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Posts posted by Tels

  1. Requiem has an LP by Fen (

    ) and a German LPer (
    ). The German guy actually did a few other TDM FM's, all on that same playlist.


    I like how StgRumpel uses the German language interface :wub:


    The video could really use a few more views and likes, so if someone has a youtube account, it would be cool if you could click through them, even if you don't understand German :)

  2. /*
    bool idGameLocal::InhibitEntitySpawn( idDict &spawnArgs ) {
    // Consult the difficulty manager, whether this entity should be prevented from being spawned.
    return m_DifficultyManager.InhibitEntitySpawn(spawnArgs);


    or in m_DifficultyManager.InhibitEntitySpawn. This routine already checks for difficulty related spawn and for "random_remove".


    Looking again at the code, the second part in DifficultyManager.InhibitEntitySpawn should probaby be moved to idGameLocal::InhibitEntitySpawn - that would be a bitmore logical. No functional change, but keep the code in DifficultyManager only for difficulty, and put the other query (random_remove, inline) in idGameLocal. Looks cleaner to me. (And mea culpa, should have done this the first time round :)

  3. "inline" "1" is exactly how it's implemented. And yes it happens during dmap but long after the bsp generation so it won't cause problems with splitting up the map. The only problem I see so far just from reading the code is that at spawn time the entity doesn't get removed, it just gets hidden. Perhaps it's working already except for that bit! Time to test.


    An easy way would be to inhibit the spawn of the entity when "inline" "1" is set.


    A good place to add this would be:


    bool idGameLocal::InhibitEntitySpawn( idDict &spawnArgs ) {
       // Consult the difficulty manager, whether this entity should be prevented from being spawned.
       return m_DifficultyManager.InhibitEntitySpawn(spawnArgs);


    or in m_DifficultyManager.InhibitEntitySpawn. This routine already checks for difficulty related spawn and for "random_remove".

  4. Rechecked out the source and it now compiles libgame.so \o/ but then stops with:




    scons: Cannot explain why `build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
    cd sys/linux && m4 -E < glimp_dlopen.cpp.m4 > /home/te/src/tdm_experimental/The-Darkmod-Experimental/src/build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:66: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:132: undefined macro `f363_name'
    scons: *** [build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp] Error 1
    scons: building terminated because of errors.






    At the top of sys/gllog/gl_def.m4 I see:


    define(`gl_start', `0')
    define(`gl_end', `335')
    define(`wgl_start', `336')
    define(`wgl_end', `357')
    define(`glX_start', `358')
    define(`glX_end', `363')


    These are used in sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp.m4 here:


    define(`instance_funcptr', ``$1' ( * glX`$2' )(`$3');')
    forloop(`i', glX_start, glX_end, `instance_funcptr(indir(`f'i`_ret'), indir(`f'i`_name'), indir(`f'i`_params'))


    which would then result in these strange f363_end definitions. Maybe here is the problem :huh:

  5. I think a mapper could do that anyway by targeting the func emitter from the light. I might be wrong.


    Yes, that would work. But it still uses two entities :)


    But sure, supporting multiple "models" for a single entity sounds useful to me, especially as you say for entity lights that are currently made up of model+light+particles. 3+ entities would collapse to 1.


    For my part, I'm going to take a look at "inline" and try to figure out how it was meant to work and why it's broken. That could be a quick fix for the entity limit, if it turns out that that the visible model simply gets absorbed into the world model and that it doesn't take part in any way in dmapping.


    Yes, that sounds worth investigating. Even if we would only make it work for func_statics with a special spawanrg "inline" "1", it would help huge maps. Does the inlining happen at dmap stage?

  6. @revelator: I think (and that's just a thought) it would be better to begin porting game code to Doom 3 BFG code base. This way you could figure out all the incompatibilities and when I release my engine, you could just merge the game code of TDM and that would solve all the issues at once :)


    Porting isn't easy and free. We can't just "port", we would need to bring over a lot of stuff and basically merge the two engines. Greebo spent a lot of time on this already when we switched to the OS version of D3. I guess BFG is even more work as it is vastly different from D3 vanila.

  7. Speaking of feature proposals:


    Should I try adding the posibilty of a having particle at an idLight? I guess a few spawnargs with offset, rotation and .ptr name would be enough.


    In fact, I think we could even do something like a "multimodel" instead. Add support for "model2" and "model2_ofs" and "model2_rotate" and model3 and so on.


    Each light with a model would then simply either present the model to the renderer, or add the particle to its particle emitting-list (I know that multiple particles per entity work, I've used it for SEED).


