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Bergante last won the day on April 18

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  1. mmmmh? just played it again on V3 ? is it intended ? --- or an unserious Bug on my Playthrough ? at the end - in the office where the report is received - the officer sits in his chair and does not move . so you have to knock him out ! when this happened to me - i got angered - and shot him down (so i thought !) but the first arrow just passed through his head - leaving a bloodspot on the wall behind him - the second shot did the job Surprisingly funny --- but not to reproduce
  2. I love the way Kingsal did in HazardPay - but this is a perfectly designed Mission ! 1) : the restriction to one location to save/load (not the number of saves) can be a bit annoying in multiple missions. First you have to choose a location that is the easiest to reach from each location in the mission. so you should know the map beforehand - i.e. you have already played it a few times start the game - choose - discover - oh a bad location - restart .......... 2.) : in many missions there are many places where you have to try whether a special move is possible ! Does my rope arrow fit on this wooden structure - and if so ? is it of any use ? can I get back or forward from there ? try out whether a special jump is possible -- try out whether you can pass a place ...... all this little things that often need a lot of try and error or one has to play in a most safe style - without experiments - because otherwise you have to go the same way for every test again As already mentioned, HazardPay is perfect for this 1. there are no inconsistencies in the built - you (almost) always know what is possible 2. there are various locations within reach / close to locations where you want to test something so --- i feel better with a limited amount of saves - than with a restriction to one place but this could easily be solved - just give the player more credit-cards P.s.: @kingsal phew, I'm ashamed - I'll have to check again - but I don't think I've ever written a review of your mission It's my favorite (for many reasons) and I hope to find the time and inclination to do so in the near future
  3. congrates & thanks looks like you need a break !? I was near to give you a "Haha-Smilie" or a "Confused-Smilie" Why do you offer the secrets right with the release ? (next time perhaps by EDIT - some month later ? )
  4. So - if - "The Lieutenant" is in need for some guy - to find trails of misplaced or forgotten stuff & leaks - ways one could leave without permission or ways that should open but don´t - to fullfill his Quest to find (whatever) he is searching for --- I´d like to assist him !
  5. that´s why i will give you a patchnotes for version (and in a vid you showed so) Okay - if German was maybe only for settings ?! - then it doesn't matter otherwise? Why eliminated? and a 2GB game with no chance to save - looks ambitious to me Of course - the biggest part will be the engine! - but the game itself ? I'm going to take up the challenge and definitely : I'm going to have a lot of fun ( sure : it's not just "girls that want to have fun" ) CU ! Edit (24.04) Ohhh : I see (no save needed)
  6. Hello @Filizitas first of all : i fell in love to your Avatar and i wish you all the best for now and the future it´s more than a year ago - i discovered you where doing some special stuff - but i´ve not been in the forum for a long time in between . the last days i had a closer look to what you're doing ! and WOW immediately I looked for your downloads and immediately looked into them - wonderful but now there are 2 questions : 1. what happened to the german version in Delightfyl v. ( it seems v. is not anymore to download) 2. how to save in last linked Project (Project-SITN.exe) herzliche Grüße bissous Bergante
  7. A fine article i´ve found : for non germans : Heise is a serious IT Journal&webspace Die 10 besten Cloud-Speicher | heise Download https://www.heise.de/download/specials/Die-10-besten-Cloud-Speicher-3149052 and a link to the free account site of " pCloud Transfer " Große Dateien bis zu 5 GB kostenlos versenden (pcloud.com) https://transfer.pcloud.com/
  8. @Zerg Rush like it this immediately reminds me on two other sessions : and Natalie Merchant from the Leave Your Sleep Album recorded at Saint Augustine Church : sadly there seems to be only this to vids from the recording P.S.: it´s not been your only reason to show the Bard because he looks like your Avatar ?
  9. to remember @STiFU 's progessive music thread. here´s something i love most out off so called german Prog-Rock a french group of the 70´s called " Atoll " their first two albums are incredible : the first shown is their second from 1975 : l´araignée-mal the second is their first from 1974 : Musiciens-magiciens
  10. Please anyone give me a hint ! on how to implement This : (this is Snipping tool generated !!!) so i can adress someone especialy in my Messages !
  11. so secrets are also - no - 2 secrets are Joke ?! but theres still a thievie challenge !!! : Grab the guards arrow - without suspicious ; even it won´t count in the stats . But tell me – why are these April fools so big on the data??? JackFarmers is twice the size – but 5 missions – and each is 10 times bigger
  12. one thing i tried (by thinking out of the Box) for the time-limit ; I changed to settings - audio - and pulled every loudness control - down to 0 the other (because a normal Jump doesn´t worked for me ; I committed suicide in the Channel depends on the art of music for many (not only electronic) it´s often the best way to hear it
  13. REALY ??? i needed to think out of the Boxes !! Edit : after is been told : Fire-arrow - done with 3sec left ! and what is the moral of the story - you should know your neighborhood
  14. here´s my first real post in this topic For everyone who likes to have a wonderful source of Informations of progressive music : Babyblaue Prog-Reviews: Die deutschsprachige Progressive Rock Enzyklopädie (babyblaue-seiten.de) https://www.babyblaue-seiten.de/ have a good time by discovering a lot of mostly unknown Musicians & Bands of the past and now !
  15. hard to hear But ? true or foe (1.April) and sounds with hope - loosed track ! and why do I immediately remember these Fm's: A good neighbour In a time of Need In Danger of Judgement In rememberance of him Puh --- looks like ( in the moment) I am a freaky TDM-Nerd [Ok - nbohr1more - cleared the Goat (one of them)]
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