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Posts posted by Dram

  1. A def file is relatively trivial, but setting up a ragdoll is not (as far as I understand it). While it will eventually be nice to have an animated horse model, it is not a 1.0 goal and should be left until after the release.


    Hmm, well currently Blackheart Manor uses 2 horses in the stables. I could theoretically remove them of course...but they are oh so fun to ride....

  2. Yeah, for sure. We've had summer heatwaves before, but never with a 20-degree plunge afterwards. Unusual amounts of flooding up in Queensland recently too, and I just heard on the news that Bourke of all places has been flooded, receiving 2/3 of its annual rainfall in one day. The infrastructure there isn't built to cope with that much water. The weather is really getting weird these days.


    And so it begins...?


    That is....not right.


    I remember reading an article on global warming talking about climate change, where it is not forecast to just be hotter generally, but rather very large changes in weather patterns, as we are seeing in AU atm, where it'll be 42C one day, and 16 the next. I can only imagine what Sydney drivers would do if the temperature plummeted to below zero in winter...There are no winter tires in AU (save Snowy Mountains), so there would be a very large problem. Hell, if it snows in Prague unexpectedly then half the drivers still have summer tires, which have no grip on snow or ice.

  3. Heck, if you want to shimmy along an edge, line it with a "ladder" brush and use strafe!


    That is a good work-around yes, but the functionality should really use the same type of surfaces that mantling allows, except that you would (for example) press mantle and hold down (backwards) so that the thief only catches onto the ledge but does not climb up. It would not be a difficult feature to add, but it is the testing time that is the problem.

  4. Looking at the suggestions objectively, I think shimmying across ledges would be a great addon, and could lead to some very interesting levels. If our thief can pull himself up onto a ledge (which is not exactly a trivial task in reality), then theoretically he should be able to hold himself hanging there for a while at least.


    Of course, the main issue here is not that it would be a great idea etc, but would mean yet another feature to be on the playtest/bugfix list, and it's a long one.


    NH is not trying to sound arrogant, he is simply tired of having to respond to similar suggestions (for example a while back we had talk of adding silent footsteps), but mainly he considers the amount of time that would have to be invested into such a feature and thus gets annoyed. At least from what I see.


    In any case, I personally agree that wall-jumping has not place in Thief, as the thief was never shown as an agile little weasel but rather an average man who is neither built nor skinny. The ledge-shimmying is an excellent idea though, one that would be awesome to see in TDM, but I think it will have to wait till post-V1.0.


    Please don't take offense to annoyed-sounding responses as we have been working on the mod for a good four years now and have already locked-down feature additions long ago so that we may release it soon.

  5. One technique you can use to reduce the pathfinding complexity is to fill emtpy space where AI cannot reach (such as in the air) with brushes textured with textures/common/monsterclip. This will mean that no AAS data will be generated for those areas and thus lowers build time, and prevents reaching the maximum reachabilities which gives you that area. You can also cut the areas with visportals.

  6. Lucky bastard! :P


    Don't worry, the heatwave is over now... I'm actually wearing jeans today. In the middle of an Australian summer, no less. The min and max temperatures plummeted by 10+ degrees over the course of a day or two.


    Well that's a good thing for me then (I guess only for me) because I love cold weather. :D


    A couple weeks back was playing ice hockey in Bruntal with -15C temperatures hehe, suffice to say, you had to keep moving to keep warm.

  7. #define MAX_EVENTS 8192
    #define MAX_EVENTSPERFRAME 8192


    But I could not find max entities. I don't think there really is an entity limit per se, but rather a limit on the maximum events, which in turn effectively means maximum entities. Unless there is a value I did not find in our source :huh:


    In any case, I clearly remember reaching 4090 or so entities and not being able to load the map due to reaching more then max events.

  8. when i heard that sound in the end (when he opened the door) i expected too see thoose creepy twins fom the shining :)



    AWesOME MAP!


    theres no other words for it and it still looks like it will render smooth as butter wow WOW dram if anyone would turn down a job offering fromyou the would be stupid !


    really great i cant wait!


