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Posts posted by Schatten

  1. I like the look of the tattooed skin, but I'm a bit put off by the symmetry. I know, celtic patterns tend to be symmetric, but I don't see why we should stick to this.


    How good is the resolution of a model skin? I ask because that's how delicate and detailed a pattern can look.


    Just to drop in an idea: I think tattoos that resemble scripture look real striking.


    Yeah, I know Nic Endo is a jap goth chick and it's only paint, but my point is I like the mixture of clear, distinct lines and that it's asymmetric without looking random.


    On the other side of the scale you've got stuff like the traditional henna tattoos, I think that's closer to what Macsen has in mind.


  2. My interpretation is that it's just there as background scenery, mountains and such. Obviously there is no "content" over the borders - no dungeons, towns, monsters or NPCs.


    So it's pointless in that regard, but I suppose fans could enlarge the world to include all the provinces (that would make a huge game :o)


    Actually, I have a feeling there might be official expansions for them later on.

  3. Wow, I like this a lot, oDDity. Yeah, I was against propping an animal head on a human body, but this looks so nicely half-human - the shape of his head, the short muzzle (looks better than the long one imo).


    To clearify, I'm very tired of antropomorphs that look like a cheap photoshop of animal and human. You almost never see truely "merged" versions, and that's why I like this model.


    I'm not sure about the ears, they seem a tad long. Do you think a slightly shorter version would work? Or maybe broader? Or maybe I'm missing the earlobes.. ah, I'm not good with anatomy.


    Edit:I think the slightly orkish look that some people feel with the shorter muzzle might be because of the bald head. I guess it will certainly look different with some hairdo.






    ...maybe an Afro? (j/k)

  4. Just wanted to add my voice to the "nudity is fine with me" choir, makes for a refreshing change on what you usually see. I remember downloading a model replacer for Morrowind that offered a nude version (of both sexes), as well as one with undercloth. I stuck with the nude version, mostly because it made the game a tad more unique.


    Nice work oDDity, double props for not going all Lara Croft on her.


    As for her build, I agree a bit more muscle would suit her. Not Schwarzenegger of course, muscle that is build from stamina and speed, rather. Bruce Lee style, if you want. Athletic. Tattoos, dirt, paint, some feathers... should be nice.

  5. I played for a few hours yesterday and am very pleased. They certainly improved on the quests, a big step forward from Morrowind. I haven't played too far into it, but so far it seems that you don't have to level-grind as much as before. The Radiant AI babbling is a tad confusing, but interesting from a coder's point of view. And god, this game looks awesome.


    I had no in game crashes so far, but Oblivion will reliably crash whenever I quit.

  6. I actually like the contrast of the brass parts with the rest, and agree with the idea of making this the start-up while the more toned down one would better fit for the loading screen.


    Consider, if we're making everything the same hue we end up with Quake 1-everything-is-brown-age. That's bad, imo.


    I'd like to see the nature vs. machines theme a bit more emphasized, fancy a bit lichen on the second example.

  7. Hmmmm, this post is very much like you, oDDity.


    What is the exact difference between


    Ishtvan goes to the model forums because he needs something model-ish




    oDDity goes to the sound forums because he needs something sound-ish





  8. Hmm, do you think a request thread in the beta-mapper forums would make sense? Or even better, a feedback thread?


    My point is that I'm unaware of any feedback from people actually using ambients and sfx so far, but we need that in order to straighten things out.


    I fear that in a year or so someone will drop in and say "sorry Schatten, but your ambients pop so much they burst my eardrums". I'd rather be able to fix issues in a progressive manner than to rework the whole bunch.

  9. Hey, thank you guys!


    Alas, work doesn't stop for birthdays and so it was pretty much routine for today. Nevertheless, I got stuffed with cake and donuts, jolly-good-fellowed and finaly got some presents as well. (A lot of chocolate, either people want to stuff me or I'm looking terribly depressed.)


    I also got myself some More Memory™ for hawt Oblivion action ahead. And yes, I found about half an hour to play around in Buzz.


    Had a great time with the bunch of you so far!


    :D<-- Disabled smiley

  10. Sparhawk is right though.


    If I sell cars and my customers tell me they would have bought my product but decided against it because the electric system I use is unlocking the doors, cutting the brakes off and is repeatedly playing "Strangers in the Night" on the car's stereo, I will rather consider to change my electric system supplier than pissing off my customers by telling them it's not my problem.


    The reason is simple enough. I would be loosing money. Nobody wants to loose money.


    The problem around Starforce is something different. I suspect it is the usual lack of defunct comunication between developement and sales department.


    You see, things are different in the world of handshake biz. It's all about catch-phrases, advertisement and rethorics. If somebody tells the head of Sales Dpt. that XY is the shit, Mr. Head will investigate and look at sales numbers. Oooh, lookee here: Game A and B which used XY had very good sales. The website of company XY looks like serious biz, too. I'll give them a call. Hello, other friendly sales person. You're speaking the same language as I do, and the big technical words you're using sound impressive. I don't get it what it's about, but my, game A and B did sell really good. And your website looks cool.


