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wesp5 last won the day on June 22

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  1. That's exactly what I meant. I more or less only stumbled upon this area while looking for the missing plaques ;)...
  2. I agree. And the last ones were really hard to find! The one you only see on your way out after you spend ages to search through the rest of the map, and the one nearby that you can only reach from the roofs, but which looks as if it should be reachable from the exit area as well. Maybe that should be fixed? Also a map would work wonders to find the exit area...
  3. I will have some time over the weekend and would like to do a beta test!
  4. Indeed, those were not loud enough on my setup to understand without making anything else much too loud...
  5. So I finally tested this with Bikerdude's new mission and while it might be fine for new players, you should better add this to your modpack and make it optional as it feels kind of intrusive and gives tips at moments where you don't need them and will forget them anyway until the moment they become important ;). I also tested the teleportation skill and while the technical aspect is fantastic, it really makes a lot of situations very easy to get out of. Still it fits nicely with your modpack and again, I would rename this to "The Magical Thief" or something as just calling it modpack doesn't do justice to all the cool stuff you implemented :)!
  6. I feel kind of stupid, I see the secret door to the sword in the basement but I can't open it. Any hints? P.S.: I just found it :)!
  7. As far as I know savegame format itself isn't needed to make saves not usable, any minor script change will do this...
  8. I haven't tested it yet because I would need to reconfigurate my patch, but if the download menu has been improved, has the stupid bug with the "no new missions" message overlapping the missions you just downloaded been finally fixed too?
  9. This almost sounds as if an edit of entitydef:movable_base could retroactively fix this for all affected missions, no?
  10. I believe this is already implemented only it must be set by the mission creators and many never bothered to do so.
  11. You can just manually edit the missions.tdminfo file and set the mission to completed there.
  12. I thought the intention was to make the voices sound just more random and not completely different. In that case it could be applied to older missions as well to get rid of the all guards talk the same effect.
  13. That would be fms/missions.tdminfo!
  14. Using a special spawnarg would only work on new missions which suddenly might sound different than the hundreds that were already released. I like the idea, but if this is going to be made, it should work for every mission in the same way!
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