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Posts posted by Ladro

  1. The story was the reason that pushed me to finish the job.


    so i think you will not disappointed.


    WOW, my favorite mapper :laugh:


    Ciao Sterlino, sono contento di vederti qui :-)


    Any hope to see your creative soul to use TDM for mapping in the future?

  2. Great thread :laugh:


    I'm using more and more Ubuntu. On netbook (a Dell mini) i use Lubuntu, and/or the remix version, it's pretty fast.

    At home i have also a Debian testing too that i use as Desktop, but for maintenance and to have working stuff, it's better his derivative (Ubuntu), IMHO.

    On my home server (sites, fileserver, backup, KVM, etc etc) i use Debian too. Debian it's rock solid, and it's the ultimate barrier to mantain the freedom on FOSS world, and using Ubuntu, anyway we legitimate his mother, so Debian too.


    I don't like too some things that happened to Ubuntu in recent past (some relation in decisions with community that i don't liked), but as i see it remain the best choice as real big community based distro, with the enough mass to evolve and have some competition with the proprietary software world.


    I like a lot testing other distros (i liked in past Gentoo, but now i explore sometime Arch too, really a very good distro), but after all if you have to use fundamental software for some tipical desktop task, it's a littlbe bit too complicated (see "time consuming") have all working. I like to do that when i have my time to experiment or to explore and/or obtain exactly my customisation, but normally Ubuntu, IMHO, it's a good balance between a "geek" and reference working OS, also with some failure (as you right said, sound system, IE, or other minor problems).


    To play with TDM, or generally speaking, to play modern games on a Linux Box, i've seen that with Ubuntu i have a lot of success with minor efforts.

    In TDM i have some problem with the Menu GUI on installing mission, but rather then that, it's, IMHO, a lot better then working TDM on Windows.

    IE: on the same machine i have more fps on Doom3 (played with same graphic settings) working on Linux then Windows (about 5-6 fps more on Linux). On Linux i have the power of bash to tweak and/or find problems.

    The real problem to play TDM on Linux, IMHO, rest Graphic Drivers, if you use Ati cards. Now it's always better and better, and in the future we'll have a very good opensource driver (Ati opened a lot of source under NDA to Kernel developers) but in the (also recent) past closed Ati driver was really a NIGHTMARE

  3. DUDE crayon physics is AWESOME I stumbled upon it a while ago and had a blast, luckily I have a cintiq 12wx so I was able to enjoy it more.


    Crayon physics it's a beatiful and really creative play, i'm a fan too :-)

    (but i can play it only with Wine, it's pity he don't make a Linux version)

    With a good Wacom Graphictablet like your Cintiq, i think you enjoyed a lot more then with a mouse.


    This new prototype game named "Cut it" it's cool too: simple, creative, smart!

    I think he will make a new big Indygame like Crayon, with the same big success.


    I suggest to try it, it's only 5 MB, the rules are so simple, but it's really challanging and addictive.

  4. Ah, we should track this as bug and fix it. It should also work if you use a Linux texteditor!


    I agree.


    Before filling to the tracker, can you Tels (and/or others Linux users) confirm this problem/bug?


    You only have to edit the currentfm.txt (on the darkmod root) with nano or gedit inserting a directory of an installed mission that you already have played, then start the launcher to see if it's installed correctly.


    If you have the same problem, I fill this as a bug on the tracker right now.

    • Can you confirm that you cannot now play ANY Dark Mod FMs. If you can, then please describe the situation in which they DO work OK.


    I can play all FMs, now, without any problem.

    • Can you confirm that you are using a plain text editor to change currentfm.txt and not say Word.


    I used 2 standard Unix/Linux editor via shell: Vim and Nano. These are standard (and powerfull) editor, sure more then notepad :-)

    I also used Gedit from Gnome, but with the same (negative) results.

    Now I used notepad.exe (from Wine) to write the word of the Directory, and it's working. This was the solution of the problem, for me.

