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Frost_Salamander last won the day on July 2

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  1. You can start here: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/12558-useful-important-editing-links/ Specifically, I recommend Springheel's new mapper's workshop: https://forums.thedarkmod.com/index.php?/topic/18945-tdm-new-mappers-workshop/
  2. I think that would be helpful regardless, because the rotation thing happens to everything and not just paintings.
  3. I've never actually played any of the Resident Evil games, ever. Is it worth getting them for the experience? What kind of game is it? What will the controls be like (i.e. will mouse/keyboard work I don't do controllers)? I tried watching the video on the GOG site but all I saw was that cheesy intro movie for RE1.
  4. Sounds like a glitch. Sometimes AI just get stuck for whatever reason.
  5. I brought this up in Discord the other day. Apparently it's something to do with the origin of the models, so any fix would have to NOT change the models themselves. I will raise an issue for it. EDIT: https://bugs.thedarkmod.com/view.php?id=6554
  6. Maybe have a look at this? https://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Triggering_events_when_looking_at_something It also links to a video where he explains how it all works.
  7. Hi yes the safe house objective becomes visible and spawns those objects in the same spot but it is triggered by events. There are at least 2 things that will trigger it:
  8. OK there should be at least one character in this video that everyone on here should recognize:
  9. Thanks for reporting. Would you be able to send a screenshot of the 2nd instance you mention? I can't picture where it is with that description :-)
  10. Thanks, that's great feedback. I do apologize for the map, I know it's garbage. But it's like that because I can't draw, not because I'm trying to be clever and give people a crap map to make it 'challenging'. Also it would have been difficult to draw a good map for this FM because of all the verticality. Personally I love it when an FM comes with a really good map. I might have to somehow bribe someone else to do one for me next time or something... That's interesting about the restaurant window - that shouldn't happen and sounds like one for the bug list. Thanks!
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