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Posts posted by Carnage

  1. I thought you do have a "light gem" of sorts? It's that little blue light on your watch that turns on when you're visible and turns off when you're not (diegetic UI ftw).

    Isn't that just with Exodus, the last game? Don't think it's in the old games.


    It's a shame that there aren't more developers that release these kind of games.

  2. Yes lights and shadows certainly matter. There will be parts with monsters that you can handle with stealth, in Cursed station for example. But more ways would certainly make the game even better yes. I think there are like four more big waves and the rest can be done by stealth. Great to hear you like the game. You'll certainly like Last Light then, because it has a lot more stealth.


    When you get to Polis (which is still very far away) make sure you stock up on filters. You'll be going outside for a long time after it and I really had problems with my air supply because I forgot to do it and died several times in the process.

  3. No, I couldn't afford the silencer. :( Also en route I regularly search everywhere, even going into side rooms and back rooms while Bourbon waits. I doubt I missed much in the way of filters but I'll have to try again.


    Can one really reload different checkpoints? I only see the option to load the last one. I think I probably have to reload the chapter when he first comes up into Moscow.

    Yeah, I think reloading the chapter is the only way. After the wave you'll be able to find quite a few more filters on bodies and in hostile stations, and you won't need your gas mask for some time. If you reload the chapter, look in the hall at the beginning in the top right room for a key, with which you can open a safe upstairs. The entrance to upstairs is through a door near the escalators (be careful for the trip wires).


    There are quite a few 'secret' locations, that I haven't been able to find. But time is scarce, when you are outside. Even now on my second playthrough I miss keys and story notes.

  4. OK, that worked thanks - though why running to Bourbon does anything I've no idea! I'd have never thought of that.


    Now I'm out in Moscow and doing reasonably, get separated from Bourbon, now I'm really using stealth. I've never yet killed a demon in the air no matter how many shots I fire, but I've killed one twice by creeping up behind it on the ground then either shotgun or throwing knife (which I retrieved.) Met up again with Bourbon and of course, stealth ends because he struts around with light on. Waves of monsters I can just about handle except out of filters so no chance of surviving that checkpoint. Except maybe, the compass points left but Bourbon stands to the right. Maybe I should try sneaking behind him to that area first. Otherwise, is reloading the chapter and searching for filters my only option?

    When you look behind you see some doors opening during those visions. You never really see anything though. I actually ran in the opening and got killed, so found out that the other way was the only way to go.


    Where you meet up with Bourbon (close to the gate) are some more filters if I remember correctly. After that wave you go underground again. If you can't make it though, you might have to reload a different checkpoint. Once Bourbon starts running away, do the same as well (I think this is when the two demons arrive). Don't try to take on the demons. When you are in an area where you have to use a gas mask, try to search, but also try not to lose too much time. If you are in a safe station always try to check how much filters (time) you have, and stock up on some if needed.


    I've only killed a demon right at the end of the game. Otherwise I just run and hide, and try to avoid them.


    During some waves underground when you are with someone else, you can actually turn off your flashlight and find a 'dark' corner, and let them handle most of the problems.


    Something to be careful of, is that the game sometimes uses your 'money' bullets. You'll know this happens when your enemies start to catch fire when you shoot them. Not sure why, but it can be pretty annoying if you don't notice it.


    Edit: There will be a lot more stealth after this wave. Hopefully you have at least one weapon with a silencer (like a pistol). It's not needed, but can make some situations a bit easier. If you want to be able to decide between a good or bad ending (even though the second game continues with the bad ending), also watch out for people that you might be able to help before they get killed.

  5. I'm following Bourbon and reached a graveyard with flies. Bourbon is trying to wind up a gate but he sounds mental as though affected by something. Keep getting white outs. Tried gas mask to no effect. Can't see anything that kills me nor what to do. Bourbon says 'remember our agreement' but all I can remember is maybe to watch his back? Whichever way I look I see no enemies except maybe the flies. Is this where I should burn some webs? Can't see any way to help him wind up the gate faster. I crouch before it pressing forward but never get under it even at its max.


    Is there any kind of logical solution that I'm missing? Maybe search more bodies and find a silver bullet?

