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Posts posted by drumple

  1. yeah, teragen is a good ol' favorite for making landscapes, there was another where you could really

    get into the manual creation side of it, and it would export terrain for some ID games.. forgot the name of it.

  2. on a similar topic, i need to request some space in the english.lang file, i see that #str_10000 and above is

    being used for things, so if anyone is not considering using #str_08000 to about #str_08050, i'll use those for

    now. although technically i guess we could use any non system string in that file that doom3 uses for its

    maps for gameplay.

  3. i don't beleive there will be any issue with the quality of fonts converted, the readables should look nice,

    i just went with the option of making better looking header's for the menu's since i don't believe using the

    converted fonts would do a better job.


    better antialiased fonts and such look better as headers when an external program suh as photoshop or psp

    does them, but thats just for the menu header's and sub-header's. using the other converted fonts for on the

    fly readable's should be without any problems.


    @NH, i believe it was q3font i used.. im not shure.. i tried a few different ones, one wouldn't make the fonts

    at all ( if they were to fancy ) or it would just convert a few ttf's. but fonts like JD should work out fine since

    that particular font lends itself to clarity ( for the readables ).


    but again, it comes down to how much quality a person wants to see, if you play at the low 640x480, it

    obviously will not look as clear and excellent that the 1024x768 will offer, but thats not just fonts, thats the

    whole game as a whole. more jaggies.. ect.. i personally play at 800x600 but thats a good compromise for me.


    the menu backgrounds im making at 1024x1024 which should work out fine for every resolution. the Roq vid's

    at 512x512, and the menu header's at 128x32 for clearer text and even larger for the main menu header's.


    the side's of the menu where the dark brown parchment is will have some movement feel towards it, im not

    shure how it was decided for that, but different images transitioning to other ones plus a nice ambient

    sound track will really make the menu's come alive.


    i'll come up with a working concept/template that ppl can actually try in game and then over time, the issue's

    with it can be discussed and the menu's tweaked until a final product is reached.

  4. d3 does the fonts from bitmaps, the carleton fonts im using in d3 are ones i converted from ttf's. but your right

    dom, the more fancier the font, the less quality d3 can display it as... but the font headers im making in psp

    work nicely so far for clarity and crispness. overall im actually getting into the menu making, its coming along

    nicely, slowly chopping up the main hud and hopefully will have a working menu up for download soon..


    well.. not very soon, it will be a placeholder that will need some tweaking here and there, but it should replace

    the d3 menu's altogether for now.


    i managed to make a mouse pointer from the broadhead.lwo model that looks nice, i'll see if i can get that into

    a working sample, but overall.. im really enjoying the experience of trudging through the menus.

  5. basicly thats what it comes down to is the resolution for better quality... it will look excellent the higher you go,

    here is a screen at 1024x768 of the same gui and you can see how much sharper the text appears.



    and i found the mouse pointer, its in a folder called UI, and not the in guis one.. which is good.. because there

    isnt much in the UI one, and to have to wade through all the material listings or the guis folder to try and find

    it would have been a major headache.


    anyone good at making a broadhead pointer? or suggestions? its a 32x32 bitmap, i'll give it a shot. but it

    doesnt have to be a arrowhead.. but maybe something that suits the style of the concepts for the hud in

    general. i'll try a few things.

  6. yeah.. the main problem i guess is that the original was borrowed artwork, but the same idea with the

    darkmod logo.. something that loops and not fades in.. that way it can be transitioned in with the gui

    and run until everything thats needed loads, since everyones computers load at different speeds.. god knows

    mine can be slow.. old drives.. mobo does raid.. just need new ones.. but something that loops.. say 4 seconds

    or however long it needs to.. er.. wait.. maybe that cannot be done.. since some gears mover at slower speeds.


    i guess you make the call how long it runs.. actually.. the length of your 1st one seemed a good run.. was it

    6 seconds? i can't remember. but you get the drift of it..

