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Posts posted by Lux

  1. It could be the devs made him that way so he would not be liked by some players causing certain decisions? Players that fed in to that type of behavior may like him and make other decisions. Just like IRL, in the delivered game this guy may be a quest giver and whether you use him or not based on your like for the guy will effect how your game plays out. Seems fine to me. Maybe you can also eliminate him or challenge him to a duel in the town square to "teach him a lesson". Who knows yet how the final game will be. Probably best to wait until its entirely fleshed out to be judgmentive.

  2. Good points, Tels. Actually, the difference in price between the 960 and 970 means you should get a 970 with the extra vram. If either would require a complete new PC... then its time to upgrade. Christmas in February for Tels! (Though if I'm being honest you should hold out till the end of the year and get skylake +new gfx).

  3. he always likes to play devils advocate aswell...

    Who..me ?_? Biker, you don't know me very well at all, and yet you know me soo well. :D


    I'm not an Nvidia fan boy or employee. Its just that their product is good and their driver support is better than anything else out there and has been for a while. What are we to do? What choice do we have?


    All I'm trying to say about Nvidia is this -- Most everyone loves the card, they just wish Nvidia hadn't done what they did, it's a "principle" thing... I get it. But whatever, it doesn't affect aNYTHINg really. In extreme cases, sure but for the majority of everyone that bought the card, nothing is different.


    Principles wise... yeah, comon Nvidia, be straight with your loyal customer base and they'll keep being loyal. They probably lost some future customers doing what they did. Maybe they'll make amends. They learned along with everyone else, don't try to slip something by the tech community or you'll lose.


    I'm pretty certain and I guess you can hold me to this, but I'm pretty certain that nothing is going to happen to them in court/class action whatever/false advertising/etc. because the box says 4GB, the card has 4GB.


    There may be some precedent if it does go to court where in the future, companies have to stipulate if there are divisions of the memory or other subsystems and have them listed EXACTLY as they are on the card.


    That would be a good thing going forward so this can't happen again. I get the whole "principles" argument and its just kind of shaky ground in this particular case, that's all. People getting all bent out of shape about it is kind of humorous, for me at least. The whole thing is a bit grey.


    That whole "miscommunication between departments" thing too, if you ask me, is a bunch of smoke screen. I think they've had that in their pocket the entire time waiting in case something like this happened but that's just my opinion.


    And by the way, it may sound like I'm defending them but I'm not. I'm just saying, they lied, the consumer actually got more memory than they sHOULd have gotten, Nvidia spent more than they should have on the card, Nvidia made less money than they should have made, and there probably isn't any recourse that can be taken unfortunately. So getting mad or whatever is just a waste of energy. Forgive, forget, move on with your life.


    Does anyone know off hand, was there an AMD video card launched around the time the 970gtx was released? Something in direct competiton that ...with the 970 having 3.5GB of VRAM "might" have lost them some/a lot of sales? If that is the case, there may be some "anti competitive" leg to stand on here.

  4. Well it worked out quite well for Liebeck, if not anybody else.

    Yeah, and what do we call this kind of person? Smart? Crafty? They're taking advantage.


    This is a circular argument though. Customer takes advantage of McDonalds through legal loophole, Nvidia takes advantage of customer through legal loophole.


    Should Nvidia be punished? Should Liebeck be punished? For what?



    Consumers aren't dumb for demanding truth in marketing. It's not about what they should have gotten, it's what they were promised.

    They were promised 4GB VRAM and that's what they got. Nothing anyone can do about it.


    They were promised 4 GB of the same memory, no trickery. They got 3.5 GB + crippled 0.5 GB.

    Not sure where this was ever stated? box says 4GB VRAM, doesn't say how its alotted, doesn't say anything else. AND most importantly --It never has!


    You think when a consumer buys a hard drive that says 256GB they're going to get that? Oh... precedent, we already closed that loophole. You think when a consumer buys 8GB system RAM they're aware that the computer is going to use 12.5% of that for itself and you can't use it? No, you'd think the user is just ignorant of the facts of OS operation.



    Even if it makes no difference to GTX 970 being a good card, NVIDIA made a mistake, and now it's time for some punishment.