    • Is currentfm.txt definitely in the darkmod folder?


    • The darkmod folder is definitely in the doom3 folder?


    • When say, training mission fails, can you confirm that if you then look in the fms and game folder ALL the files are present as described above?

    It was not a fails of the mission loading, maybe I was not clear (sorry but I as you see, i speak very very badly in english): the problem was only that if i changed the currentfm.txt via an editor != of some Windows editor, then launcher cannot see that directory. But from menu it works always well, if he write "no mission installed" i was able always to re-install it from menu, it works.

    • Have you previously installed and played FMs OK but now they have stopped working?

    Previously and also now, i can play Fms without any problem.

    • Can you run tdm_update.exe in the darkmod folder and make absolutely sure that it says everything is uptodate when it finishes.

    My TDM it's up do date.

    • Since you are running Linux can you confirm your doom 3 folder is named .doom3 - that is with a full stop before doom3?

    Yes yes.

    • Have you any kind of file or folder read only protection or 3rd party software running that might interfere?

    No no. It was only a problem on editing the text file *without* a Windows text editor. Now I used Notepad.exe so it works :-)


    My problem it's solved, now.


    Thanks a lot for your support and help, I really appreciated. This community it's beatiful ;-)

  5. Do you know Petri Purho ?


    It's a talent guy from Finland, creating Indipendent (and innovative) smart games.

    This is his blog on prototyping games ( 1 game per month motto!):




    He released some year ago the original and now famous Crayon Physics:




    Then some day ago i've seen the new prototype he released for free:




    It's REALLY a cool game: original, with innovation, simple, challanging, creative. Try it.


    I'm addicted, i suggest to try it and subscribe his blog, there are really interesting works on game as more then a simple blockbuster thing as today is.:laugh::laugh:

    • Like 1
  6. Really thanks to Fidcal and all for great support! :-)


    This is *exactly* what I was searching:


    To Re-install (ie, 'make current') of any FM already installed as above:

    • Close Dark Mod
    • Edit darkmod\currentfm.txt in a plain text editor to one line reading:
    • name


    Run Dark Mod and the above FM should be ready to run from the New Missions menu.


    If config problem persists then include in both of the above:

    • Copy darkmod\DoomConfig.cfg to doom3\name


    But it's not working :-(


    If I only change the name on currentfm.txt file, it says always "no mission installed", and also, if I re-type the old (original working) name in that file, it not recover the old mission.


    An example to make all clearer:


    • I install, IE, the training mission form the TDM launcher menu (side effect: it breaks my resolution, color and mouse settings... when I exit from the game after the install)
    • Then i see that in the currentfm.txt it's written

    • Well: i change it with, IE,

      (Special Delivery mission, that i have already installed and played in the past)

    • I run TDMlauncher and it says
      No mission installed

      , so I exit form the launcher

    • Now if i re-write

      in the currentfm.txt, and i try to restart tdmLauncher, it says always

      No mission installed

    So I think that the Launcher make some update also some other config file.


    I also tried to compare (diff) DoomConfig.cfg files in Darkmod base directory, and also in some FM specific directory, but the differences are really tiny, here i compared the "delivery" specific directory, with the root Darkmod:

    < bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse15"
    < bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse14"
    > bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"
    > bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"
    < seta r_gamma "1.357143"
    < seta r_swapInterval "0"
    > seta r_gamma "1.52381"
    > seta r_swapInterval "1"
    < seta r_multiSamples "2"
    > seta r_multiSamples "0"
    < seta sys_videoRam "256"
    > seta sys_videoRam "0"

    UPDATE: i found the problem!

    If I save/edit the currentfm.txt file with Gedit or Nano or Vim, or any standard Linux text editor, then currentfm.txt it's not well suitable from the launcher.