  7. i have the carelton font in doom3 already, thats all im saying pak.. when i made the classic hud mod, i

    converted the fonts for doom3 for it, they are in that mod, but yeah.. the mouse pointer i would like to know

    where it is.. but cvs hasnt worked for me, and the ftp just sits there until it times out after 10 minutes or so

    of loading, but i will hunt the pk4's for it and see what can be done with it.. but that depends on if people

    actually want it changed to something unique for the dark mod, and not the standard doom3 one.


    but no worry's.. things always work out in the end.. :)

  8. well, i dont want to throw anything more on oddity's plate, since he does a lot already, but he obviously has the

    skill and talent to create such things, plus the proper tools such as adobe after effects and photoshop which

    i do not have. if the final loading/startup's are decided upon and he is willing to create such a nice work, i'll

    convert them to roq's and incorpoerate them into the main hud.

  9. Yes, I know all that. :) Maybe you are not aware that we had another guy who worked on the GUIs before? Anyway, I


    was talking about things he had gotten ingame, nothing else.


    yes, im fully aware of that, but i was asked to help on the menu gui system since he's been mia :), the main

    reason for this post was to display the quality's of the fonts in a different manner, and what im aiming for.

    im not trying to make a huge change to the concept of the menu's, they will look more or less the same, it's

    just that there is more info that needs to be displayed than the area that is given. they will look the same..

    more or less. im suggesting that the settings page be sub menu'd, since all the settings information cannot

    fit on one menu, and i was aiming to show how clear the text will look as opposed to the ingame fonts..


    another example here ( without the heat/fire effects yet ) show's how crisp the text looks compared to the

    ingame text which is displayed at the bottom in a tooltip once a menu item is mouse-over'd but not selected





    plus the top header changes to reflect the mouse-over, and if this item is selected it goes to the page for

    ajusting the visual components. items to select yes/no.. screen res.. the slider for screen brightness.. ect..


    but in the end, the fonts are the same, carleton/dark, it just shows how clear and crisp they will appear ingame,

    and they do look clear and crisp compared to the doom3 carelton fonts.

  10. This confuses me, since the loading screens don't have any interactive fonts. Are you talking about the actual game menus? We do have concepts for those as well, with fonts already chosen (and some ideas for animating them, similar to what you mentioned). What are you basing yours off of?


    the fonts im using are the same fonts that were chosen, and thats what they are based off, but the actual fonts

    do not look as good ingame as they do made in photoshop or other concept art, which is very crisp and clear.

    you can take a concept image and put it in doom3 but it will not look as good as the original due to the way

    doom3 resizes the image and the scale of 1.3 to 1 that it uses... thats all. you can come very close to it which

    is what im trying, but i am using the 3 fonts that were decided upon for it.


    for things like the shader effects the text will have to be images, like the doom3 logo. the ingame carelton

    font can still be used, but in area's where effects are not needed, such as the key bindings and tooltips.. ect..

  11. ok, im doing some text tests, and it is very hard to get proper looking text such as the fonts we decided upon

    into the hud, due to the resizing of the textures doom3 does.. but this last test seems as close as to good

    looking text that i can get so far. the main problem is that the text most of the time comes out looking blurred

    and smudgy... but this one seems to be close to crisp, and the higher the resolution the more crisper it gets..

    ( ie.. it looks fantastic at 1024x768.. not so good at 640x480 )


    this is just a test of the text, so don't start with "thats the wrong background.. " and so on.. its a placeholder..

    actually.. you can critisize it.. as always, all critique's are welcome.. :P




    and the screenshot is an actual in-game shot and not made in paint shop pro or photoshop.. basicly, this is

    more or less how doom shows it.. plus its a tga to jpg, so its not as crisp as it is in game.


    what i have been trying to find, and with no luck so far.. is the mouse pointer shader or actual tga.. i was

    thinking we can change it to something else.. maybe a broadhead arrowhead or something.. but thats up for

    debate if i can ever find it.

  12. yeah spring, in the meantime while this continues ( the loading debate ) im moving along with the other

    menus, since both loading menus will be animated they just need to be dropped in, so to speak... so im

    moving along with the other stuff for now so at least i'll be further along with something to show, hopefully



    i like the animated clock for the begining one.. and the gears are nice for the mission loading, as to what gets

    finally decided upon should work out well with it. as for the construction of those loading videos, i do not

    have adobe or after effects, since i use psp... i have makde a roq out of the gear screen to see how well it

    would look ingame, and it looks quite nice.

