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Posts posted by Diego

  1. I don't have any strong opinions on hand movement. I even searched for videos of large birds and bears walking on two legs but they're all too goofy to use as an inspiration lol. It's still useful to check them out though! even being goofy, it's nice to see how the weight shifts from one leg to another and stuff like that. Anyway, I think the hands could stay without any major movements just fine. Just small swaying movements that come from the physics of being dangling things attached to another moving thing.

  2. For the walk cycle. It's shaping up! Here's some criticism. If you look it from the front view it seems like he isn't shifting his body weight from one leg to another. His head moves smoothly like a pendulum. I like the idea of making it look around but that's a very unnatural way of doing that. I would recommend having it look forward the whole time though, because walk cycles are short animation loops that anything specific like looking around or scratching the arm will become obvious quickly.


    A few more general tips: I recommend adding more subtle movements. Nothing ever is completely still, and it goes a long way in selling realistic movement when things have micro movements. Noise, if you will. But only do that once the main movements are done. Also, play around with transition curves. An animation can change dramatically without even adding extra keyframes just by messing with transition curves.

  3. If I'm not mistaken md5 animations are vertex based, so my original bone system is lost in the export, as it translates the bone animation to vertex animation. Then when you import back to a bone system it adds dummy bones just to replicate the vertex animation. I'm not sure this is how it works, so don't take my word for it. It should be possible to edit the generated bones so they look nice (the way bones look in animation programs is mostly to make it more human readable, all they really need is position and rotation information).

  4. Found springheel asking me the same thing last year on a PM and I said exactly the same thing. Gosh, my memory is just bollocks. I read online that Blender has an importer for every game ever made though.


    The chances of getting my gf to restore my PC and send the files are pretty slim. It's actually easier to just remake the whole thing. Which I would be willing to do, actually, but it would make me feel better if we were a little more certain it wouldn't be in vain. Test your idea with a simple animated model. If that works I'll get to work right away. I remember being able to import md5 models but not animations, so if all I have to do is the animations it shouldn't take so long.


    We really need a better art pipeline. We would have a lot more models by now if getting them in-game were not such a mystery.

  5. Sorry, I left that file in an old PC that is right now in another country and with a power source problem (it doesn't turn on). So I can't even have my gf send it to me. However, I was so sure I sent this file to someone else here! Or maybe I just offered it and he said no. I'll see if there's any trace of it in previous conversations.

  6. I have been summoned!


    I still have the links I shared here on my dropbox:


    Then there's this other file https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8011761/werebeast_idle.md5anim I'm not sure why it's separataed though.


    The catch is that it's not blender. It's a 3ds max file.


    I have no idea why I can't receive PMs though. I'll see what my settings panel says.

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  7. I always liked the idea of episodic stuff, including games. But I noticed videogame has a less forgiving acclimation period. I mean, if I start playing Doom now, get halfway through the campaign and stop, a month later it's going to be harder to pick it back up than if this were a tv series. It's not just plot, I need to relearn the controls and strategies at a point of the game where they should be second nature, which makes the game harder.


    Bottom line is, I think episodic games could totally work if they kept in mind the player hasn't played for a while. The difficulty curve should be self contained in each episode.

  8. Hey there


    It's been a while since I said anything here :P


    So, did you know there is a youtube channel where every video is just a guy eating deodorant sticks? it has millions of views and likes. Then there's this channel with well produced, well written and funny videos about an RPG party, called Natural 20, and each video has around 50 likes. I think that is unacceptable.


    Here's one of my favorite videos:



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  9. That video made me much more optimistic about the game. And for a game supposedly with "emphasis on combat" I'm sure not seeing a lot of that, which is awesome.


    And the little fighting there is, it seems like they shoot you while running and nothing happens. Might not be realistic but it's exactly what I would do to "fix" the combat in ME. Make running safe and standing still dangerous, then add people with guns and some interesting obstacles around them.

  10. I just played a super cool mission, the one you arrive inside a chest, I think it's the governor's house or something. It's a closer environment too. I had much more fun then and it was definitely easier. I enjoyed using the clone as a diversion, but I don't like to make it too obvious with them chasing the clone, I just hide somewhere they can't reach and scream.

