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Posts posted by Cold0ne

  1. For some odd reason, this game is chugging on me and I have a 3800, 2 gigs of RAM and a 7800GTX


    Update: Yeah, I'm having the problem on Doom 3 as well. I had this issue when I played it back on my x800XT PE. The damn game is chugging, like right from the options screen, the mouse moves slowl Mars flies to the screen like its playing on a 5700U or something like that, but I know my card is overly powerful to pimp this game. I have the latest nVidia drivers and 1.3.1. If anyone knows what the deal is, I would greatly appreciate it


    Try the usual, reinstall latest directx drivers, latest soundcard drivers for your card, try software sound in the game to see if its the soundcard, try other sound drivers in the game, try setting between stereo and surround, try turning all the graphics options to the lowest in the game and see if its smooth, then put them on 1 at a time and see which option causes it, if any. also of course is your doom 3 updated to 1.3 at least?

    not sure what else to try. when i do all these things it generally helped me locate the cause with any games in the past.

  2. Yes I see it now, at first I just wasnt looking close enough or he had fallen in such a way that it was facing closer to the ground. thanks. how far is this mod done by the way? i mean as far as levels completed? can we expect it in 2008?



    There is a lightgem related bug where some models turn invisible. Not everyone gets it, but some do. I get it and the key is completely invisible to me, so maybe this happens to you as well? The key should be:


    On the thief character (with the hood), on the back of his belt and on his right side.


    Do you see it there, or is it invisible?

  3. The thief has a key on him and there is a key on the table in the room with the fireplace.


    Ah, i tried searching the bodies but i never got anything, so that part of the mod needs to be improved. like in the thief games in the first game you had to move your view so that the key or loot would highlight instead of the body. in thief 2 they gave an option to where you autosearched a body, if you just clicked on it you would get the items on him (and a sound was played so you knew).

  4. I found a key which opened the chest upstairs and the 2nd key was under the door at the end of the level. i tried both keys on the unopened chest using both "use inventory" and "action" buttons. maybe im not thiefy enough and missed a key somewhere. but i will admit back in the thief 1 & 2 days i would play very thoroughly and found most secrets.

  5. I suspect either the patch was corrupt or it's been installed to the wrong directory.


    Well, i found a patched executable for 1.3.1, and now the game runs. i dont know what it is, i have the game from the store, installed, updated, and it didnt work. but with the no-cd/no-serial it works. Great mod by the way, i especially liked the parts which werent so easy to figure out, like dropping the letter from the inventory and placing it in the chest. thats the kind of thing you dont see in many games, and it took me a bit to figure out instead of just clicking on the chest. also the part at the beginning of the level where you were able to crawl through small windows and onto slanted rooftops. if only the original thief was that unlimited in the gameplay :)

    by the way i couldnt open the 2nd chest down in the basement. is that supposed to be opened or its just not in the demo yet?


    Oh and also this makes me now want to replay thief 3. ive played thief 1 and 2 countless times, but thief 3 only once. something to do while waiting for this mod to be finished ;0

  6. It seems for me, no matter what I try, doom 3 crashes when I use 1.3.1 update. Yes its the, not the 1302 which I know is bad. I dont know what it is, but the game only runs with 1.3, and thief's den demo crashes with 1.3 version. What is the big deal with 1.3.1 patch that its so needed beyond the 1.3?


    Is there some hack or option I can set so the game runs simply in version 1.3?

    from what I know the executables since version 1.3 are the same, so really there cant be that much important updates from version 1.3.1 that it couldnt run this mod if it was set to let it run with version 1.3. please, anyone?

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