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Posts posted by OrbWeaver

  1. I was wonding about how to do that. I think one problem is that the outer shell (model) keeps the inner shell's effects from leaking out, if you catch my drift. Would it be possible to add yet another mesh outside of the arrowhead & make it transparent then add a light material/shader to that? Maybe particle effects would work after that.


    I was thinking more along the lines of using a "deform particle" declaration on the fire crystal material, so that the actual surface appeared to give off particles. I guess there might be ugliness where these particles clipped through the cage mesh, but it's hard to say without seeing it.

  2. I think there is not special key for this or it was added later after I asked about this.


    Select the object. Position the 3D cursor with left-mouse where you want the origin to be. Hit F9 to show the Editing buttons and click the Center Cursor button in the Mesh panel.

  3. So you reposition the model, not the origin? I could try that, though at the moment I don't know how to even SEE the origin in LW (like I said, very small list of things I know how to do). ;)


    You can do either in Blender, so I presume you can do either in LW. Having no experience with the latter I cannot advise how to do this, but it is a common enough operation so should be documented somewhere.


    Another question while we're on the subject--should the origin be directly in the center of the object? That would seem to make sense for rotation, but I thought a mapper posted that the origin also determines how easy it is to make objects sit properly on the grid, so there may be more to it.


    Yes, it is the origin of the object that is "snapped", so it should always be positioned such that when the origin is snapped the edges and faces are in an appropriate position (e.g. on another gridline).

  4. You can't have more than one diffusemap in a material (actually you can, but it won't do what you want). You are correct, transparency is limited in Doom 3 for the technical reason that dealing correctly with arbitrary transparent surfaces in a 3D engine is a decidedly non-trivial problem.

  5. So to clarify (I'm not sure how much T3Ed exp you might have): set up some kind of generic skin (details I assume are known?), create an object in doom3, and then pick a nice rock texture, do... something..., and then the vase has a rock texture? Or change it to carpet? Or flame?


    Oh, that. You mean when you select a model and apply any old random texture to it that you selected from the texture browser?


    No you can't do that in Doom 3, model textures have to be named in the model and possibly switched by a .skin file, you can't apply them arbitrarily.

  6. Oh yeah, another good thing about these textures are you can reskin the object. You can go "I like this object but I want it to be ceramic, not wood. Oh hey! I can just change goodness_wood_lavendar to goodness_ceramic _pink!"


    That can be easily done in Doom 3 with any object, you don't need any special textures to make it work.

  7. Surely this explains absolutely everything you all seem to have trouble getting.


    Nobody has any trouble understanding it. That does not, however, mean that people have to agree with it or have no right to complain about it.


    I have the right to throw somebody out of my house for any reason, without warning or right of appeal (unless they are a police or customs officer or some other special case). That does not mean that said person is not entitled to consider me an ass for doing so, and to say so in front of their friends or the general public if they so wish.

  8. It's nice that he's improving, but even the most recent shots are nowhere near the quality we've been asking for. We want people who can demonstrate at least a little bit of experience with either dromed or D3 editing.


    I think he has started with unrealistic expectations. Nobody would be at beta mapper quality after a couple of weeks of Radiant experience and 3 maps. Applicants should really be beyond the stage where they are asking how to change light textures.


    No disrespect to Bob, I am sure after a month or two of improvement he will be at a more suitable level of experience.

  9. It's an efficient and versatile use of textures & I was wonding if a similar system could be/is used for this mod.


    Looks more like a hack to keep the XBox memory usage down.


    The danger of doing things like this is that it makes it harder to modify the texture on a particular object without having a knock-on effect in other places (as both yourself and John P discovered while trying to upgrade the stock textures in T3).


    That said, there is nothing wrong with having a set of related objects that share skins, or using stock textures on custom objects to keep VRAM usage down.

  10. Currently we're using both DDS and TGA for normalmaps but only DDS for other images. How do you feel about using only DDS for non-normalmap images? (SneaksieDave doesn't have a problem with those)


    Fine in theory, although it might be better just to scale down the diffusemaps (which you can get away with quite easily, unlike normal maps) and include them anyway, just to avoid having to post release notes like "you cannot play this in Ultra mode" (which although not the end of the world, does impact the perceived "professionalism" somewhat).

  11. O, unhappy day whenever FM authors produce DDS normalmaps only, thus screwing everyone with a GF4. You'd think, that if id was going to enable such a limitation/problem within their engine, they'd have put some kind of decoder in Doom3 to just convert the DDS versions to normal TGA.