    Don't get 'sucked' in by the 'entity' in that room. Run to Bourbon when you get those weird 'visions'. If you also listen yourself breathing very heavy (gasping for air), you might have to change the filter of your gas mask (the game usually tells you when it's time to change filters though). Certainly search all the bodies for ammo, filters, etc. but it's not needed to continue.


    Don't forget to take of your gas mask when it's not needed, because it can break during fights. You can find 'new' gas masks on bodies and in lockers when yours is damaged.

  6. Well... the first 10 minutes of Metro 2033 Redux showed me once again that i'm really getting too old for this kind of thing. Older shooters also didn't have such excessive waves of enemies. I really like the atmosphere, but, the gameplay, mhm... might try it again another time, but, i don't think that kind of game is for me anymore.

    Yeah, the first bit can be a bit hectic, but it really does get better a bit further in. The game starts where it almost ends, which explains the huge wave. There will still be some waves of enemies occassionally, but most parts you can play how you like. Hopefully you'll able to see through that first part in the future, because IMO it really becomes a great game afterwards.


    The level design in the metro could also be great for some horror style TDM levels.


    Mmm... I got through so far in that track cart. 2 checkpoint reloads and it seemed hopeless with the limited ammo but seemed to lash out and did reasonably well. Some confusion about controls. How to put weapon away? Decided it's just auto when combat is over. What that lighter is for I dunno. Someone shouted something about a flamethrower? The lighter came up either auto or by accident with me hitting controls. Something worked but I didn't properly see any flamethrower. Got a feeling it's just helping you through these early stages but there's some blundering to be done first. Odd that my character never seems to speak.


    Certainly looks good and with a different style. Grim.

    Great that you got that far Fidcal. From now on the game will change the pace a bit, with occassional waves of enemies and more stealth. The weapon you can't holster I think. The lighter is for burning spider webs, but there is only one time you really have to use it, because you won't be able to continue if you don't (you'll know the moment). Try to explore different routes, even if you are with someone else, because otherwise you might miss some good stuff. The flamethrower is after the cart chase, when you run to the safe station, but it's someone else using it. Keep a look out for keys (they have a red key ring), because you can open safes with those and get some nice goodies.

  7. The Metro screenshots reminded me a lot of the Stalker games, which is one of my favorite series of the 2000s, and I'm hearing good things about then. So I'll probably pick them up at some point on sale.

    It's been a long time ago that I have been so addicted to a game and I usually avoid shooters, because they are not my kind of thing. The setting obviously helps, but that doesn't mean gameplay doesn't matter to me. Can't wait to play Exodus once I have a computer that can run it <_<. In other news, they are working on a Stalker 2. At the moment there is just a website with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 /

  8. Nice. I have the normal version, not the Redux version.

    As far as I can find it has the Spartan mode as well. The Redux version is mostly graphical improvements, but there are some other level changes as well. Stealth also seems to be a bit more easy in Redux on the normal difficulties.


    If the game isn't your bag, I definitely recommend the books by Dmitry Glukhovsky. I've only played Last Light, but it was pretty good. Looking forward to Exodus soon

    Last Light is in my opinion the best of the first two games, as it adds more stealth. Exodus seems to expand on this. Will certainly read the novel as well.

  9. I actually have Metro 2033 (or what it is called) in my Steam games, i bought it once during a sale for very cheap. The vids i watched of it seemed very hectic. Maybe i'm wrong. I'll give it a shot.

    If you have it, then I would certainly give it a go. But reserve judgement untill after about the first 30 minutes, because yes, those first 30 minutes can be hectic. I'm not sure if you have the redux version or the normal one, but in the redux version you also have the option to play 'Spartan' style, which gives you a lot more ammo and filters, so you don't have to worry about resource management.


    Once you start exploring the metro tunnels alone, the game starts to become a lot more stealth than shooter. Or you have the option at least to go that route.

  10. I'm too old for shooters... they stress me too much. The Fallout games are as hectic as it gets for me. Well, Return to Castle Wolfenstein is alright too. But, nowadays shooters are much more hectic than old school ones anyway.

    If you can play Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Fallout, then you won't have any problems with the Metro games :rolleyes:. I'm no fan of shooters either, but I don't see Metro as a traditional shooter.

