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Posts posted by Stepan1010

  1. It got through the Greenlight process. I'm not sure how this is affected by the fact that Valve is getting rid of Greenlight and replacing it with Steam Direct. But in any case I appreciate the votes from you guys here. If there is anyone here who is interested in beta testing I just posted the final beta of the game I am going to do before doing the release build(which will mainly involve integrating the Steam SDK).


    To get a copy of the beta just register here: http://www.midwestvideogames.com/beta-registration/

  2. That's a really interesting theory that the end of the Cold War was really the start of this trend.


    It does make sense doesn't it? To some extant, the spectre of soviet resentment was resurrected in jihadi inspired terrorists when 9/11 happened. But the fragmented and relatively weak enemy of jihadi terrorism pales in comparison to the monolithic soviet enemy that united this country after WWII. So the part of our society that NEEDS an enemy they can really hate - found many new ones in their own country.
    And the wealthy business owners who were "all in" against the soviets redirected their resources toward subjugating any other possible threat to their power they could find: The educated poor, the black, the muslim, liberal women, liberal elites etc. etc. Basically anyone who doesn't particularly like country music.
    It is saddening to think that this is at least partially a result of human nature or maybe just the nature of American culture - to NEED an enemy to be united. What are we? Are we a country? Or just a modified version of the medieval fuedal kingdoms - looking for the next group of people to subjugate? Is that really all we are? I hope not.
    The country needs a constructive goal. Something to work towards that benefits everyone and doesn't scapegoat anyone. It doesn't particularly matter what it is. It could be stopping climate change, genetic engineering, the elimination of disease, space travel, creating virtual worlds - anything beneficial to everyone. And it needs to find it quick - because another thread in the fabric of our society is already starting to come apart with the election of this demagogue(no reference to you of course).
  3. Biased news is not a new problem. Fox News, unapologetically biased from the start, has been around for twenty years. Fahrenheit 9/11 came out thirteen years ago and was scathing in its criticism of mainstream media. I was teaching media courses ten years ago using resources that warned about the consequences of profit-driven 24-hour news cycles.


    Anyone who thought the mainstream media was infallible simply wasn't paying attention.


    I watched fox news when I was young. Just because it was on and as a 14 year old I didn't know better. I think it really slowed down my understanding of the world until I got into college.


    It all seems to have started after the cold war ended that fox news and the republicans went completely off the deep end. It's almost like this country needed an enemy like the soviets to hold it together - and now that it has no enemy like that - it turned on itself.


    And the thing you have to remember about fox news is that misinformation is a cumulative process. Misinformed people create more misinformed people - until the respect for the truth is lost somewhere.




    On the topic of people who equate Hillary and Trump and say they can understand why people voted for Trump because Hillary was not a great candidate. They are just not living in the real world:



    Sam Harris says it pretty well I think:


    • Like 1
  4. Very few people actually fully support or prefer Trump compared to other potential candidates, but for many he becomes an answer of preference over Hilary.


    You need to remember, the republican party actively fought against using him as their candidate the whole time, and many people agree with this sentiment, to say the least.

    They are going to be begging for someone as relatively sane as hillary(compared to Trump) in 4 or 8 years. She may have been part of the system but at least she could pass a 5th grade history exam. The republican party chose him as their candidate - and they are now responsible for him.


    For the record, while I'm not informed enough to make any real discussion out of it, and disclaim any reasonable amount of ability to answer question on the matter, I was personally hoping for Ted Cruz vs Bernie Sanders, as were many others.

    I feel like if that had happened, we'd see a real choice for America to make rather than two of the least likable candidates possible.

    Let me inform you a little bit about Cruz(who is just below Trump on the nut-o-meter).


    Cruz opposes both same-sex marriage and civil unions.


    Cruz rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. He has stated: "They call anyone who questions the science who even points to the satellite data – they call you a, quote, 'denier.' Denier is not the language of science. Denier is the language of religion. It is heretic. You are a blasphemer. It's treated as a theology. But it's about power and money. At the end of the day, it's not complicated. This is liberal politicians who want government power."


    Cruz has said this about non-religious people:

    "I kind of thought it was the job of a chaplain to be insensitive to atheists.”



    "Ted Cruz Was One of Eight Senators to Vote Against the Violence Against Women Act"


    Or just watch this:

  5. I'm constantly trying to understand why people think Trump is going to be a good president? Without success but I will keep trying. Can people who voted for him say the same thing for those of us who think he is nuts?