    Which is why I am against distributing DDS without the corresponding TGA originals. Not only would a separate download be required for the NV20 users as you say, but the mission wouldn't display correctly if the respective r_use*Compression cvars are not enabled on the client machine (which for most people they won't be).


    Edit: Hay wait! That says MX. No MX shit here; I got the real GF4.


    Yeah, I am not sure about that. This is interesting: http://doom-ed.com/blog/2003/01/29/nv30-vs...evelopments-etc, I get the impression that the NV20 does support pixel and vertex shaders, but uses a vendor-specific interface rather than ARB_fragment_program and ARB_vertex_program.

  12. College is all about fun and laying in bed with a hangover, so you'd be better off trying to do something productive before you go.


    Unless of course you are one of the minority of people who doesn't find that lacing one's brain with toxins gives meaning to ilfe, in which case college is about being surrounded by mindless shrieking conformists while being told what a "great time" you are supposed to be having.

  13. The quality of the ambient sounds is great. My only comment is that they could perhaps be made more "ambient", as a lot of them have volume changes, percussive and transient sounds which reduce their capacity to be used as background loops.


    Most of the ambients from T1/2 were very short and simple, perhaps only 2 or 4 bars long without much happening in them. The mapper could then use layered ambients along with incidental sounds to build up the tension where necessary.


    At the very least, could some dynamic range compression be used to avoid the situation where you set the volume based on the start of the ambient, only to be startled by a sudden loud "BONG!" that happens half-way through the loop?

  14. Just out of curiousity, do you have any idea why ID chose RXGB? It seems like a strange way of swizzling things. Is it to give more bits to the red and green channels, since they're more important to normalmaps than the blue channel?


    I never really understood it. There seems to be very little information available on the format, as far as I can make out it just stores the R component in the alpha bitfields, which I guess gives more precision to the R component but doesn't affect anything else. Perhaps they considered improving the precision of a single colour channel to be better than nothing.


    Here is some interesting information, from http://www.techspot.com/tweaks/doom3/doom-7.shtml


    One thing of note on the normal map compression is that generally speaking if you DXT a normal map you get really crappy results. NVIDIA hardware supports palletized compression which yields good compression and normal maps retain hard and round edges really well. Unfortunately this compression does a poor job in other cases and you end up getting splotchy areas. ATI does not support the palletized compression so we needed a better solution. ATI had done some research on various methods of normal map compression and we ended swapping the red and alpha (which is zero in the case of a normal map) channels. This effectively allows the compression to do a much better job and is just 1 extra instruction in the fragment program to move the alpha channel into the red channel. The bottom line on what happens on each card is as follows.


    All modern NVIDIA and all ATI hardware use the compressed normal maps in Medium and Low qualities with the sizzled components. NV10/20 hardware (GF4MX and GF3) uses palletized normal maps in Medium and Low qualities.


    That is the answer to why Dave can only use one form of normal compression, and the rest of us can only use the other. They are not selectable options, they are graphics-card-specific requirements.

  15. Is the purpose of separating the TGAs from the DDSs to reduce the checkout times for developers, or to reduce the size of the final download when the mod is released?


    If it is the latter, it would seem to me to be preferable to put all of the images in the darkmod tree as normal, but when the final PK4s are generated, zip up the textures/ and dds/ folders separately and give the downloader the option of skipping the textures.pk4 if they want a smaller DDS-only download.


    SneaksieDave - I think I've figured out why you can't load the compressed normalmaps in D3. The unswizzling of RxGB compression takes place in the interaction.vfp fragment shader, which will not run on a Geforce 4.

  16. @Orbweaver: I wish I had thought of that or somebody had mentioned it earlier... at this point I don't think it warrants another texture reorg, especially since there's documentation about what each category means.


    There was some discussion, but unfortunately whatever you choose there will be some confusion. If you label by tiling strategy mappers will say they don't understand or care about it, if you label by usage you get confusion over what defines a wall or floor texture, and if you label by theme you limit people's choice of textures unnecessarily.


    In DarkRadiant there is currently no texture browser yet, so this isn't so much of an issue. I would like to find some way to allow browsing of textures but in a more image-based rather than name-based fashion - perhaps the directory tree could display all contained textures in a preview window when a given folder was clicked on.

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