    If I, otherwise, save/edit the currentfm.txt with notepad.exe (via Wine) then the launcher recognize the mission location. I was thinking that was a permission problem, but also with a 777 chmod the problem persists, so i tried with notepad, and now it works :-)


    It's really strange, maybe the launcher want some definition (Ms-dos style text) when reading from the plain/text file, I don't know, but now it works.

  7. Have you reported this issue to us before? If this is only happening to you, then perhaps we can help you figure out why you're losing these settings...rather than have to work around them. It shouldn't be happening, so clearly something is going on with your installation. I've never had that happen on my linux install.


    I reported the problem to the tracker some months ago, and the ticket it's closed.

    Greebo cannot do anything without the doom3 specific source:




    Anyway, it's not a big problem (i can play missions, that's the most important thing! :-) ), really, it's just annoyng. I think it's a problem for Ati+Linux users like me, (you know, closed Ati drivers + closed source doom, and here we are :-))


    So if i can make this little workaround I can install missions manually without everytime breaking my colors settings, mouse settings, sounds chops, etc etc... If I don't install a mission the Menu GUI works perfectly. The problem exist only if i install a mission, so when the menu quit and restart the game.

    It's a geek request, not the "best practice" :D

  8. You'd need to extract the fm to a subdirectory of /doom3/ then change currentfm.txt in the /doom3/darkmod/ directory to refer to that directory's name (and most likely also need the copy of it in your /fm directory if you want to use the menu to launch etc, but I haven't really looked)


    Mmmmh, it's not working on my machine.


    On my machine, it was currently installed "forest" NHAT part 3. On currentfm.txt file was present only the word "forest".


    Then i changed it to "heart" (the name of the directory of "The Heart of lone salvation", that i already have played, so i'm sure the working directory it's right), but when i start the Darkmod with menu, it's says "no mission installed". Maybe i have to update something more in some config file ?


    Maybe it's better if I explain *why* i want to install missions in this way (manually): on my machine (i'm with Linux) when I install a mission with the Darkmod GUI, I have some problem when TDM quit and restart (i lose the right resolution and color/gamma settings, problem with the sound, i lose all pre-existant setting for mouse sentivity, etc etc). Rather then that, the Darkmod GUI works really really well, I have some problems only on installing/changing mission to play. So to avoid this, i'd like to install mission manually or, on the future, install it manually with a simple script out of the game B)

  9. I was thinking if it's possible to manually install a mission *without* the DarkMod menu GUI.

    It's enough to create the folder with the right name in the /fm folder, or I have to update some specific files on TDM?


    It's there a file where is noted the current installed mission that i have to configure?


    Thanks in advance to all :rolleyes:


    Update: read the whole thread, now the problem/request it's solved :-)

  10. I tried to pass to the launcher from shell the "+seta etc etc" with this:


    .../.doom3/darkmod/tdmlauncher.linux +set sys_videoRam 256




    ...6 warnings
    terminal support enabled ( use +set in_tty 0 to disabled )
    pid: 24993
    2016 MB System Memory
    guessing video ram ( use +set sys_videoRam to force ) ..
    guess failed, return default low-end VRAM setting ( 64MB VRAM )
    64 MB Video Memory...


    Nothing :-(


    Update: the problem is present also with Doom3 Vanilla, always only 64 MB of VideoRam :-(

    I think it's a Doom3 problem (or min), anyway not TDM.


    Update 2::laugh:

    (see the first message of this htread)


    Thanks Tels for your collaboration, hope it helps other Linux TDM players :-)

  11. I've seen today on logs that when i launch TDM (on Linux) it says:


    guessing video ram ( use +set sys_videoRam to force ) ..
    guess failed, return default low-end VRAM setting ( 64MB VRAM )
    64 MB Video Memory


    I inserted the value "256" on Doom.cfg on base directory on doom3 and also on darkmod directory, but without any success, it alwasy say this line on launching the game.


    It's normal, or i can allocate all the ram of my videocard?


    It's useful to improve some performance, loading time, etc etc?



