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Posts posted by GameDevGoro

  1. That trailer actually gives my mind some peace. Looks pretty bad-ass. But yeah, as mentioned by several people the third person thing is kinda ruining the feel that is left in me from the first game (Nuts to IW, don't care about that one at all.).


    But I could play it for sure. Looks like a cool game. Not necessarily as good as the first because that would be impossible today it seems, but still... A cool game.


    Why is a revolver making people explode

    Oh and the revolver explodes people because he combined the revolver with explosive rounds, which makes sense. :P Though the explosions are much too over the top really.

  2. "The Mafia 2 police still cares a little."


    OK. That's kinda cool then. GTA 4 does not, though, I did a lil' research. :P


    But anyhow. The rendering is pretty cool actually, but nothing one hasn't seen before. Many people tend to forget that the reason why any game looks better or worse is because of the artists that worked on it, some know how to use their tools, some do not.

    But I personally think his coat, which looks to be simulated by some physics engine or similar (maybe not fully simulated but definitely around there), is cool. And the artifact-lacking, perspective shadow-mapping from the streetlights looks great.


    Oh, the lockpicking system displayed in the video pretty early on, for the locked car was unexpected and pretty awesome. xD

  3. Mafia 2 is pretty cool. But yeah it does look like GTA, so much so that it could pass up as a mod. :P


    Did anyone else notice how the police in games like that and GTA 4 just simple stopped caring about how the player drives? :laugh:

    Or maybe GTA 4 still had aggressive police? Don't remember.


    I remember back in the day with the Driver (Driver 2 I think) games they absolutely went haywire just for bumping into a curb or something.

  4. Goddamn it. Are they really about to mess this up?


    I am saddened by this, truth or not. It really does seem like in this day and age no one is willing to make a game that's not an action title, or leans towards being an action title at least. Guess they are too afraid that if their game isn't a cookie-cutter FPS with a steep-parallax-mapping shader on the intro menu it just won't sell.


    I weep for you, Thief. I weep for you. -_-


    But on the plus side, I'm not really opposed to change (Like T3, didn't have any issues with how that played, just a number of other quirks brought it to a buckle). but this is too damn much change and reeks of the whole: "Oohh! We need to make this thing(game) flash in at least 10 different colors each second or the youth of today will lose interest."


    Daaaaamn right, I blame the youth of today, damn you and your incapability to handle the great man (or game) that is Thief!


    Anyway. I hope for the best to come out of this. If that's possible.

  5. Hmmm. HDR eh?


    Is that "HDR" as in just the high dynamic rendering with floating point and all that or is that "HDR" with the "pretty-hard-to-get-used-to eye-adjustment" effect also? Features in games often put those two together and confuse people like me with the actual meaning. :P


    And no,I don't think it's that necessary either way. If it's just a tricked out bloom it could potentially help to "soften" out the otherwise hard graphics that the D3 engine produces, but the already existent bloom does a pretty good job on its own. :)

  6. I just might mention this, don't know if someone already did previously but what the heck.


    As far as it goes as to whether it's dying or not, it's *probably* not. As long as there are game genres that can't be played better on consoles like RTS games for one.


    After thinking about this you really have to take the game developer's side to it also. It's often cheaper and less complex to develop a game on a platform that doesn't have massive differences in hardware.

    And then there's of course the piracy thing, which was mentioned earlier in this thread.


    But I can imagine it's the hardware bit that hits where it hurts when developing a game, and if there's option to just ignore them and develop a game, it's likely some developers will go that way. And it's also easier to patch thing when the target platform doesn't change.


    Fun topic though, just thought I'd mention is all... ;)

  7. I'm butting in a tiny bit maybe but I agree whole-heatedly on deploying newton game dynamics as a replacement physics engine when and if such a task is at hand. :)

    I've used it in my engines in the past and it's exactly like any physics engine should be. It's easy to deal with and it's fast (with 2.0 even faster).


    I'm just going to.. uh... slink back into the shadows now.

  8. As far as I can gather the type of combat going on in Daggerfall is OK for being an RPG. Though I don't think many will say that the combat system is that good in general but it works quite well in Daggerfall.

    And since Daggerfall doesn't allow such movement of the player as TDM does, it might be hard to determine how such combat would work in TDM.


