literally anything you want" if that option wins the poll.
  24. TBF though, I've caught a lot of grief over at the Guild for my levels being on the difficult side. XD
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