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  1. Basically on the linux standalone version I will have laggy sounds that delay for 30 seconds maybe even a minute. I have found a way to temporaraly fix it but its only a matter of time before it breaks again, and it seems to break whenever something happens like a guard kills or sees me, i mess with the settings, etc. Just walking around and moving stuff doesn't seem to break it. So I've done some searching on this topic and have found various fixes such as: Killing pulse audio tinkering with s_alsa_pcm pasuspender s_driver oss and a few more that could easily be found with google None of these worked for me, however I have found that deleting my darkmod.cfg file has fixed it, but i have to reset all my binds and stuff so I started narrowing it down to the problem and I've found deleting the line: seta r_mode "-1" fixes it. The game boots up in god awful resolution which needs to be tweaked to fix it, but for some reason r_mode is related to the sound breaking. None of the S_ commands (which I assume are sound related) have any impact on it.
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