    What then happens, is that customers report back with problems XY is causing. But they will talk to techy people. And the techy people will understand, very likely even know about the problems. Now, when a techy person tries to explain the problem of XY to the sales person, he has a very hard time. Believe me, I was in that situation a lot myself. The sales person doesn't care that XY is "granting ring 0 rights to ring 3 users", because they have no idea what that nerd is talking about - besides, the product seems to go well. Even if they are interested, they'll phone up the sales person of XY and ask him about the big words they just learned, and guess what they'll hear from XY? You have one guess.


    The tech people on the other side get most of the fire. Maybe they want to scream for all the world to hear "FUCK XY, FUCK THEM IN THE ASS", but they can't. You can't tell your customers that you know you sold them crap.


    There's only one thing that pisses off a sales person. That is, loosing money. They will understand if you tell them "I'd have bought it, but didn't because of XY". It's the same like if you told them "I'd have bought your bananas if they were red". If enough people want red bananas, they will get red bananas. It's really that simple.

  11. If you browse the topic on slashdot a bit, you get the feeling that the Starforce devs have taken considerably more care to avoid debugging than ensure their software doesn't fuck up the host system. Seriously, the whole concept of this kind of protection (as well as the execution, lol trojan gateway lol) looks like Starforce Co. thinks customers won't run anything else on their boxes besides Starforce.


    Someone in that thread also mentioned that Oblivion uses Starforce, can someone confirm/deny that?


    Oblivion will not use Starforce, officially confirmed.

  12. It is, but it's not particulary fit to learn your way around tracker environments - it employs tracker-style sequencing, true, but there are a gazillion more features that can make things too complicated for a beginner.



    Oh, and Ombrenuit, is your avatar from Gankutsuou?

  13. Hmm, this is a tough question, kinda. Or rather, the answer is tough.


    Domarius and Weaver covered the technical basics neatly in their posts. I think the word Dom was looking for is 'Sequencer', which is the core part of any composing software. As the name indicates, it's simply a schedule when to play what note.


    The actual sound is created by either samplers or synthesizers. A sampler is something that replays a previously recorded sample, often giving you the option to alter pitch and length. A synthesizer lets you design a sound from scratch. It is very difficult to recreate natural sounds or instruments with synths, witness the good ol' MIDI sounds, but they are great for more experimental sounds.


    Finaly, you have all sorts of effects you can put on your sounds. Reverb, chorus, delay... the list is endless. But in essence, it all boils down to this:




    In the olden times, you had to buy hardware for this, but nowadays software gets close to perfect in emulating those machines. And yes, some hardware still can not be replaced.


    Interfaces for the programs vary, of course. To use Domarius' analogy, some people like Paintshop, some prefer Photoshop. Reason and Fruity Loops use an interface that is strongly derivated from a special type of sequencer hardware, which was mostly used in live environments. This interface is very simple, and I would recommend FL for beginners to play with, too, because I can imagine it is very intuitive.


    People who already play an instrument and are used to the staff view would likely prefer a program that offers this kind of interface, like Cakewalk and Finale (not sure if P'heads included musical staff view in Reason meanwhile).


    Myself, I'm using a program derivating from the Tracker branch. Trackers originated in the computer demo scene and where in essence only samplers, offering a limited number of tracks or channels you could sequence on. The program I am currently using is Jeskola Buzz, which is freeware and (save the core engine) opensourced. I'm not up to date, but I think developement on this particular app has ceased, but I read about a promising spin-off the other day. If you want to have a look at a simple Tracker interface, I recommend MadTracker. Still no synthesizers, but it will give you an idea of things before you tackle a beast like Buzz.


    So much for the tools. You will be able to beep and bleep with something like Fruity Loops without any knowledge of musical theory whatsoever, but it really helps. I'm autodidact and worked my way from slamming an E major chord on a guitar - without knowing wtf E major means.

    In retrospect, if I had spent more time reading up on theory instead impressing girls with slamming E major cords I would have an easier time now - I still can't read staff fluently... then again, the benefits of impressing said girls weren't too bad, either.

    But anyways, you should at least be aware of what a muscial scale is, and how the different notes are named. Knowing major from minor also helps, but really, most software has play on click, and you will quickly learn which tones go well with each other.


    And then there's the creative process. Well, I could of course describe how I usually go at a track, but this is different for everybody, like with everything else.


    Hope this helps, and sorry for the late answer!

  14. I don't get it why people still make such a big fuss about it. If a bunch of myoptic players had formed the "Amazing Myoptic Morons" guild, I somehow doubt they would have been banned for this.


    And oDDity, I may not be up to date on this, but to my knowledge genetic affinity to homosexuality is not proven, only speculated and highly disputed.

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