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Posts posted by OrbWeaver

  1. And ideally, there will be a standardized set of instructions for doing this.


    This functionality could be integrated into GarrettLoader. If the Thief games were already installed, and GL knew about them (which it would), it could automatically copy the SND.CRF into the right place. If not, it could prompt the user to insert the Thief CD and copy the files itself.

  2. If we are talking primarily about the ambient sounds, then I think a script to convert SND.CRF into something.pk4 would be the best way forward. It would have to create a new zip because the WAVs need to be under /sounds (I think), but this is certainly possible.


    However, as ZB points out, who the hell is going to care (or even notice) about some old Thief sounds being distributed in an FM? Perhaps the tool could be used by an author to get access to the sounds, but they could still be "unofficially" distributed with the FM.

  3. I can see two sticking points with this approach:


    1) If the mission author was to avoid copyright infringement by distributing his mission, it would be necessary for all players to have the Thief game installed as well as Doom 3 and the Dark Mod, which seems unduly burdensome when the author could just have used original content and avoided the issue.


    2) The old Thief assets would be noticeably inferior in quality to what players familiar with the Doom 3 engine are expecting. Textures and models would be a non-starter, while sounds might be OK but even those are probably poorer quality to what TDM players will be used to.


    Obviously, it may be that this is not even technically feasible (I don't know whether the SDK allows you to load different formats) in which case these points are moot. What WOULD be possible is to create a custom script that converts the SND.CRF into a PK4, so that the sounds can be imported manually, but I don't know how many authors would want to do this when they would not legally be able to distribute the resulting mission.

  4. What i would have loved to have seen in T3 is the body screaming when it doubles over in the way bodies aren't meant to double over.


    Why? Dead or unconscious bodies don't scream in real life.


    It would have been better to get the animations right as oDDity points out, rather than masking their deficiencies by sacrificing yet more realism.

  5. I meant it did not look very good, not that it was too slow. I found that the light in the sky seemed to expand and contract in a very unconvincing manner as I looked around, although perhaps this was how it was meant to look.

  6. Anyone played this yet?


    The HDRI does not really work on my Radeon 9800 but it looks nice in Bloom mode. There were also some nice shiny effects on some materials - I guess this would be available through the gloss map mod in D3.


    Pity it was so short though, the outdoor environments in Source look really nice.

  7. Anyone ever notice that Atheists are just as zelous and overbearing with thier DISbelief as thiests with thier belief?


    Just an observation.


    That depends on the athiest.


    I don't believe in god, but I certainly don't presume to tell others what they should believe, and I accept the possibility that there could be a god that nobody knows about.

  8. Yeah right. If he were in two minds as to whether God existed or not he wouldn't be calling for a total cull of all world religions.


    Not true. Being against organised religion does not mean being against the idea the possible of god(s). In fact it would be possible to have a strong belief in a supreme being and still be against the idea of earthly institutions telling other people what to believe.

  9. But you don't have to be high up to be able to abuse power. I have worked in the Civil Service doing IT support, and with a root account I could view anybody's files or email in the whole department if I had wanted to. Although the particular department I worked for had little relevance to the ordinary citizen, imagine if I had been supporting the ID card database or something.


    That's the problem people don't consider - not senior managers calling in favours and wielding their power, but lowly grunts with access to information that could be abused.

  10. Exactly. But the masses don't understand that.


    I was actually discussing this issue with my brother once, and he simply would not believe that the government would ever abuse its powers, because they would just have to be trustworthy with something so important.


    People have this perception that the government is a sort of superentity - a supreme being without human weaknesses. They totally ignore the fact that the government and authorities are staffed by ordinary people who can, do and will abuse the powers they are given to do their jobs.

  11. I would think that this would get to people and motivate some political change, since we do generaly wish to keep our freedoms and be left alone, yet citizens keep electing the same people by a narrow majority. Part of it is probably the politics of fear.


    A lot of people just believe the propaganda - they are that stupid. The number of posts on the BBC "Have your say" section in defence of this kind of stuff is astonishing. They just trot out the retarded old argument "the innocent have nothing to fear" as if it was actually true.


    What they really mean is "only people who look like Muslims have something to fear", which is largely accurate. I bet if the terrorist attacks were committed by rich white guys their opinions would be very different.

  12. Warren was certainly not saying that games cause violence. He was saying that games like GTA give gamers and publishers a bad name, and don't contribute anything to our culture.


    A very different argument, and one with which I agree. Not that I think such games should be banned, I just wouldn't buy or play them.

  13. Well Slashdot is certainly not averse to posting anti-"war-on-terror" material, so I don't suppose that was the reason. Probably because a) it is Britain, rather than the USA, and B) because it hasn't actually passed yet, it is just going through the process (although they do sometimes post things that haven't yet come to pass).

  14. I have to agree with obscurus to an extent. Much as I dislike the censorship and oppression of the Chinese government, I hate the lies and hypocrisy of western governments a whole lot more.


    Plus, at least the Chinese government implements its policies because it believes them to be in the national interest of China, rather than the US and UK governments that implement policies because they benefit corporate America.

  15. I don't suppose it will be long before some corporate turd decides that turning off AutoPlay is illegal.


    Not that they will get anywhere. As far as I know the DMCA has gone to court twice in the USA - once by Lexmark, attempting to prevent other companies from refilling their cartridges, and once by a garage door manufacturer who wanted to outlaw the sale of replacement remote controls for their doors.


    Both lost.

  16. The funny thing is, America with its Bill of Rights still ends up as one of the most draconian regimes in the western world. I think there are two main things that prevent the UK from going too far down that road, even though there is no formal Bill of Rights.


    1) Very good media, such as the BBC, that is not afraid to attack the government where necessary. The jingoistic fuming of Fox News and the like simply don't happen over here to any notable extent.

    2) The parliamentary system which requires all new laws to be debated (not just voted for - properly debated) several times before they can be passed, allowing compromises to be made following criticism from the opposition (or even the government's MPs). There is also no special power granted to the Prime Minister - no veto or anything like that.


    I guess things like the EU and the European Court of Human Rights help to some extent as well.

  17. I wonder if it would be possible to write a program/driver/service that would ensure that anything launched via AutoPlay would run with reduced privileges, under a special sandbox userid. There could then be an option to run the program with normal/Admin privileges if the user actually needed to (such as when installing a program).

  18. Most of the 9-5 tools are being oppressed from useful thought by being conditioned throughout life to get an education for a job in which they repeat the same meaningless cycle everyday and only spend their offtime recovering or entertaining themselves and giving no effort to expand their mind or change their wasted life.


    Of course. Why do you think the government is so keen to introduce more "vocational" qualifications, and dumb down the entire education system with stupid league tables that nobody wants?


    Because an uneducated populace with no capacity for rational thought does not present an obstacle to the government's desire to extend its power.

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