TDM 2.11 is ready for beta test
This is how to get beta versions:
Upgrade from any version (fast):
1 - Start tdm_installer in darkmod folder.
2 - On the first screen, check "Get custom version" and click "Next". Choose the first name in beta/2.11 list, should look like "beta211-NN".
3 - Click on "Refresh" button to ensure that it is not going to download too much stuff.
4 - Continue installing with "Next".
Fresh install (slow):
1 - Create darkmod folder any
I've noticed that the map icons are not showing in William Steele 1: In the North.
I tracked down the change that's causing this. TDM 2.11, def/tdm_shopitems.def file.
diff --git def/tdm_shopitems.def def/tdm_shopitems.def
index 38ba685..83a3074 100644
--- def/tdm_shopitems.def
+++ def/tdm_shopitems.def
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ entityDef atdm:map_of
"editor_usage" "game map of terrain for player" // THIS ONLY SHOWS IN ENTITY INSPECTOR
"inv_name" "#str_02203" // Map - SHOWS IN PLAYER'