    The error was me :-)


    Simply I have to run the Linux Launcher *from* the real path (the working directory of darkmod), and not with an absolute path. So *not* like

    /home/user/.doom3/darkmod/tdmlauncher.linux +set sys_videoRam 256


    but with a simple:


    ./tdmlauncher.linux +set sys_videoRam 256


    from the darkmod directory in shell.


    Now i have 256 MB of Videoram allocated, the performance is visibile improved (i dont' know how exactly, but it's a couple of fps rendered more and the loading time shorter!)



     tdmlauncher.linux +set sys_videoRam 256


    terminal support enabled ( use +set in_tty 0 to disabled )
    pid: 24899
    2016 MB System Memory
    ====>256 MB Video Memory <====
    Async thread started



  12. Cool, I add it to our FAQ. Sorry for the invonvience, and enjoy your TDM :)


    I have the same problem, I opened a bug in tracker:




    The strange thing is that with the 1.01 vers. , this problem was not present.


    A temporary workaround that i use, it's to switch on/off from the sound menu "surround sound", to resume the sound correctly in game.

    The problem is present only when in menu, not in the game.

  13. Summary0002323: Problem with sound on menu: sometimes it stops and/or play with delay resuming a mission from menuDescriptionI have a problem with the 10.02 version of TDM on Linux: sometimes (it's random), when i jump from the in game loaded level to menu, the sound stops, istantly and if i resume the game, it go with a long delay (about 20 secs).


    To solve the problem, the workaround that i use for now, it's to switch on and off, the "surround sound" switch on the sound menu. If i go for on and off 2 o 3 times, then i resume the game and it works.


    I can play with the game, but this little bug it's really annoying when i go to the menu.Steps To ReproduceSometimes it start from the first load of TDM, sometimes it happen only after a level it's loaded.Additional InformationThis problem was not present with past versions, only with the 1.02 version, for the first day that i upgraded to 1.02 i have this little problem.

    I filled the problem here: http://bugs.angua.at/view.php?id=2323


    Anyone with the same problem on Linux ?


    Here's some log when i do switch on/off on surround sound:


    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 65532 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 49152 bytes
    missed 1 sound updates
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 65532 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 49152 bytes
    missed 1 sound updates
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes
    missed 1 sound updates
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 65532 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 49152 bytes
    missed 1 sound updates
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 21844 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 16384 bytes
    Shutting down sound hardware
    ----------- Alsa Shutdown ------------
    close pcm
    asoundlib version: 1.0.22
    Alsa is available
    ------ Alsa Sound Initialization -----
    opened Alsa PCM device default for playback
    device buffer size: 5461 frames ( 65532 bytes )
    allocated a mix buffer of 49152 bytes
    --------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
    Shutting down sound hardware

  14. OH MY GOD!


    This mission it's so beatiful!!!!




    For me it's really the BEST FM just until here. My congratulation to the creator, the story it's so simple, but so direct and effective, i really i like it: mystery, horror, some lovecraftian elements, but not too complicatad to suite, and a with LOT of atmosphere. A simple task to do in the mission (enter on an abandoned tower), simple objectives, but very well developed.


    For me it's a perfect mission, an example of TDM (but also any Thief) FM creation!


    The final part:



    the passage via ropes to exit from the crypt it's really pure art!



    But also:



    The begin with the explosion of the upper level and the arrival of zombies are so cute and atmospherical!



    I was surprised by the high quality level of this map. The architecture it's not at the top of what it can be done with TDM (i suppose), but IMHO it's really incredible that for a contest someone can achive a so high level of mapping!


    Another time: my super congratulation Sotha!

    You are now noted in my personal notebook of FM Master creators, and i really wait for other missions like this jam by you!




    I am a big fan of immersion and death always breaks it - for me the ideal mission is where you can always recover from mistakes - sure, they take time (like climbing backup again, walking around the otherway, kill monster) but you can recover.


    I TOTALLY agree here, 100%.

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