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Posts posted by ThomasSmith

  1. I was wondering whether there would be interest in making the dark mod (which is now a standalone game, based on the id Tech 4 game engine) into a modular game, and have the dark mod made into a mod/plugin that can be added to the game/game engine. The idea is to make a platform for making games -so that people can simply make a game by making a mod and then implement it to the modular game (lets call it the OS FPS for ease of reference). While this is all ready possible (id Tech 4 and some other game engines like id Tech 3 / Enemy Territory engine, Cube, Cube 2, Tesseract, ...), vehicle capability is not yet standardly introduced* to these game engines, not are the ability to use large maps; in some cases, system requirements are also high.

    The project outline can be found at http://sourceforge.n...heosfpsproject/


    Note that, while I envision the system requirements to be lower than what they are with the Dark Mod presently, some mods/plugin content like the Dark Mod can be kept as is (so requiring higher system requirements). The vehicle capability won't be actively used in the Dark Mod plugin content neither, but this extra code won't significantly reduce efficiency neither. The other games/plug-ins I'm focusing can take full advantage of this then, and focus more on the type of games I wish to pursue with this project.


    I nonetheless think however that the id Tech 4 engine can nonetheless be a good game engine to use as for the OS FPS. This as the system requirements are not all that high (much higher than Battlefield Heroes or AssaultCube but still within a margin as long as a good GPU is used -see http://www.game-deba...9&game=Doom%203 -), and the engine is open-source. Large maps perhaps won't be too much of a problem neither (Enemy Territory uses rather large maps too -smaller than battlefield but still- and despite that, still runs fluid even on relatively slow(er) PC's). I'm also guessing (please confirm this) that for id Tech 4 games, there are also sufficient game development software. I got that impression from the ET Legacy site -see http://www.etlegacy.com/ -

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