    I'd place my money it would be rather cumbersome. I'll stick with TDM's combat as it is. :)

  9. Voted for "Kinda".


    Since yeah, it would be swell seeing a game like this on such graphical power but I think it's slightly unnecessary. I mean, Thief 1 did fine, right? xD


    On the plus side, Crysis engine does support large areas which could be all for the better. But then again, who would have energy to produce these levels and at a constant quality? ;)

  10. Oh cool :) I'll PM it to you (both) when I'm done with this arduous screening process. Shouldn't take too long though.


    @Xarg: I don't know, the pictures disappear after a while and get replaced by some random junk other people upload I guess.


    Furthermore I don't think my mission is the most computationally heavy out there (?). I'm trying my best to keep the mission well "vis-portalized" so most of the processing actually is relevant stuff.


    Anyone else up for testing it?

  11. Ooooh crap...


    Really really sorry, guys! >.<


    I have risen from the cold grave... Or maybe not. ;)


    The reason I haven't been here is that there have been some stuff to take care of and some programming on my own engine and my own games. But I've got some free time to spend on my favorite game mod of all time now. I'm of course talking about this mod, in case that wasn't implied. :D


    And yes, I am in fact working on the second one and I'm touching up the first one to get it just good enough so there wont be any major bugs when people actually play the thing. :)

    Lockdown part 1's level size is a bit bigger this time so there's some stuff I have to thoroughly test myself so I can finish the mission on all difficulties so I am sure others can do the same.


    It's likely I'll spring for another "beta test" before I make the real thread with the release so this thread can sink into the deep abyss of dead threads. :D


    Again, I apologize for my absence but it was sort of enforced.

  12. Oh hi!


    Uhm. I've had some other things to take care of recently so I haven't had that much time to work on the mission. I'll release it as soon as I've fixed the issues and probably polished it somewhat, add some details, nothing game changing or anything. Just add more junk around so it looks more humane and imperfect.

  13. Thanks, man! :)


    Regarding the total loot thing. I have no idea why it says you've only got ~200 :huh:. It always displays the right amount for me.


    The bleed-through lighting can easily be fixed. I'll just enable shadows on the important lights.




    Thanks for the tip. I'll put that in. :)



  14. Hey. Yeah. That's exactly it! It would break the gameplay.


    It's the same concept as with the real darkness and the virtual darkness. A human cannot make out anything in a completely dark room, that's why we need the virtual darkness to make the game playable.


    But it's an interesting idea though, because with this render from the AI's FOV you can also simulate things like blurry vision or otherwise inability to see. ;)


    Well anyway. My main question has been answered (even though I will try that vertex shader idea of mine. He-he-he) so I guess I'm satisfied? :)

  15. Hi!


    Thank you. :)


    That's a pretty neat solution actually. I tried one of my own a while back where I was casting rays in several different directions to determine how light the surfaces are near the player, that would result in that the player easily gets spotted if he is standing near a bright surface.


    This only worked so-so as expected. :D


    So yeah. I've been battling this issue for the longest of time. I've always been interested in how the thief games handled this, though the older ones are pretty obvious to the trained eye.


    Regarding the silhouette issue. Yeah. I've never seen that happen in any game simply because (I think) you'd have to render the scene from the AI's point of view and color-code it so the AI can determine if the player is in front of a bright area.

    But this is bordering robot technology and would probably be a rather large impact on a real-time application such as a game.


    Anyway. Thank you. ;)

  16. Hi! :)


    Firstly. I don't know if it's proper of me to ask you questions about the technology used here, but I guess it's the closes forum to match, no?


    Anyway. I have some questions that I hope (probably) the programmer(s) could answer.


    You see. I've wondered how TDM (and Thief3) handles the calculations for how light the player is. I can assume it has something to do with shaders? Either a vertex shader or pixel (fragment) shader to determine how "much" light actually lands on the model, therefore you can hide in dynamic shadows.


    Thief 1 and 2 (probably) used lightmaps and read the luminosity data off of that to light the player. Then probably some simple ray casting from the light itself to see if it is able to "see" the player, thus making him brighter.


    So what are you using on there?

    I really want to know since I'm a programmer myself for about 5 years, and this one has constantly been coming back to me.


    So shed some light on the matter, oh mighty programmers?;)


    I don't think I'll have to shuffle through the source code to answer this? Or do I...?:huh:

    Thanks in advance.

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