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Posts posted by Noisycricket

  1. I didn't look at this issue at all so far. If those anims look ridicolous while walking or sitting, then yes: these are in fact the lines in the def file.


    You can commit that to the release branch, if you like.


    edit: nevermind, I removed it already.


    I tried to remove it, but saw that you had. Thanks.

  2. I noticed these two animations are still playing for walking and sitting, do those text strings just need to be removed from the "idle_animations_torso" and "idle_animations_sitting" sections in all of the A.I. def files?Or did someone decide they like them.

  3. Hmm, that is the wrong one. I need to log my changes better. The correct one I just uploaded to my folder as walk_swagger.


    Multiple walk_cycles sounds fantastic. I've been using this alternate walk cycle for a month now, haven't seen any problems what-so-ever. When the A.I. are coming down a dark hall at you, it looks very real to me. I noticed Squill's walk cycle has the same thing going on with the unmoving pauldrons. However, he updated that walk_cycle with a newer one recently where he *might* have done something with them?

  4. I noticed that after guards hear a sound and they say "what was that?" to themselves, the idle animation resets when the guard says: "must have been nothing". The reset causes a noticeable jump obviously, but especially with the current animation, which has large movements.


    But didn't TDM used to have the guards look in the direction of the noises they noticed? Hmm maybe not...


    EDIT: oops: title. Hmm, can't change it, or full editor button not working.

  5. According to the tdm_ai_builder_guard.def, under "idle_animations_torso" and "idle_animations_sitting", Im assuming its got to be either: idle_shifting1 or idle_shifting2. Both are feet shifting animations. I'd recommend taking them out, I'd gladly create some replacements.


    To see them, simply load up test/idle_animations and watch the walking guards and to see them while sitting, i'd recommend taking a look at the A.I. in the office of the lower floor of the Museum in Builder's Influence.

  6. Ok, one subtle drunk idle uploaded as idle_drunk.md4anim. Its just simple a side to side sway. To examine it, i'd recommend renaming it to idle.md5anim and load up test/walk, unless you know something i don't, which is likely. ;)


    So the tentative plan is to add more supplemental drunk idle animations, like the regular ones.


    Here my own critique of it after seeing it in-game:


    -I notice TDM still doesn't wait for the currently playing idle animation to end before it switches to the next one, missing an opportunity for a seamless transition.


    -Its a little more repetitive than i'd like, but it is already 320 frames. With these slow movements adding a little movement creates a lot of frames. I assume each frame requires the same amount of processing power regardless of the amount of movement. Unfortunately, faster, more interesting movements easily create noticeable repetition.


    -It certainly won't work with normal idle_animations and probably won't work with the coded bodily movements very well, but neither would the super long version.


    -The stance of the body might not jive with all of the transitions its going to be making as well as if i compromised and didn't have the model so hunched over.


    -I think a super long idle alone, with no coded movements might be better.

  7. Theres 3 idle animations having to do with the legs/feet as the focus, at least as far as im aware. One is the scuff boot, which i see in model_src (which i've never seen play in the idle_animations.map), then is the one where the a.i. will go up on the balls of there feet, then the last, which im not sure whats going on really. I think its the last one.

  8. One of the idle animations that plays when the A.I. are walking and sitting (do they all? I don't know) looks very strange. I think its one of the idle animations that has the A.I. stretch their legs, like idle_scuff. The arms go out to the sides making the walk cycle look strange, to me anyway. I don't think it adds anything to the sit or walk and i wanted to suggest taking it out. I'll be glad to put adding a replacement on my to-do list.

  9. I have a plugin installed which imports the md5mesh and anims into maya. But rigging a skeleton that way is not something i recommend, it would be better to start from the last skeleton. But i'll have to look at the D3 skeleton first before taking any assumption.

    It looks like just a standard bone setup. For basic walking changes, we can just rig up some ik to each leg (4 minutes?) can't we?

  10. There was the same in 'Storm' but by carefully moving the AI forward I found a reasonable compromise that looked OK but only clipped slightly into the front of the back. But might be an idea to remove the back stretch one where the AI looks up and stretches back.


    It should be pretty easy for us animators to create an idle animation where the backs of the A.I. do not move back and forth. Or even easier, simply delete the movement from the current idling anim. Is that a Doom idling animation thats being used?


    Can anyone think of any good adjectives to describe the idling animation and another for supplemental idle animations like idle_cough?

  11. I noticed while playing Builder's Influence that the idle animation for sitting is causing the back of the guards to clip out of the chair.


    btw, is there a test map that the animators could use to quickly test sitting animations in the game? If not, animators could quicksave near an A.I. in the training map or Builder's Influence, etc.

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