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Posts posted by Maijstral

  1. Why has this man allways gray hair and sports around like a young man?! I never played the series but I heard this game is mostly about having sex with NPCs...


    His hair turned white/gray when he was undergoing the process that turned him into a witcher. I've only played the first Witcher game, and there's quite a bit of sex if you choose to do that. I've watched Let's Plays of the second game, and there is much less sex as far as I could tell. The games' stories are mainly about Geralt being caught up in struggles between contending organizations or political powers but also with personal storylines woven into the main story of a game. And there's lots and lots of killing of monsters and bad guys.


    I really like the world and the characters. I've read one of the Witcher books ("The Last Wish") and have a couple more("Blood of Elves" and "The Time of Contempt") that I plan to read soon.

  2. Do you know who voiced the Hammer Haunts, jtr7? I'm guessing that the voice might be Dan Thron and the laughter Joffrey Spaulding, but the manipulation makes it tough to tell.

  3. People here have probably already read this thread at ttlg, but ThePhotoshop(Dan Hindes of Sneaky Bastards) has quite a bit to say about NuThief. Of all the people in the gaming press(I should qualify that--of all the people I've read in the gaming press but I don't really read much of the gaming press), he's probably the closest to my views on Thief.




    "Eidos Montreal appears to have a different understand of the concept of 'immersion' than that which has come to the surface via twenty years of design practices in actual immersive sims. For them, immersion is mutually exclusive to subtlety; everything must be animated, everything must be visualised, everything must be put directly in front of the player. The broader, more ambiguous factors that contribute to immersion - a sense of place through consistent locations; a sense of character through defined, context-free control verbs - are apparently less important."

    • Like 2

    Dude, your being too picky on the tiniest of quirks! 0_o


    But these sorts of quirks aren't tiny for a lot of people. The game is wresting control from the player, and that's immersion-breaking for many players.

    • Like 2
  5. So much...STUFF! And they couldn't just make the best Thief game ever underneath it all, on top of it all, in spite of it all.



    Nope, they couldn't. I don't believe they were capable of it. So much of what they've done clearly demonstrates they don't understand Thief at all.

    • Like 2
  6. They've mentioned SR not fitting their character concept as one of their excuses, and that's the excuse I'm most inclined to believe. I don't think I've mentioned it on this board, but I do not like Cantin's Garrett AT ALL. One the previews says 3rd-person cutscenes constantly break your perspective, and if I hadn't already decided not to buy nuThief, that alone would have been a deal-breaker for me. tbh, it probably would have been a deal-breaker no matter what Garrett looks like because that sort of nonsense is so immersion-breaking, but the thought of having to watch emo-ninja Garrett frequently in cutscenes is appalling to me.

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  7. My guess is that they spent a lot of time playing TDS back when they were trying to turn Thief into a 3rd-person game, and that gave them a mistaken notion of what a Thief game should be. It may have also been the root of what led to Stephen Russell being replaced. They felt the need to create some "cool" visual representation of Garrett which ended up being an emo-ninja, and Stephen Russell's Garrett voice just didn't sound right to them coming from that thing.

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  8. From what I've heard so far in the trailers and demos, Romano Orzari's voice acting for NuGarrett is the second worst in the game. It's not just bad compared to Stephen Russell. It's bad enough that EM should have used someone else even if they decided they didn't want to use Stephen Russell.



    • Like 4
  9. Yep, the Baron is the lead Brother, apparently.


    And those lip moles are still making me wonder about their significance. It seems like an odd thing to put on so many main characters unless there's some reason beyond mere appearance. If it's a characteristic of the Baron's family, that could suggest some genetic link between the Queen of Beggars, the Baron, and Xiao Xiao. The QoB's mole is on the other side of the lip than the Baron's, so maybe she's from some other branch of the family that's in opposition to the Baron's line? I think it's interestng that she has teamed up with Garrett who just happens to have a scar on his upper lip on the same side as the QoB's mole.

  10. I slightly prefer Thief 1 for the enemy types, the plotline, and that the Thief world seems more expansive. I like more of the magical and supernatural in Thief. Thief 2 is a great follow-up though. I don't know if the lore supports it, but I've always considered Karras's creations to have involved some magic rather than being purely mechanical. Thief 2 Gold sounds like it probably would have been even more to my liking with the planned necromancer mission.

    • Like 1
  11. The child Baron has the same pattern of moles as the lead Brother of the Awakened. The placement doesn't appear to be exact but it's pretty close. Voice of the lead Brother seems to be the same as who I assumed to be the Baron in "The Uprising" trailer. The lead Brother resembles the Baron's statue enough that the statue could be from years earlier. The lead Brother is shaping up to be the Baron or possibly a sibling. The lip moles are odd--young Baron, mother(presumably) of the Baron, Queen of Beggars, lead Brother, Xiao Xiao. Some kind of family connection between all of them possibly?







  12. I don't recall if anyone official has said either is affiliated with them.


    Do you know if there are any images of Eastwick? Gaming press who saw the early demo must have seen Eastwick but I don't recall any descriptions of him.


    There's one of the trailers that I need to watch again to see if it has any relevance to the speculation.

    Okay, the guy talking about the old and the poor not holding back the evolution of the City in "The Uprising" trailer. Same voice as the the guy Channeling the Primal or not?

  13. You're probably right about the long final e pronunciation. I'm sure I understood the word as thistle-aids way back when, and that's likely what it is. I do know that I thought Viktoria was referring to Dyan and Larkspur when she used the term in that cutscene. I may have been mistaken but it made sense to me.

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