    The thing that annoys me the most is that in 4 or 8 years all the people who voted for Trump are going to hate him. They're going to be blaming him for all the problems we will have. Of course, by then they will have conveniently forgotten that they voted for him. Just like they got bamboozled by GWB(who was clearly an idiot). And then they're going to be looking for a reasonable person(someone like Obama or Bernie or even Hillary) to lead the country again.


    People have a very short memory for their mistakes. And that's a prediction I will stick by. Check this post in 4 years ;)

  6. Problem is, that's exactly the kind of thinking that is correlated with believing conspiracy theories. "We can't trust those large organizations that dispute our claims, because they are enemy sympathizers/part of the conspiracy." Instead, we can only trust personal anecdotes from people with no one to answer to. Name me the conspiracy--9/11 truthers, Moon landing hoaxers, Anti-vaxxers, Roswell believers, False flag tragedies, etc, etc...they all show the same pattern.

    Of course we can all trust Trump though. He's telling it like it is. :D - you forgot to mention that Obama is a secret muslim born in Kenya


    It's the perfect recipe to allow people to continue to believe things even when all the evidence suggests otherwise.

    I couldn't say it better.


    The wife and I are off to vote for the better option now - which is what we always do. In the primaries it was Bernie, and now it is Hillary. Maybe in 4 or 8 years we'll have some better choices. Maybe not, considering the way things are going.

  7. Exciting times, and the US presidential elections are just behind the corner. Anyone up for some politics discussion?

    Oh yea, I'd love to. Part of the problem in the USA is that politics is taboo around the dinner table. Maybe it's because many people here are thinking more with emotions than facts right now. A discussion of some mundane unemotional topic like the history of cheese making is not a dangerous topic (although everyone's eyes will almost certainly glaze over).


    What do you think about the whole thing? In a democracy the people get the president they deserve? What about the rest of the world?

    That is a good point that not a lot of smart people here think about. If the people are stupid enough to vote for Trump - then they deserve him. But you Europeans shouldn't have to pay the price for our stupidity and hatred.(just like we didn't deserve to pay the price for hitler or stalin).


    Is the era of facts, numbers and rationality replaced by the era of emotion, shouting and populism? It does not need to *be* right as long as it *feels* right?

    This gets to the crux of the problem. I've spent a large portion of my life trying to convince friends, family members and even coworkers of simple facts that most people of western Europe have understood and accepted for decades now. These include facts like man-made global warming, evolution, income inequality, the actual age of the planet, the lack of WMD's in Iraq, the effects of alcohol and tobacco use. etc. etc. etc. Almost always without even a shred of success. I cannot even begin to explain to you the absolute frustration of trying to convince the many young earth creationists here of the actual age of the earth. The conclusion I have come to is this: American culture does not value facts or reality. We don't live in reality. We live in reality TV. I could go on and on about our crappy education system and factually bereft culture - but that about sums it up on a high level. Let me just say that it starts at a very young age.


    Is this the next Brexit? People are pissed off, and they angrily vote to get things worse for themselves.

    No I don't think so, I think Trump is much worse. Brexit may have been a bad decision but even if Britain separates from the EU, they would still be united as a country. Trump is going to divide this country piece by piece.


    What do you think happens next week? In addition to a brief stock market panic, that is...

    Yea, a stock market panic is likely if Trump is elected. The stock market hates unpredictability, and Trump has no firm positions on anything. Even if Trump is elected though, inauguration day is not until January 20. So I don't think next week will be the "end times" as they say. Hillary is slightly favored by the polls but Trump still has a significant chance to come out ahead. If Trump wins, I don't think anyone can predict what will happen accept for the people that know him best. If I had to predict what is at the top of his mind, I would have to say revenge. He is going to go after anyone who has ever criticized him and use the power of the presidency to do that. I think it is likely that he will do this secretly for a time and we may not know about it for a while. This will not just include democrats, but also republicans, former coworkers and business partners. And especially journalists. Rosie O'Donnell is probably near the top of his list. I think he may even try to go after Obama. Trump represents pretty much everything wrong with this country and American culture. When nobody cares about the truth, they can follow very bad leaders.


    Thanks for the questions. Good questions.