  11. Originality is very much important once things begin to stagnate, but I personally can't name any first-person acrobatic brawlers off the top of my head. This is original, just not the original you had in mind. I totally get that you're disappointed it's not more of ME, because ME was great, but that's still no reason to assume that a combat focus is them bastardising their own franchise in the name of business. It comes down to preference, but that parkour gameplay is no more challenging or engaging than combat when both are done well. I mean sure, if it becomes this stupid super easy, super dull Arkham Knight deal where you zip around and punch people by just tapping A until they're all unconscious, say it's an uninspired, undercooked game. You can't say that until it's out, though. The jump from "combat focus" to "lazy, watered-down, greed-fuelled casual-fest" is an illogical one.


    yep! we're finally understanding each other. But it's not that I want more ME, I want the ME they had in mind in the first place. The first ME was ok at best in my opinion, but I saw something new and interesting buried under what seemed like uncertainties of the developers (kinda like "no one's gonna buy a game about running, throw in some guns in there"). And bare in mind, most of my rant relies on assumptions. They could totally be rounding off what didn't work at the same time expanding on the original idea, I have indeed never heard of a first-person acrobatic brawler. I'm just not that optimistic lol.

  12. That's not what I said. Not what I meant anyway. Maybe I didn't express myself properly (I do that often, I'm afraid) so I'll try to summarize it. It's not a matter of liking what it was and not liking the direction, it's not about taste at all. My problem is that when you have an original idea but slightly under cooked, it's a shame to throw it away in the name of business instead of working to bring it to its full potential. That is my whole argument and source of indignation. That's why I said I'm not mad because I'm a fan of the first and I don't like changes, but because I'm a wannabe game designer. As a game designer I really want them to finish developing the unique idea they had. I don't care what they do next, just finish the original vision first. Sure, you can argue that originality is irrelevant and I assumed that was your position, that's why I implied you didn't care about games.


    Thief was an example of a game I liked but it's not because I like it that I used it. So I'll use another example, this time using a game I didn't care and still don't: Assassins creed. Same deal, interesting original idea slightly under cooked. They took that and made ac2, which rounded off and it defined a new genre. So they could do the same thing with ME but (warning: paranoid assumption ahead) but they will not do that.


    Well, that's the best I can do I guess. Does that make sense?

  13. When I implied you don't care I was assuming you read everything I wrote, in which I made lots of assumptions and analogies concluding it will likely be a mediocre ripoff of whatever's trending. Well, I said more than that but you can read it yourself if you feel like it.

  14. We won't know until the game actually comes out what it'll be like, so let's reserve judgement until then.


    You're absolutely right. I got carried away, but only because my long time predictions are being confirmed. From the open world, to combat emphasis and even the e3 trailer.

  15. I could totally be playing it wrong! Maybe I'm supposed to cause mayhem, I don't know. I'll try that lol


    But I don't think it is, I don't have a lot of tools for that. In Dishonored, for example, I could see the mayhem option very clearly, with powers like the the rats and the noisy weapons I could use. But I'm not seeing how to do that here, and I die pretty quickly in combat too, I'm pretty sure they want me to stealth.


    OR, this is also a very likely scenario, there might be always an easy (stealthy) path you have to find besides the dangerous open areas. Sometimes I find tunnels and high platforms. But 'always' might be a strong word. Some objectives lie right at the center of a super crowded open area, with no other way around it.

  16. It could be fun, of course. We could also make a super fun first person shooter with the Thief franchise. But hey, as long as it's fun, right?


    I shouldn't be surprised, really. That's what they do. They follow trends and numbers. These are not game designers, these are managers of companies. Right now, Batman is all the rage so everyone wants to make their own Batman. Even Thief 4 tried to be Batman, he actually said "I am the night" at some point. And now Faith will go around flinging herself in an open world city fighting thugs in free flow combat. All she needs is a bat cowl. Could be fun. Who doesn't want more Batman?


    I'm not mad as a fan of the franchise who doesn't like change, I'm mad as a wannabe game designer. It pains me that their actions are not guided by artistic thinking but by business. They could be making a Indiana Jones and be remembered forever but instead they chose to make a King Solomon’s Mines. Which was a fun movie and all but, depending on your age, you might have to google that. Do you see my point?

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