    Agreed I guess. To err is human, to be the all knowing all seeing all manufacturing giant that is Nvidia, you're right, we should take them for everything they have and weaken the giant and laugh at the sniveling once giant corpse. It just too bad that being the large corp they are, I'm sure they foresaw this backlash since release, knowing it was coming, and had their legal team assure them that nothing bad would come of it as a result. At least nothing "company threatening".


    Game credits or a measly $25 check/coupon from a class action are probably better awards for the consumer than a refund, given that the card runs almost exactly as well as it would with the full 4 GB. Anybody who wants a refund should get one. Just don't take a hammer to the card before sending it back.

    I agree here. Anyone who purchased a 970 should get like $25-50 dollar reimbursement and anyone who wants to return a card can do so.


    I just think that even if they do nothing besides "offer an apology", it won't matter either way. I guarantee you that >90% of people that bought a 970 were:

    #1 Completely unaware of this until someone else brought it to light.

    #2 Completely happy with their freakin amazing 970 video card.

  5. Oh yeah, DSR, running higher res than you actually can run on the monitor you have. There's another mistake they shouldn't have offered.


    "most" people that mess around with DSR might be like, "it doesn't work well on my card" not realizing the memory size/bandwidth implications or 4x the resolution. Then you just open a box of complaints from users. Great idea....


    We don't have ANY video card solutions presently with the VRAM size required to do this effectively for gaming. Maybe a 6GB Titan (um no)? QHD is still pretty new and we really haven't gotten out of the last gen of 1080p performance cards. I mean comon, 3840x2160 is nearly 8.3 megapixels @60fps is close to half a billion pixels/per second. Compression or not, that's a shit load of memory.


    Maybe 2 gens from now we'll see cards capable of doing this without breaking a sweat but the current 970/980/280X aren't the ones. Even crossfired/sli'd.

  6. Yeah, basically you've got 3.5GB on a 224bit buss and 500MB on a 32bit buss interconnect that is far slower. Still quick though.


    Because of the binning process, a less than perfect GPU (perfect being 980 spec), with an SM missing because of yeilds/binning, they should have just disabled/not included the last 500MB accessed via the 32bit crosslink. Then it would have been a 3.5GB card period. They could have gotten the same price for the card with less money in it.


    They gave the consumer more than they should have gotten and then tried to market it the same way they always have.


    Let's be honest here though. What they should have done was disable the remaining legs the faulty SM (binned that way) and NOT included the additional 500MB memory, and marketed the card as 3.5GB at the same price.


    No one would have been lied to, the performance "at a certain point" wouldn't change, and consumer would have gotten what they expected.


    What they did though was give you a bit more for your money but didn't market it correctly and now they're caught in the twist. Its all just kind of dumb.

  7. I would settle for some redeemable steam game codes,

    This is reasonable in my mind but I think what they're actually doing is offering refunds on the 970 if you want one.


    or pay the difference for an upgrade to a 980.

    Har! This is a "free lunch" that I think many are trying to take advantage of. We all know this sort of upgrade isn't going to happen.


    The whole thing is basically like McDonalds not telling you the coffee is HOT and then sueing them cause it burned you. There are 4GB of RAM on the card, yes it affects performance in extreme cases. I mean, what do you guys think, maybe 90% of the customer base is running 1080p single monitor? I doubt you'd ever see any issue at that res and if you did you would be running absurd GFX quality settings.


    If this card was originally sold with 3.5GB VRAM +additional 500MB of "extreme cache" or whatever... no fewer cards would have been sold.

  8. I wouldn't think this would effect anything other than the people that are mad about being lied to. 970 is an excellent card.


    Just don't use 1080p with 16xMSAA or 32xMSAA that uses a bunch of VRAM. I have a 780gtx (non Ti version) and I run everything @5760x1200 even with 4xAA some times on 3GB of VRAM so the whole thing is really a non issue and shouldn't effect a purchasing decision really.


    I think the whole thing was born out of bit coin miners or people running CUDA applications and noticing when they started using nearly all the VRAM that the performance suffered. There aren't many situations where you're going to encounter a problem especially @1080p.


    On a single 1920x1200 montior using 4xAA the jaggies are pretty much non existant unless you get 5" from the screen and get your magnifying glass out.


    People are crazy wierdos...and funny.

  9. I'm a bit confused on what is taking place. So if we played and finished La Banque previously, the stats will not be carried over, correct?