    Thanks :blush:


    It has actually significantly expanded since that vid, and has also improved. The map will be released with TDM v1.0. I have to say, the only bothersome thing about creating a map is that you know where everything is.

  9. I have used UnrealdED 1 (for Unreal 1), UnrealEd 2, 3, Hammer, Warcraft 3 Ed, TDS Ed (for a -very- short period of time) and of course Doom 3 Ed (and then Dark Radiant which is specific to TDM). Out of all of them I would say by far Doom 3 Ed/Dark Radiant (very similar, but Dark Radiant has more features) are the best. Much, MUCH less buggy then the others and bsp holes are incredibly rare and are usually caused by an excessive amount of miniature brush work which is not grid aligned, thus the mapper's fault really. Several times I've dumped a map in UEd 1 because of an un-fixable bsp hole. In D3Ed even the worst hole is fixable, as you can just remove the evil brush and create a new one, or fix it by grid aligning it. My last bsp hole was back in 2006 when I used to make everything from brushes. I fixed it at the time and since then not a single hole (yay!).


    Sorry, went on a bit of a tangent there...


    The other main reason why creating a mission in TDM is a good idea is because D3 goes open-source after the release of idTech 5, and means that the renderer can be updated for D3 etc, thus having a modern-standard true-to-thief game.


    That, and the entity limit in D3 is default 4096, but we've bumped that up to 8192, and can increase it further easily. Yes, it has happened that we've reached the entity limit of 4096 so had to bump it up :)

  10. Excellent work on the menus :)


    Just one thing that could use adding - bloom settings. If you get time to add them, here are all the settings copy/pasted directly from SysCVar.cpp:


    idCVar r_bloom( "r_bloom", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable Bloom Post-Process Effects (requires DX9 Compliant Hardware)" );

    idCVar r_bloom_blur_mult( "r_bloom_blur_mult", "0.5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Blurred image multiplier for bloom");

    idCVar r_bloom_src_mult( "r_bloom_src_mult", "1.0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "Source image multiplier for bloom");

    idCVar r_bloom_buffer( "r_bloom_buffer", "4", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Bloom buffer image size: \n1 = 64x32\n2 = 128x64\n3 = 256x128\n4 = 512x256\n5 = 1024x512\n6 = 2048x1024"); // New by Clone JCD

    idCVar r_bloom_contrast_mult( "r_bloom_contrast_mult", "1.55", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Contrast multiplier");

    idCVar r_bloom_contrast_min( "r_bloom_contrast_min", "0.1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "This is the minimum contrast value when (shift sensitivity based)bloom drops \nWhen shift sensitivty is turned on bloom contrast varies from (constrast_image x r_bloom_contrast_min) to (constrast_image x r_bloom_contrast_mult)");

    idCVar r_bloom_shift_delay( "r_bloom_shift_delay", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Delay in millisecs for shifting the bloom sensitivity \n0 = No shift sensitivity delay, sensitvity shifts immediately. \n-1 = Disables sensitivity shifting"); // New by Clone JCD

    idCVar r_bloom_blurIterations( "r_bloom_blurIterations", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "Blur iterations for bloom"); // New by Clone JCD

    idCVar r_bloom_hud( "r_bloom_hud", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Enable blooming of the HUD" );

    idCVar r_bloom_lightRayScale( "r_bloom_lightRayScale", "1.3", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Brightness scale of light ray effects when bloom is active");


    The only important ones are:









    If everyone feels it is not necessary to have bloom setting then fair enough, they can be configured individually through the console, but IMO it is better to have everything in the main menu.

  11. Ok, well I'm downloading the SVN model_src directory now and intend to make a start on this within the next few days. I was reading through the forums however and saw mention of problems with the new skeleton? Has this been resolved? Just confirming so I do not have to do this twice.


    As for what I've been doing till now - mapping :D:blush:

  12. Downloaded and played First City Bank and Trust with my bro yesterday. Fucking awesome, seriously. Though loading up T2 again reminded me of the bugs that were in it - mantling etc. It is really nice to sneak through with a "partner in crime". We of course tried to ghost it, as otherwise it is too easy with two of us.

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