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Posts posted by Zaccheus

  1. I dont think that's much of a possibility, a space shuttle might look good on paper attached to a large fuel tank but I've heard Nasa has jacked up security around their launch areas over the last few years. Plus you have to take into account the fact that the area around the launch pad is kept clear of people when there is a flight about to begin, so an attack would be likely to only kill the shuttle crew. Terrorists like Al Queda like big body counts so I would worry more about crowded sports events or places where there are hundreds/thousands of people coming together at predictable times.

    Al Queda?



    I was thinking more along the lines of the US sending a brave fearless cruise missile into the heart of some rival country's space program, for reasons of pre-emptive national security of course.


  2. The only way I can see hardware driven physics taking off on the PC woul be if MS will issue "DirectPhysics 1.0", such that there is a standard interface and the implementation will become a matter of choice.

  3. No one is prepared to put the required outrageous amounts of money into manned expeditions to Mars.

    This is true.


    I do enjoy going to the NASA website and seeing all the funky stuff they are doing, but if you asked me how I would like the government to spend 1,000,000,000 pounds/euros/dollars, NASA/ESA would NOT be the first thing that springs to mind.

  4. Not that it matters in this case, but in future, I'd really appreciate it if someone could please ask me before they move a thread of mine from a private section to the public part of the forum.



    Anyways - here's a more sane version of my code:

    /* NOTE: 
    * ??< is the same as { 
    * ??> is the same as } 
    * ??( is the same as [ 
    * ??) is the same as ] 
    /* printf takes a pointer and returns an int */
    /* In memory the following four bytes are: 'R', 'C', 'L', 0 */ 
    int i={4997970};
    /* int (*p)(void*) would be a pointer to a function */
    /* which takes a void* and returns an int */
    /* Here we have an array of these pointers, */
    /* with one element: a pointer to printf  */
    int (*q[1])(void*) =
      (0[q])(&*&i); /* Calls printf - same as: (q[0])(&i); */


  5. The following is a Windows console application I've written in ANSI C.


    /*main.c*/printf(void*);int i=??<4997970??>;int(*q??(1??))(void*)=??<printf??>;main()??<(0??(q??))(&*&i);??>


    I'll post a slightly more readable version tomorrow.


  6. It does have a title, you just don't see it (for some reason) when you are transferred from our domain.  The actual url of the site is www.mindplaces.com/darkmod/index.php, and if you go there directly you don't get that weird frame problem.  So google will still register the site, just not necessarily the domain name.

    Even so, that title just says:




    which ( a ) is wrong and ( b ) will not exactly bring us many 'hits'.


    Instead we could have something like:

    <title>The Dark Mod - Doom 3 conversion inspired by Looking Glass's Thief series.</title>


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