    That way you'd had one entity with multiple models.


    Lights also have "broken" models (I'm not sure if TDM ues this, but in D3 you could shoot lights out) and an "off" model (the candle flame f.i. has a repeating "model" particle with the flame, and a "smoking for a while" run-once particle. (see, the "model" if the flame is a particle actually)


    If we add the same support for the other model spawnargs, then you could have a ligh with a streetlamp and a haze when on, and streetlamp and no haze when off.

  8. I've been puzzling over this too. It seems this weird rule is in place because idEntityPtr wants to be a single 32-bit int like a proper 32-bit pointer, but it has to hold two pieces of information: the entityNum AND the spawnID. So a certain number of bits get allocated to the entityNum (currently 13, enough for 8192 entities) and the rest get allocated to the spawnID (currently 19, enough for 500k spawnings).


    If we were to double the entity limit, we'd have 16384 entity limit but only a quarter of a million spawnings allowed during a play session. That wouldn't be a problem in most maps, but SEED or imaginative scripts could end up exceeding it.


    The merged entityNum-spawnID field is used only for synchronising the game over a network, i.e multiplayer mode. The rest of the game uses gameLocal.spawnIds whch devotes a full 32 bits to each spawnID.


    Maybe we should get rid of the crazy netsync scheme (at least for spawnids) and replace it by two 32 bit ints. It's not that it would be used, anyway :D


    The spawn limit was formerly 2 million when we had 2048 entities as limit (that seems outright tiny now). I guess very long running network play sessions would still be safe with a 2 million limit, but as we are now down to 0.5mill and would be at 250K, or even 120K, this seems dangerous.


    The interesting thing is to me, that the spawnId could also just wrap around. But I guess back then it was simpler to code and worked (unless you played more than a few hours on a map with constant respawning items).

  9. May I ask as a newbie what this TDM branch is all about? Is it related to the D3:BFG improvements or something? Like what can we endusers expect ;)?


    It is just work in progress and nothing comes out of yet for end-userss.[0]


    It's a "cleanup" effort, basically a house cleaning. It will allow (maybe) later enhancing the engine and modernize the grafics. Maybe.


    0: Ok, that was a lie. You can expect about twice the performance, defered lighting, tissue-soft shadows, your manhood will be enlarged, beautiful women will flock to you and of course it will bring world peace.

    • Like 1
  10. :blink: i removed all those macros from m4 huh ?!?.

    Yep just checked those macros dont exist anywhere in the source, might be scons caching of things from old builds so it keeps picking them up, could you do a fresh checkout and build ? just in case.


    Ah, yes, I deleted the file scons.signatures.dblite - hopefully it works now. Will report back.

  11. Not if using autotools they rely even more on m4 than scons, cmake maybe though i have to have a look at dhewm3 to see how that gets around it.

    I just installed kubuntu in wmware and tried a compile with my latest comitted changes and it builds but fails on devil because kubuntus zlib is to new, any hints on how to downgrade zlib ?.


    Downgrading isn't a good idea, unless you statically link the downgraded library into the executable (and even then it's questionable).


    The Linux/Unix way is to use the libary on the system, not ship outdated ones with the executable.


    However, I can see how upgraded libraries cause problems (see boost). So, not sure what you can do.


    For me it stops here:


    g++ -Wall -o framework/precompiled_engine.h.gch -x c++-header -c -pipe -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fmessage-length=0 -fpermissive -fvisibility=hidden -m32 -O3 -march=pentium3 -ffast-math -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -DXTHREADS -fno-strict-aliasing -Winvalid-pch -D__DOOM_DLL__ -Iframework -Ibuild/release/core/sys/scons -Isys/scons -Iinclude -Iinclude/zlib -Iinclude/minizip -Iinclude/libjpeg -Iinclude/devil -I. framework/precompiled_engine.h
    scons: Cannot explain why `build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp' is being rebuilt: No previous build information found
    cd sys/linux && m4 -E < glimp_dlopen.cpp.m4 > /home/te/src/tdm_experimental/The-Darkmod-Experimental/src/build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:36: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:48: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:66: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_ret'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_name'
    m4:stdin:105: undefined macro `f363_params'
    m4:stdin:132: undefined macro `f363_name'
    scons: *** [build/release/core/glimp/sys/linux/glimp_dlopen.cpp] Error 1
    scons: building terminated because of errors.

  12. m4 is general purpose macro processor used in autotools normally and in doom3 for autogenerating headers and source files based on which opengl capabilities your linux distro has.