  11. I'm a huge fan of post-apocalyptic games. After almost finishing all (still have to finish the last) the Stalker games (tried playing the first game shortly after release, but it had loads of bugs and somehow I got stuck with a save starting a count down almost at the end, so never finished it and therefore never tried the rest) and playing with the endless amounts of mods it has to offer, I decided to give the Metro Redux games (2033 and Last Light) a go. I tried playing Metro 2033 when it was released in 2010 but couldn't get into it because I found it too scary. After the release of Exodus (which I haven't played yet, as my laptop can't run it) I decided to give the redux versions of the first two games a go.


    I'm glad that I did, because the games and the story are awesome. I finished both within a week and will be playing both again shortly, because I discovered that your choices kind of matter for a good and bad ending. I got a good ending with Last Light, but missed a few things and with 2033 I never got to decide between a good and bad ending, which means I don't have enough moral points.


    The best parts of the games are the story, resource management and the stealth elements. I played the game with the 'Survival' style on normal difficulty and you really have to make your shots count as ammo is scarce. You also have to be very carefull with your filter usage, as those are limited as well. Occassionally you can stock up on ammo and filters (which you have to buy) in 'safe' stations and you can find ammo and filters on bodies. There where several times during the games (mostly during the first one) that I almost ran out of bullets and/or air and then you are rushing to find bodies that can give you a short life line.


    The stealth is also done really well and gave me a lot of satisfaction. You have to turn off light sources, stick to the shadows as much as possible and watch the amount of sound you make. You can modify your weapons in stations to aid you with this, such as adding silencers. I recommend trying to knock out enemies whenever possible though if you want a good ending. Because the ammo is scarce and the amount of enemies is most of the time overwhelming, you're kind of obligated as well to go the stealth route.


    If any of you haven't played these games yet, then I really encourage you to do so. Metro 2033 (the first game) might take about 30 minutes to get into and really enjoy, but once you're left on your own the approach turns more to stealth and it becomes really great. There are some scripted moments that you can't tackle with stealth, which where the only moments that I didn't like, but those are scarce and most of the time you can decide how you continue your mission.


    If you want to give Metro Exodus a go, then you really have to play the first games to understand the story. I saw a small gameplay video of Exodus, and I am really happy to see that it's a great game that continous the epic story line. It's an Epic store exclusive though, which might turn some people off.


    The first game is based on a novel by they way, so maybe something interesting as well if you like the story.

  12. I had an early impression from what I remember of the first argument that her kids were either missing or dead yet she bemoans someone else (presumably an ex-lover/husband?).


    The overall concept of this game is good but they're not very good at conveying the story intelligibly and with clarity.


    Now I know solving a mystery is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle but here I got no overview, no backbone story onto which to fit the pieces

    As far as I know there is just the husband, Michael (who also was her co-worker). He got killed I think in the bombing. The same bombing at the end of the prologue, so that probably explains why the woman is at the location later on.


    I found the switch also pretty abrupt yes. A little explanation would have certainly helped there.


    Did you read all the readables? Most of the story is explained in them and they usually contain some hints as well about where to go next. I'm not a big fan of sharing the story or important information in readables that you can miss though. Exactly for the same reason that you feel the story is disjointed.


    Now the important question though. Would you recommend it based on your experience and when knowing the shortcomings of the game?

  13. Thank you for your indept thoughts Fidcal. I watched a gameplay video of the prologue mission you are talking about and largely agree with the things you describe.


    - I think the reason why you are sneaking into the building you work, is because you are trying to leak information and if people would see you, you would be one of the prime suspects.

    - In the video I saw, some tips where given about opening your notes which has an objective and clues are given based on notes you find or conversations that you listen to, so it does seem to guide you a little.

    - The story is being narrated based on something that has happened, so while I do agree it can be confusing sometimes, I did understand the person you are playing was the woman after the first narration.

    - What are your thoughts about the multiple entry points? For example the different ways you can enter the office in the prologue mission?

    - Saves only occur after finishing a chapter, but the devs are talking about maybe adding a save on exit option.

  14. [EDIT- Oh, wait! I didn't realise it's already out. I might download this tonight...]


    If you do, please share your thoughts. If I read a review correctly, it is possible that you miss important information, like from a computer. But I don't how much this will affect the story itself. Movement is pretty restricted, no climbing, jumping off ledges and that sort of stuff.

