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Posts posted by OrbWeaver

  1. That is a problem in English which makes it difficult for learners (and most users when they mispronounce words like 'banal' and 'cache'). In Welsh a word is spoken the exact way its written, as far a I can tell (trying to think of some exceptions).


    Cache and banal are both French words. This is a problem I experience when trying to speak or understand French - I can read it OK (with a dictionary to hand), but trying to work out how it is pronounced when a large proportion of the letters are silent is a real challenge if you're not used to it.


    However, I think the Japanese system is the easiest of all, especially their system for months; just onemoon, twomoon, threemoon...


    My father is trying to learn Mandarin and apparently they have different number-words for long thin things, short fat things and so on. I don't know how you're supposed to count something if you don't know what it looks like.

  2. I can see massively popular games like World of Warcraft becoming attack vectors for malware, but smaller games aren't going to be of much interest when stuff like IE still exists with its multitude of vulnerabilities. There is no point in writing a Doom 3 worm when you can write an IE or email version which will infect many more computers.

  3. There is also the far less refined technique where you overwrite as much memory as possible with a chain of NOPs followed by your code, with the hope that at some point in the future, one of the NOPs will be the jump target of a function call which will lead to your code being run.

  4. It's not over 4 GB of RAM that is important, it is over 4 GB of address space, so you can memory-map larger files, or have larger apertures for DMA/AGP/whatever.


    You are right though it is totally superfluous for home computing, in fact it can quite easily slow things down as you have to deal with 8 byte integers rather than the usual 4


    I agree regarding ATI's crappy drivers for Radeons, although I use the Omega Drivers which are a lot better (it solved a major problem I was having with Doom 3 crashing in full-screen game mode if I activated r_showtris on a complex map).

  5. The problem I have with both of them is that in looking at the posters I have absolutely no idea what the film is about. Is it zombies, ghosts, terrorists, or just a film about somebody who gets stuck in cupboards and likes looking at waterfalls?


    A film poster needs to encourage people to watch the film who may not necessarily have heard of it before. To do this it needs to convey an impression of the subject matter, without giving too much away.

  6. Erm, people can still read Latin and Ancient Greek.

    Yes they can, myself included (to an extent). And people will still be able to read Welsh even if it is no longer used as a day-to-day language.


    The point is that a language falling out of mainstream use does not mean that its cultural history will be lost.


    Having Welsh signs in your store and a staff member that speaks Welsh doesn't cost anything. In fact, most companies provide a Welsh service just out of courtesy.

    If your business produces lots of documentation and is required by law to maintain Welsh versions of eveything, there will be an ongoing cost in relation to the employment of translators or native speakers. It may not matter much for a corner shop, but for a large web-based business the expense could be considerable.


    No one is forcing anyone to do anything, it's the Welsh speakers who want th right to speak Welsh in their own country, just like the French would expect to b able to use French in their country, and the Germans, and Spanish, ecetra.

    They already have the right to speak it. What they seem to be asking for is the right to be understood in it, which is something completely different.


    I have the right to speak in Latin if I wish, however I cannot expect service providers to use the language just because I refuse to use anything else.

  7. There are thousands upon thousands of books, plays, poetry, and so on that would be lost forever if Welsh were to die out. Imagine if that happened to English; everything you've ever enjoyed through that language, be it books, computer games, music, movies, ecetra, having all the meaning in them either partly of entirely wiped out because people no longer understand it.

    Just like nobody can understand Homer, Virgil and Pliny because nobody speaks Latin or Ancient Greek anymore?


    The Welsh speakers are taking steps to change that, and now have a law whereby every public service must be provided in Welsh, we have a Welsh TV channel, and will soon have a law forcing every commercial company to supply a service in Welsh.

    I'm sure that will do wonders for the Welsh economy. Has anyone investigated the cost of maintaining a duplicate Welsh version of every resource alongside the loss of simply not trading in Wales?


    English is handy for talking to people whose second language is also English. Most of the world’s population has shown themselves fully capable of speaking two languages without any trouble. The only people who want English as the only language on earth must have a real inferiority complex.

    Most people do not want to actively eradicate minority languages, but forcing people to use them simply to keep them in the mainstream is an emotional decision, not a rational one.

  8. There is difference between learning from the past and using that past as the sole reason to continue doing something (or allowing others to do it with impunity), when there is no other reason to do so.


    Knowledge is power, and humans should be keen to amass as much knowledge as possible, whether it comes from analysis of past events or observations in the present, but the whole concept of "tradition" is an entirely stupid and irrational excuse for refusing to discard outdated practices.

  9. Culture is OK when it is referring to art or music, but all too often it is used to justify inhumanity and aggression. As in, we shouldn't be against beating your spouse/mutilating your children's genitals/the death penalty/creationism because it is "part of [someone's] culture".

  10. Old motherboards and AGP is not a problem - no one has those anymore, at least in the DooM 3/Quake IV players area.



    Actually a great many people are still running AGP motherboards. Upgrading from AGP to PCI-E basically requires a new PC, and only a hardcore gamer is going to get a new PC just to upgrade their graphics card.


    It is true that more or less all new PCs will come with PCI-E, but the majority of people running PCs in their homes will not have blisteringly new models.

  11. I had my eye on the 6800 GS, which is very good for price/performance but unfortunately it's a PCI Express card and I still have AGP.


    Looks like I have to stick with ATI, possibly the X800 XL will be my next investment (although my current 9800 XT is still perfectly competent and faster than the stock Geforce 6600, although not the 6600 GT). Not that ATI are bad, I think their cards are probably better but they don't have quite such good drivers.

  12. Everywhere.


    And that's the problem. Implement silhouetting and suddenly the whole stealth advantage goes out of the window.


    If you want it that realistic, it would be easier just to scrap the stealth code and let any AI see you if it is looking in your direction, like vanilla D3. In real life this is more or less what would happen.

  13. It's going nowhere because you are arguing about two different things.


    You are arguing that free, unrestricted access to drugs would be a bad thing, which is true.


    Obscurus is arguing that the prohibition on heroin as a prescription drug is inconsistent with other painkillers being permitted, which is presumably also true (although I lack the knowledge to confirm it).


    I don't think anybody would seriously argue that all drugs should be accessible to anybody, since the government is considered to have a duty of care towards its citizens which it would be abandoning by doing this (although there is a perfectly valid libertarian position that people should be allowed to make their own choices, in practice this does not always work).

  14. True, it might not be perfect, but at least the act of forcing politicians to provide a logical justification would improve the intelligence of laws over the current level of "Terrorist! Paedophile! Danger! Evil!" waffle that we have to endure.

  15. If I were founding a new country now, I would make it part of the written consitution that all laws passed must be supported by a published and challengable "chain of reasoning", starting from the axioms ("Human suffering should be minimised", etc) right through to the conclusion ("Murder must be illegal"). Any glaring errors in the chain of reasoning could be challenged and if successful, the law would collapse.


    Politicians would therefore have to pass laws that make sense, rather than using the hysterical buzzwords and emotional manipulation they use now.

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