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Posts posted by islipaway

  1. Hehe, cheers Baddcog. It wasn't supposed to be a proper track bike in the sense of velodrome, more a street fixed gear for a courier type character I am 'working' on so no need for it to all be NJS certified! Short straight bars are great for in between cars, clips just look cool to me and I don't think quill stems look right on non lugged frames.

  2. Hey cheers for setting this up! I am interested in contributing fairly small stuff (at least at first). I have been using 3d packages for a few years on an on-and-off basis and would love to help you guys out with your awesome project and develop my own skills to a more professional level. At the moment I can model, UV, texture (diffuse, specular) and rig. I understand how normal mapping works but have not actually implemented it with more than the nvida filter, so that's one area I am a bit behind!


    I am sure you guys will have a list or a general idea of all the props and such you need but I have been thinking up some stuff myself and if it's not been tackled already...

    One level area that sticks in my mind from I think thief two was a city top green house, so basically gardening tools, potted plants, sprinkler system would be something I'd like to contribute if there's a choice and I make it through your art test!


    EDIT: Just thought I would add in a couple of images.




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