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DeTeEff last won the day on October 16 2024

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474 Legendary


About DeTeEff

  • Birthday 01/01/1983

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  1. Thank you all for contributing and for playing! And a special thanks to Kingsal!
  2. Glad you seem to like it I wouldn't consider Thief to be the easiest though. As assassin and saboteur you'll be able to move among the guests without problems, as long as you don't do anything illegal. But the thief is always considered hostile to everyone.
  3. Glad you like it. Haha, yes a lot of players seem to like the ability to lock in people Hopefully you won't need to KO too many people when playing as assassin/saboteur as you may walk among people as an infiltrator.
  4. Regarding the alarm But I see now that Knüppelmann referred to the general alertedness of the guards after seeing that something's been stolen.
  5. I may perhaps fix in a future patch that not all guards fetch lanterns. It has come to my attention that many players found it too challenging with all 5 roaming about with lanterns which I respect.
  6. The lantern carrying guards should be the same for all difficulties/contracts but the path changing system is a bit wonky so sometimes they don't fetch lanterns.
  7. Thank you so much for the kind words. It's funny that you are among the first to mention the music/ambience. Yes, in hindsight maybe I should have reduced the amount of AI on this ship. But to be totally honest, the mission got scewed in the favour of the infiltrator difficulties and the thief got the short end of the stick. Most time was spent on the poisoning mechanic and different paths. The lantern guards may have been involved in a bit of unkilled darlings (because of the amount of time I spent on their individual path nodes and overall patrol adjustments). If the mission gets an update I may very well remove the lantern behaviour on 2-3 guards, when playing as thief. The lantern fetching only happens after the lights have been killed (there are no fuses for the third floor btw).
  8. Haha. Yes, I'm the old Fieldmedic with only strange missions where I try to push the boundaries beyond playability... Glad you liked it! Yes, the painting will be missed and therefore trigger the guards to start searching for a thief. I thought about making more loot noticeable but as you experienced, there is a lot of ruckus. It wasn't what I wanted but I thought it would be strange/silly if nobody had realised that the painting was missing... Yes, I went for replayability so the story may be a bit lacking. I hope at least there are some fun and quirky things to find in the readables. /Mr Moose
  9. Reinstalled and now it seems to work. I hope it'll stay that way. Thanks for the help anywy
  10. There in fact is a "prybar'ish" tool nearby.
  11. Thanks for also looking into it, @stgatilov I haven't had time to reinstall yet.
  12. I will interpret this critique on the ship on a more fluffy level, more than actual critisism on the level design, am I right? Yes, when you get the layout strait, it's not that hard to navigate the mission. The AI in TDM is quite advanced but it is difficult (if even impossible) to steer the AI anyway you want via scripts etc. I'm aware that the player magically get a bow if picking up arrows. Therefore I added a bow at the place where you obtain the arrows.
  13. I'm thinking about moving all fms/custom folders and delete the whole game and reinstall...
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