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Posts posted by stix

  1. @pwl, same thing happened to me but that was only the first glitch. Finished HHLC and all its side missions w/ the usage of console commands to get past those glitches.

    So i'm leaving here what i discovered, i think it'll help:

    General console stuff:

    Showing console :

    In the keyboard press CTRL + ALT + <THE_KEY_LEFT_OF_1> (not NUMPAD 1)

    Hiding console : 


    Console autocompletion :

    <LETTER(S)> + <TAB>

    Getting object name :

    g_showEntityInfo 1 (while looking at said object) - for some reason while this flag is active the luminosity/visibility of the player will increase drawing awareness of enemies, so perhaps a good idea to save before enabling it.

    Resolution of glitches:

    Edmund's note: 

    only glitch (i was) not able to solve via console. In it presumably was the code to the airlock's number dial which i brute forced (tried combinations until finding the correct one) to open it. The code is: 


    629 ; BTW the note's name is obstruction_note

    Inside airlock:

    There a player's narration will draw attention to a object that needs to be dealt with before proceeding further.

    That object's location is hinted in posts above. Here's another additional hint.


    You'll notice the vent in the emergency exit room has a frobbable side. Vents in other rooms have a fuse each, this has none.

    When at object's location it can occur that it's not there at all (invisible and not frobbable).

    So using the console i did this:


    Got the object's name which is explosive_hidden.

    Entered the command:

    trigger explosive_hidden

    Then the item appears and you can collect it and proceed safely through airlock floors.


    The area after the underwater station: 

    Levers (on dry ground) didn't activate.

    So, again got each lever's name and triggered them. If the setting Open after Unlock is set you may not need to manually activate them.

    For levers in the undead area (undead in front of golden gate), probably the same resolution is to be applied.

    Possible causes

    I don't remember if i was using "Uncapped FPS" in the settings or saves triggered the glitches described. Already deleted all the savegames so can't help the mission devs.

    Never had to use TDM's console before, but found it a useful tool to solve these kinds of problems. 

    Certainly you/devs will be able to figure it out.

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