    It also requires knowledge im not sure posses when tinkering with it :(.


    Besides i have the grimm feeling that after the change to glew it cannot be fixed because some of the m4 chain also autogenerates some source files that we need so we cant simply remove it, even though most of that functionality is now provided by glew.


    Probably last try here, removed the defines for those function pointers from m4, if it does still not compile then we need someone with better understanding of the m4 macros to fix this im afraid.

    Changes have been committed.




    Would we get rid of m4 if we replace scons by automake/autobuild/autowhatever? I'm not a big fan of changing things for the change's sake but I think scons itselfs has a few problems now and then.


    My biggest wish would get back the "if you change one file, only this .o is compiled". Ever since the switch to the pre-compiled header on Linux every is re-compiled every time.

  13. Cool, so there's hope for "inline".


    Not sure if these two things are related. If the entities are inlined at "map load", then they are never spawned in the first place, so wrap-around does not matter. If they are inlined after spawn, the map would still crash unless the inlined entities + everything else > LIMIT.


    So, yeah, I think inlining could help. OTOH, care must be taken to not inline func_statics that are refered to by something later. E.g. anything with a LOD stage or watched over by SEED or having a link (e.g. another entity uses it as "target spawnarg") or it is refered to by a script. I'm not sure it is that easy to discern.


    Maybe if the func_statics have an "inline" spawnarg, but then it would only be for new maps.

  14. void idGameLocal::RegisterEntity( idEntity *ent ) {
    int spawn_entnum;
    if ( spawnCount >= ( 1 << ( 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS ) ) ) {
    	Error( "idGameLocal::RegisterEntity: spawn count overflow" );


    Oh boy... increment, but never decrement (or at least my grep-foo didn't find it):


       entities[ spawn_entnum ] = ent;
    spawnIds[ spawn_entnum ] = spawnCount++;


    So, constantly spawning entities, then removing them, then respawning (what SEED can do) would after a while crash the game?


    Plus, if we increase GENTITYNUM_BITS from 13 to 14 or 15, the code above does (32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS), which means it would have a lower limit? (e.g. now it is 1 << (32 -13) == 1<<19, afterwards it is 1 << (32 -14) == 1<<18?

  15. Cycling through entities:


    There are 3 lists of entities maintained in gameLocal:

    • entities -- this is a fixed-size array, currently 8192 entities
    • activeEntities -- a variable-sized linked list
    • spawnedEntities -- also a variable-sized linked list

    Most code that cycles through every entity does it through the first one, and it means it checks 8192 slots every time even if you have only 100 entities in your map. But that's fast because it's just a single block of 8k pointers. Cycling through the linked lists is slower because the data you're checking will probably be scattered in different blocks of memory, but it involves fewer steps... and come to think of it, if you want to do anything or check anything with the entities in the fixed-size list, again you have to access the scattered memory that holds the details for each entity.


    There are lots of places that allocate a temporary 8k block of memory to store lists of entities, for example the check for touching entities that you mentioned earlier. Those would all become 16kb allocations if we increase the entity limit. That'd probably be the main impact of increasing the entity limit, and (for all I know) it might not turn out to be a barrier at all. TDM doesn't tend to take up too much memory on my system even with a big map -- it certainly doesn't push anywhere near the 3gb range where we'd start to get problems.


    Yes, I should have mentioned that there are different problems when raising the entity limit:

    1. maps with lots of entities (> 8000) will use a lot of memory. But only a part of that might be due to the entities itself, textures&models probably eat a lot more
    2. maps with lots of entities (> 8000) will run through XK slows instead of only 8K. That might be no problem at all (16K index accessed might be nothing for a modern CPU).
    3. maps with few entities (<1000) might end up with a lot of temp. allocations (I wasn't aware of that problem, and it might be fixable - allocated only HIGHEST_CURRENT_ENTITY_ID slots instead of the full block)
    4. maps with little entities, but constant entity spawning and respaning might have num_entities higher than it actually is - that is why the code seems to always run from 0 .. num_entities,but then checks that each entry is actually existing and valid.


    Interstingly enough, RegisterEntity does num_entities++ but UnregisterEntity does not --? Likewise, I'm not sure RegisterEntity handles the increment always properly.

  16. We need to take a look again at the code that's meant to inline func statics. That one sticks out for me as a potentially huge gain with little effort. The code is already there, but it needs fixing. It's not needed for existing maps, just new ones.


    I'm not sure it would really help. Sure, it removes the entities, but it makes them world_spawn, which is a different beast and I'm not sure that would work for huge maps. It depends on how they are converted to world_spawn. Just added to the "render list" or do they divide world_spawn faces, too?