  15. I would imagine it's hard in the beginning to figure out what the game lets you do and what not.

    Yeah that's one thing that was mentioned in a negative review. It doesn't explain a lot, and as you have a fixed-time, you could potentially miss stuff. IMO it does give it potential replay value and isn't that how real life works as well :D. Most of the current generation of 'kids' seem to like games that hold their hand, so I kinda read those sort of reviews with a pinch of salt.


    Also something that could be a potential no for some people is the save system. It only saves after a 'chapter' is finished and as these can take up to an hour to complete, it could lead to frustration. Especially if the game crashes due to a bug or when real life calls. But like Judith said, the devs are working on patches.

  16. This game looks quite interesting. It combines stealth with investigations. You have a fixed-time of four hours to complete your investigation. The reviews on steam aren't very positive, which mainly is because of the bugs it still has, but most of the people are very positive about the mechanics (when they work as intended). For a four hour game I also find it a bit too expensive, so it's maybe best to wait for a steam sale. Here's a short video that explains the game:



    Edit: The game has already been released, but because of potential spoilers I added an older video.

    • Like 2
  17. I had no idea this was going on for such a long time. Just the other day I was asking myself what had happened to some past prominent members of this community and always just thought it was the normal private life becoming more important. It's a shame it had to come to this, as BD helped so many people, but that obviously doesn't mean that he should get a free pass to do what he wants. I know how much time is involved in making even a small map and then seeing your own vision changed or copied by another person without permission, I understand the anger this could induce. I've read some comments where people said that maybe it could have been done differently (not banning BD), but IMO you should be able to expect some common decency from people on the forum and in everyone's mind should be an unofficial gentlemen's agreement to respect the work of other people. Playing police is always an option of course, but if it has to come to that, then it has already gone too far. In all the years I've been part of this forum, I think just a few members have been banned from this forum and they always received enough opportunities to change, which is also again the case with BD. I respect him and all the work he has done for this community, but a ban was the only choice really.

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  18. The reviews are not half bad, but I am gonna wait for a sale. I have a huge Steam-backlog, so I almost never buy games at release price.

    I played it at a friend of mine and it's quite enjoyable. It certainly has some flaws but the developers seem to be listening and are releasing patches. As far as I know there are two neighbourhoods at the moment. The good thing is that the game doesn't take itself very serious and I like the humor (for example, "the owners of 112 don't want to fix their window because they think it is fine, go smash a window"). The start is bit tedious, because you don't have a lot of tools yet and therefore some houses are impossible to enter. But once you get most of the tools the possibilities open up a lot. AI is the worst part of the game and certainly needs some fixing. Routines sometimes don't make sense either (for example some people work nightshifts, but then when they come home they don't go to the bed and actually never sleep). The suspense is the best part of the game, especially when you're robbing a home when the owners are at home. Performance seems to be dropping after a while, which seems to be a common issue of Unity games, but is pretty good in general. All in all it's a game that I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would, but waiting for a sale is probably the best thing to do (especially with the christmas sales coming up).

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  19. In my wife's family home multiple people have experienced 'paranormal' encounters. There were footsteps in their pub (that's connected to their home), which three or four people heard. My wife's dad and my wife both had some spirit sit on or stand next to the bed and a friend of the family (who's sensitive to these kind of encounters) felt someone touch and move her leg when she was lying in her bed (it wasn't me :P). I've never experienced anything, even though I've lived there for about four years, but I do believe in these kind of things. Not really in the whole demon thing, but spirits/ghosts yes.

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  20. When I saw the title I thought about The Sting, where you had to plan your heists, hire people and watch your notority. Althought the last heist was a bit of a let down for me, I enjoyed the rest of the game, it's world and the funky characters. Still play it sometimes even though the graphics are horrible, but gameplay is what matters to me. The first game, The Clue, is also interesting and quite difficult. Also available for free if I'm not mistaking.


    This game looks alright, but I do wonder how they are going to keep it interesting. It will need some story, because just robbing houses will get boring fast.

  21. A FPS hitman style game has been released




    Comments in general are positive, but AI and length of the game are returning negative points. Graphics aren't awesome, but enjoyable and IMO shouldn't be a decider to play a game or not.


    First mission playthrough, but probably best to avoid if you're thinking about buying the game.



    Haven't played it myself, because I don't have a computer that's compatible with the system specs, but just wanted to share in case someone might be interested.

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