    We hAVe to play La Banque again (and a new version?) if we want the stat carry over?


    If we don't care about the stat carry over from the first mission we can just play this new one by itself?


    Having finished La Banque previously, playing through this new FM without replaying La Banque, what are we missing out on?

  10. I turn the LEDs off except the one on the wheel to show which DPI profile I'm using. Personally I don't factor that in cause I could care less about lights, decals and marketing. I looked at the MS3 and the Mionix strickly based on ergonomic shape. My palm rests on the top at about a 30deg angle and it is like I said previously the most comfortable mouse I've ever used. Yeah you can get better ergonomics by not having your radius/ulna as crossed like with your hand in a pistol grip/vertical position but that position for me is too awkward and I'm not used to it for fast twitch FPS.


    Mechanical switches in the mouse "hopefully" will add durability but other than that its mainly about the comfort of the shape and the fact that if you want to use claw grip with it you can, and its not heavy at all.


    Previously used a death adder (the older IR model) until the right click started dbl clicking all the time. Had it for about 2-3 years. Prior to that a G5, a couple Logitech 518s, MS intellipoint. Never had anything that even approaches the comfort of the MS3 though a Logitech MX Revolution is amazing in the hand, I didn't want to deal with wireless weight and batteries, no thanks.


    Mice are a pretty individual device so hey, get one that suits you. That Daedalus Prime you linked is wAy to ricer for me :)

  11. Func MS-3. I use a claw grip for the most part but also like to relax and just lay my hand down on the mouse sometimes. I have used a lot of mice and this is the most comfortable mouse I've ever owned. I also have big hands. I love it so much, I bought one when they intro'd it and it had a beta teething issue where the cord was breaking internally and Func replaced my original. They were actually very helpful and great with replacement support. I didnt' have to ship the old one back and they shipped me the new one. Which also developed the same issue after about a month.


    I sent it back in and by this time they had a V2 out with a cord nubby (like every other mouse ever made) and I've not had any issues with it since. Glad I've stuck with it through the PIA because it is incredibly comfortable. Great buttons/decent laser sensor/tactile feel/usable software and macros. If it broke I'd buy another immediately and I've never been that way with mice which is wierd :)

  12. Wrist comfort. Better glide. Cloth surface allows mouse skates to last waaay longer (nearly indefinitely). It may not seem like it but any hard surface is abrasive.


    I play a bit of BF4, CS: Source and I have a 15"x17" pad and play with very low sensitivity. Like one swipe from edge to edge is about 180deg swivel in game. I use that low sense in every game I play including TDM. I have to move my arm to rotate my body in-game. A lot of people like to move 2" to turn completely around 360 but for me its an immersion thing. Having to move my arm to rotate incorporate my body in the action more like rotating in RL would. Also, its very very easy to aim precisely and quickly and that's just how my muscles memory is set up now. All FPS games I play like that. I will bump it up slightly for 3rd person games but not much.


    EDIT: sorry, I keep thinking of benefits!

  13. I've had 2 different hard surfaces over the years and I'll never buy another one again. They're marketed to be "yada" but they're really just made so people have to keep buying them. They wear out far to quickly.


    With my old IR mouse my Steel Series QCK+ I've had for 7-8 years? But found when I switched to a laser Func MS-3 that the tracking would get loopy on quick movements.


    I wanted to stay with a cloth surface so I tried out a Razer Goliathus Speed. I have it laid on top of my old QCK+ so now I have about 8mm of padding between my wrist and the desk <3 I hate setting my wrist for hours on end on a hard desk. Hurts my wrist bones.


    Anyway, the Goliathus Speed (or the Control) is mint. I absolutely love it. The mouse has never missed a beat on it. Consistent, accurate, comfortable, durable. Highly recommend. I'm not a fan aT ALL of the graphics on it but after a month or so I don't even care because it just does it job, doesn't move around, and doesn't wear out.


    penny penny

  14. I'm really liking Bitdefender so thats where my vote is. Very lightweight just running the antivirus, has blocked numerous search page links that are malicious. Copied a friends recovered hard drive over to my system temporarily and it yanked 5 trojans out that file copy (dumb user).


    It never bothers really ever which I am totally for. You don't really ever know its even running unless it catches something. Very transparent. I can't speak to their "total security suite" but their AV is excellent, unintrusive, lightweight, and transparent.