  8. Wow, your skill of creating interfaces may would benefit the mod, wouldn't it? At the moment there's too much functions in one place to make the user understand without explanation but what it shows is that you are able to create an excessive interface which gives the user so much power. Maybe you can have a look at the new inventory system in 2.04 (not implying it would be bad) and improve it further for 2.05?

    And also the effect you created, when the ship travels (the player view changes like he / she is sitting in an airplane which drives really fast) is also very impressive.

    Good work on this! I hope you can transport something of your new found knowledge into The Dark Mod :)


    Once I get the first public build of the game available for download (probably will be on IndieDB), I'll also post my version/fork of the open source code on github. I'll be sure to let you guys know about it on this forum. My feeling is that there will not be much of use to you guys, but if there is anything I'll be happy to explain how I did it. For example the warp effect is a modified version of the warp effect from the grabber in ROE - combined with a simple fade to white.

    • Like 2
  9. Did you read on colour theory for doing this btw? I mean like what colour implies which emotional feeling? Looks like you did - pretty nailed it for me :)


    I have not read that much about color theory. I mostly used my own personal/cultural interpretation of each color. And I also relied a lot on Star Trek which is a major source of inspiration for me.

  10. I love the little details that you can see on some of the ships and on what looks like the space station.


    Really cool ships, I like the RTS, Starcraft kind of feel you get seeing all the fleets going around like that!



    Thanks I appreciate that. It's good to know people seem OK with the art style I'm doing in this game.

  11. Wow thats a ton of crazy stuff getting on your ship there! :)

    Why is the person's head (to the right in the screen) always changing too?


    Each color scheme and art style is associated with an alien species in my game. I came up with names for them:


    Artifician - robots

    Bellumturan - war lizards

    Cerebturan - brainiacs

    Human - you know this one

    Insecturan - insects

    Machinulan - borgish

    Malnuran - demons

    Mendacian - froggies

    Transitorian - scavengers, scrappers



    Hahaha, good eyes Toni, had not spotted that. Very cool indeed, tons of work going on! I also see that guy(s) playing flipperama down there, always changing. I quite like the art direction, with those clean, geometric, full color style you are going for, the great variety of engines, workstations and the spaceship tech. Very good work man.


    You are way too kind. I tried to stick with an art style that I could produce rather quickly but still looked decent. I hope other people feel the same way as you. Maybe they will, maybe they won't - once I put all the pieces together . . . time will tell.

  12. Reality 1.1 Patch Notes:

    1. Players will no longer have a choice of starting zone. Starting zone will be randomly determined by level.

    2. Players with a low starting level will now be more likely to be inserted into zones with ongoing PVP.

    3. Players now have the option to join guilds. Players who wish to speculate as to the identity and/or existence of The Developer(s) of Reality™ should join

    these guilds. Any members of guilds that participate in PVP will be awarded "Developer Points". These points may or may not hold any value.

    4. Tutorials of how to play Reality™ will be restricted based on level and starting zone but may also be purchased for significant quantities of in-game gold.

    5. A new partner program with Walmart™ will allow players of Reality™ to purchase in-game grey loot items at a large discount.

    6. Players of lower levels in certain starting zones will now be required to grind all day for grey loot items. Failure to meet the quota of grey loot items

    will result in gold and XP penalties for that player and his/her family.

    7. The agnostic class has been nerfed for not participating in speculation as to the identity and/or existence of The Developer(s) of Reality™. Penalties include -5 to the "running for political office" skill.

    8. The policy of "Fuck you" is still in place. Players of all levels should be aware of this policy as it will be strictly enforced (especially for players of

    lower levels).

    In all seriousness, that eclipse is beautiful btw. At least Reality™ has some good graphics.

  13. Whoa, thats some serious work you are putting in there, I say fantastic stuff, not easy to see so much coherent work being produced like that in our midst. Wish you good luck with your project, Im getting a bit of a system shock 2 kind of feel to it, with the horror elements (very cool zombies btw), it works nicely. I guess your guy kind of got sucked into that supernova thing there at the end or maybe his ship exploded, that sucks, but at least he put up a fight. ;)


    Thanks for the encouragement. Several people have commented on the art style being reminiscent of SS2. It may have been conscious or subconscious(I can't remember) - but I was indeed playing SS2 when I decided on the art style I would use.


    That "supernova" is the placeholder ship destruction particle effect(with a count of 3 or 4 particles total - the final version will probably have hundreds or thousands). Many of the models are placeholders still: the ships' consoles and modules - the captains chairs and transporter pads.

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