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Posts posted by dominoid

  1. I think you could do this and avoid the double save:


    // f4 cycles between saving to 3 files

    set save1 "savegame QuickSave1; set savebind vstr save2; set loadbind vstr load1"

    set save2 "savegame QuickSave2; set savebind vstr save3; set loadbind vstr load2"

    set save3 "savegame QuickSave3; set savebind vstr save1; set loadbind vstr load3"

    set savebind vstr save1

    bind f4 "vstr savebind"


    // f9 cycles between loading from 3 files

    set load1 "loadgame QuickSave1"

    set load2 "loadgame QuickSave2"

    set load3 "loadgame QuickSave3"

    set loadbind vstr load1

    bind f9 "vstr loadbind"


    I think I will edit my program to create/append the AutoExec.CFG file automatically instead of what I am doing now.




  2. Hey, thanks. Good to have a backup quick-save. So, if I have the backup-setting '5', does that mean that I will have five different quicksaves? (if I hit 'quickSave' five times)



    Thanks, man! That´s a feature I always wanted to ask for, but always forgot to do it. Should be implemented in the Mod I think, at least the more save-files.


    Hmm, what/how to edit this if I want only the last made quicksave to be quickloaded or quickloaded at first? (f.e. if only 2, but not 3 quicksaves were made so far, I mean simply editing the load-order would be not the solution to this...)


    Ok, I played around and got it working. With the following, the normal quicksave is made at the same time resulting in a second 'Game Saved'-message and there is no cycle-quickload, so the last quicksave is loaded always. If sth went wrong, go to the menu and select an older quicksave. This is what I like to do. :) Sure this is not perfect, just my silly attempt:


    // f4 cycles between saving to 3 files
    set save1 "savegame QuickSave1; set savebind vstr save2"
    set save2 "savegame QuickSave2; set savebind vstr save3"
    set save3 "savegame QuickSave3; set savebind vstr save1"
    set savebind vstr save1
    bind f4 "vstr savebind;savegame quick"
    // f9 cycles between loading from 3 files
    //set load1 "loadgame QuickSave1; set loadbind vstr load2"
    //set load2 "loadgame QuickSave2; set loadbind vstr load3"
    //set load3 "loadgame QuickSave3; set loadbind vstr load1"
    //set loadbind vstr load1
    //bind f9 "vstr loadbind"


    As you see, I´ve taken out the whole cycle-quickload-code, so F9 should be binded to QuickLoad again in the menu. I didn´t tested what happens if you bind F9 to both load-methods...


    Do those commands get entered in the console? Or where do they go? Can they be entered in a CFG file? Couldn't you leave the "savegame quick" off the bind and only get one saved game?



  3. Looks like we might be good. Your second error is part of my script that looks to the system registry to retrieve the location of the Doom3 install. Of course that doesn't exist in Linux so the error is occurring. I will add some error trapping to that section of code on Thursday and you can retry it if you'd like


    Thanks - Dominoid

  4. It is simply a program that monitors the save games folder of the active Dark Mod FM. When it detects a new Quick Save, by file date time stamp, it create a duplicate copy of the save file and the screenshot file on a rotating name basis.



    *Those are some HUGE files BTW.


    The manner in which it does it makes the save games loadable directly from inside the Dark Mod. There is no direct interaction with the Dark Mod itself.



  5. So I was reading the forums yesterday and hearing about people encountering the dreaded "Quick Save Bug" and I was grateful that I had never encountered it before. Sure enough last night while playing the FM Betrayal, I crashed to desktop and my save was corrupt. I'm the quick save only kind of player and I was devastated. I vowed to never be at this bug's mercy again. So today I made a little program to help alleviate the situation.


    I present to you my Dark Mod Front End. I was originally going to call it The Dark Mod Quick Save Bug Destroyer or something similar, but I figured if the community embraces it in the least I would expand upon it and turn it into a more robust "Front End" type application with additional functions and features.


    There really isn't a whole lot to it. Here is a screenshot:





    What the program does is scan your active Dark Mod FM save game folder periodically and when it detects a new quick save present, it creates a backup copy of the file automatically that can even be loaded in game. You get to set the number of backups you wish from 2-10. GEEK NOTE: You need at least 2 backups because if your most recent quick save is corrupt that corrupt quick save will most likely become one of your backups! You also get to choose how often the quick save is checked.


    Simply open the program, ensure that the Doom 3 location loaded from the registry correctly and launch The Dark Mod.


    This program has another side benefit as well. Have you ever accidentally quick saved milliseconds before a guard was about to notice you? Or how about hitting the quick save button instead of the quick load button right before you were about to die? This program will help alleviate those situations as well as a few others.




    Dark Mod Front End - http://www.bostonpie.../Files/DMFE.zip



    I'm very much a lurker in the community and don't post a whole lot. So in this program's infancy I am providing my source code for community inspection. I am fully aware the dangers of downloading and executing a program from a completely unknown user and wish to lessen those fears. I am a self-taught programmer so be gentle with critiques of my code. :-)


    Dark Mod Front End Source Code - http://www.bostonpie.../DMFESource.zip



    Hope you like - Dominoid

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