  15. I've been playing an indie game lately called, The Long Dark. Developed by Hinterland Studios. Its a very polished alpha (you'd almost think the game is done but they're still adding things) "you against nature" survival game and is very interesting.


    Its not free but it is cheap and indie.

  16. Fear is rooted in ignorance. That is the saying I picked up along my way.


    For me at least, the more I know about something the less and less it affects me in a bad/malicious way. I'm now familiar with it, know its habits, its abilities, its shortcomings, it's attributes, and now I can predict its behavior to enough of a degree as to act prior to anything bad happening.


    Insects and arachnids are very peculiar creatures to be sure. They're also very alien to everything I understand about me and other mammals and that doesn't make them malicious. They are amazing in their own rights and have many of the same mechanisms to protect themselves that we have.


    I really dig snakes. They're soo cool. I've had a few as pets for short times just to observe them and then eventually let them go in to the woods. I'd hate living my life in a see-through container for someones amusement too. I actually had a garter snake once that I named "Hercules" because she was so fat for a snake. A week or so later she had 21 babies! They were like little night-crawlers with larger heads and soo cute. About 4" (10cm) long each. I let them all go after a few days. Food for the birds I guess. Some of them will make it though. :)


    I've caught a few water snakes also (non-venomous) and they are very very aggressive. A couple times when I've caught them bare handed they've bitten me repeatedly and rapidly and I've thought to myself, "woah woah woah little guy! Don't be scared!" They probably think this giant is grabbing them and they're going to die. Surprised they don't have a heart attack, hehe. But...in the end, just a little blood and they calm down a bit and can be handled when they know you're not going to hurt them.


    Not to get off topic though, back to spiders.

  17. Like I said, you can't do much with your freedom: you're in a pre-determined context and the more you reject that context the faster you wake up. I'm willing to believe that there's a trick that would allow someone to extend that further than I could, or that it just requires immense control or practice or whatever. All the same, the dream world is the dream world, and what I know doesn't support the presence of 100% conscious thought within it.

    In my view, this should be rephrased: "Like I said, I can't do much with my freedom: I'm in a pre-determined context and the more I reject that context the faster I wake up."


    Other wise it reads like, "Like I said, One can't do much with their freedom: You're in a pre-determined context and the more one rejects that context the faster they wake up.", which is a generalization based off of one's individual personal experience which as you are aware, certainly doesn't account for others and their experiences.


    In either case, obviously its your opinion and relates to your personal experience with lucid dreaming.


    It is not however, anything like the experiences that I've had where after I woke by decision, thinking...I wonder what time it is, I can't do this all night, and woke then laying in bed reflecting on the experience I'd just had and recalling all of it. This was years and years ago (probably more than 10yrs) and I can still recall over half of the experience it was so incredible.


    I stumbled on all of this by meditation and breathing/visulization exercises at bedtime. Once in the lucid state, I was making conscious decisions about shaping the world and even got myself in to some fights with bad guys where I conjured weapons in to my hands from nothing. Lept up in to the air and hovered laughing to myself and then flew about as I pleased, across the US all the way over to the west coast over the Hollywood Hills where I observed a party on a large deck off the back of a house on the side of a hill. I landed perched in a tree and observed from some 50' or so away not wanting to "intrude" or give away my position. I flew home and back to my home and right in to bed and woke up. Deliberately.

  18. So what you're saying is that you've never had a lucid dream, Merry? You should practice meditating upon something you intend to do you in your dream as you fall asleep. You'll be shocked if you achieve it because IMO at least, you can create/do/make happen, anything you want. You're totally in control and although that may be just an illusion...it is after all a dream and you're aware that it is an illusion.


    WILD is not a fancy term for sleep paralysis and whoever stated that doesn't know what they're talking about, my opinion based on personal experience.


    Also, how is it that some of the most practiced yogis can slow their heart rate to imperceptable levels? Controlling subconscious processes consciously? You probably don't believe that either, yeah?

  19. Yeah. If I recall correctly, after we got it for Christmas one year, we had to wait like 8mo. or something to even play it after we got a system upgrade. It would have amazing at the time if we'd also had an Oculus or anything like that. I think the devs out-thought themselves on the hand articulation though, it was nuts.

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