    Does entity spawning not re-use empty index slots then? I'm sure we could make it do so if not.


    I think it does, but I'm not sure. This routine is the likely place and it looks like it doesn't do wrap around idGameLocal::UnregisterEntity does indeed set firstFreeIndex back.


    void idGameLocal::RegisterEntity( idEntity *ent ) {
    int spawn_entnum;
    if ( spawnCount >= ( 1 << ( 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS ) ) ) {
    	Error( "idGameLocal::RegisterEntity: spawn count overflow" );
    if ( !spawnArgs.GetInt( "spawn_entnum", "0", spawn_entnum ) ) {
    	while( entities[firstFreeIndex] && firstFreeIndex < ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) {
    	if ( firstFreeIndex >= ENTITYNUM_MAX_NORMAL ) {
    		Error( "no free entities" );
    	spawn_entnum = firstFreeIndex++;
    entities[ spawn_entnum ] = ent;
    spawnIds[ spawn_entnum ] = spawnCount++;
    ent->entityNumber = spawn_entnum;
    ent->spawnNode.AddToEnd( spawnedEntities );
    // this will also have the effect of spawnArgs.Clear() at the same time:
    ent->spawnArgs.TransferKeyValues( spawnArgs );
    if ( spawn_entnum >= num_entities ) {


    Interesting is the support for "spawn_entnum", I'd say we should remove that. Setting the entity number via spawnargs - ugh. That exposes internal stuff to the outside world without real need.

  17. Here is a small patch that adds one comment and fixes another one:


    Index: game/Entity.h
    --- game/Entity.h	   (revision 6166)
    +++ game/Entity.h	   (working copy)
    @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
    // Signals
    -// make sure to change script/doom_defs.script if you add any, or change their order
    +// make sure to change script/tdm_defs.script if you add any, or change their order
    typedef enum {
        SIG_TOUCH,							  // object was touched
    Index: game/Game_local.h
    --- game/Game_local.h   (revision 6166)
    +++ game/Game_local.h   (working copy)
    @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
    // Tels: If you change this value, make sure that LUDICROUS_INDEX
    // in renderer/RenderWorld_local.h is higher than MAX_GENTITIES:
    #define	    GENTITYNUM_BITS				 13
    -#define	    MAX_GENTITIES				   (1<<GENTITYNUM_BITS)
    +#define	    MAX_GENTITIES				   (1<<GENTITYNUM_BITS)		    // max entity count
    #define	    ENTITYNUM_NONE				  (MAX_GENTITIES-1)
    #define	    ENTITYNUM_WORLD				 (MAX_GENTITIES-2)
    Index: renderer/RenderWorld_local.h
    --- renderer/RenderWorld_local.h	    (revision 6166)
    +++ renderer/RenderWorld_local.h	    (working copy)
    @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    #define __RENDERWORLDLOCAL_H__
    // assume any lightDef or entityDef index above this is an internal error
    -#define LUDICROUS_INDEX	    65537		   // (2 ** 16) + 1;
    +#define LUDICROUS_INDEX	    65537		   // (2 ** 16) + 1;	   must be higher than MAX_GENTITIES
    typedef struct portal_s {

  18. I vote for this as its been done before, but that said once I have had TDM open for a while with the above map and done a few DMAP runs I occasioanly get a malloc crash whioch on smallers maps I don't. maybe at the same time we make darkmod.exe 64bit native with 32bit legacy mode.


    Yeah, that would be the way forward. However, larger maps, larger entity counts and so will also put a strain on the entire editing pipeline (you need a beefy PC just to open the map in DR) and the player. 64bit doesn't help if you have less then 4Gb memory in the PC, it might actually hut, because it uses a bit more memory.


    So, we also need to somehow try to reduce the memory footprint as well as the loading size.


    I remember a few years back stgatilov removed the "editor_" spawnargs from entities in memory, this massively reduced the savegame size (because our documentation effort added thousands of these to entities :D


    Maybe we can look at slimming down entities in general in the engine. If one entity uses a few Kbyte less memory, and the parts of the engine that try to find entities don't loop through all of them multiple times per frame, then doubling or trippling the limit won't be a problem.

  19. Speaking of cleanup, do we still need to support the MD3 model format?


    renderer/Model_md3.h and renderer/Model_md3.cpp. It isn't much code, and only referenced in one place, but AFAICS we don't have any .md3 models. Does this format have any special abilities that make it worthwhile to keep?

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