  13. i have actually started to make the guis with a generic parchment template, so that whatever designs that

    are decided upon in the end, will just slide in with no problem, since they are background images/videos and

    should be interchangable. im all for the more the merrier when it comes to different videos showing when

    a different level starts, so it should all flow pretty good. instead of seeing the same loading screen every time

    a mission starts, i think different ones would be good... but as i mentioned, whatever video/style of artwork

    would be basicly dropped in the exisiting guis.


    currently im doing the font styles and layouts needed... and i got the idea to make them lively when

    a mouse over is in place.. should look real nice in the end.


    artwork aside.. music that will accompany the screens should also be considered....

  14. the texture window is showing textures in use, since you have not applied any to your brushwork there will

    be none shown yet, you need to select the texture you want to use from the materials window.. select the

    brush/face you want to texture and browse the material window and you can see where the textures are.

    after you picked/applied one it will be shown in the textures window, and you can use the texture window after

    that to apply the texture to any further brushwork since it will be there.


    in gtk/qeradiant the texture window always had the textures/materials there... its been changed for doomed.

  15. whoah.. now that clock loading screen looks nice... simple and to the point.. and it is for just initializing the

    mod anyways.


    as for that style of artwork, i think it totally suits the mood of the mod. odd's new animation with the pendulum

    looks incredible, lots of movement in there... and if that could be the style for the loading mission screen then it

    could be kept as is, in fact.. there could be a few of them for loading missions like that depending on the style

    of the mission.. just an idea.. but if its a builder style map up next, that one could be shown on loading it, if

    its a sort of just hunt and steal map with no defined enemy then it could be in the same style but different

    graphics to represent that.


    like in cod, sometimes when i forgot where i left off in a campaign and loading a saved game, it would show

    a loading screen of either british, russian or the americans.. different loading screens could be used in that

    style.. so if an fm author made a map that was dependent on one faction he could choose the style of loading

    screen to best suit it.


    just an idea.

  16. whoah.. now that looks decent odd.. something like that would really look nice on the mission/loading screen..

    what program you use to animate? lightwave?


    also.. i mentioned that a progress bar is to doomish.. but i spoke to soon.. i can see that a progress bar of

    some style would fit into that sort of scheme well.


    and about the roq's.. i read in the doom3world forums where they have to be in powers of 2 to play in doom3

    guis.. but im hoping that isnt true.. otherwise it would be a pain to make something like that work.


    im going to check more into that, but from what i can see.. its a very simple thing to add video.

  17. i like the idea of a small clockhand rotating once to indicated full loading, it can be just an animation of a clock

    and a loading bar at the bottom, but the loading bar seems to doomish to me..


    also another thing to consider with an animation ( which i have no problems with ) is the size of it, to make the

    clock look good, i would think it will have to be 512x512 in size.. as far as i understand it the roq animations

    that can be displayed with a shader in doom3 have to be in powers of 2.. 128x128.. ect.. so the size of

    the animation could well above 10 meg or so... maybe not.. im not shure.. as there will be a point where it

    can loop smoothly.


    but having the game load data for a mission, plus stream the video can slow down the loading times on very

    large levels.. its just a thing to consider.

  18. i see no reason why roq vid's cant be used, they are used in the pda gui's afterall.


    im very optimistic that the modeled up clock will look pretty good when its all combined and the parts

    are moving, but there is still some space around it that stuff can be added to.. perhaps if it were made to

    look like the parchment area is flat on a desk, and the clock in the middle, then off to either side there could

    be.. say some arrows laying down on one side.. and the other.. i dunno.. something.. maybe a corner of a

    map.. but the area up top above the clock would be a good area to add some text...


    and by replacing the d3 gui, i meant the one currently used by the darkmod, the d3 one of course should not

    be altered.

  19. oh.. that loading screen...



    i thought we were working on the map loading screen at the moment...


    but yeah.. the objective is to create a whole new hud that replaces the d3 one, piece by piece..


    im looking into the map loading screen at the moment and getting that done, since its the quickest one to do

    at the moment.

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