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Posts posted by Schatten

  1. Well, those with pretty pictures are:


    Agrippa's Occult Philosophy I-IV, Abratel of Magic, and Of Geomancy

    The Liber Juratus

    The Heptameron

    Solomon's Veritable Clavicles and of course the Lemegeton Clavicula

    Abramelin's Sacred Magic (although that only contains those funky letter squares)

    Dee's Hieroglyphic Monard and Misteriorum Liber Primus

    Frater Achad's incredibly boring Anatomy of God and his Chrystal Gazing (sic!)



    A few of them are PDFs though, so I would need to get the pics out first. Agrippa is along with Solomon's Keys the most useful resource.


    Trivia: Id used a few sigils of Agrippa's Occult Philosophy Book II for their teleporters in Doom I



    Edit: This site has a nice overview of the most common magic fonts.

  2. Sweet! I thought it looked genuine, just asked if you needed more.


    May I ask where you got it from? I find this interesting, because I don't recognize the large sigil, dunno what that would invoke. I'm sure I've seen the key somewhere else before, but damn me if I can place it. The alphabet used *squint* ... looks like enochian.

  3. Those look awesome Springheel!


    Btw, I have a nice collection of sigils, signs and symbols from "genuine" occult books*. Pretty low-res, but they could still do for inspiration if you want. :)


    Oh, and I especially love the DaVincian look of the schematics.



    *Along with the occult books in e-form, if anybody is intrested. Most are very, very boring though.

  4. Ok, here's a new one:


    The next four I've made for Morrgan's FM TGG2, but I don't see why we shouldn't use them for the mod.


    Of course, if you think they're out of question because they already gone public (albeit in much lower quality), I'm cool with that.

  5. Even then, asking sparhawk to "stop trying to get involved in creative matters" is not justified. There are very, very few things that really set me off, but telling people not to be creative and/or denying them an opinion is certainly among them.

  6. oDDity, I consider coding a creative activity just like painting, making music or modeling. In fact, I would even call certain aspects of it art.


    And I really think the name discussion is the least of our problems at the moment.


    Can a mod please seperate this thread?

  7. Shit. I looped Tetris music for an hour while mapping last night??


    :D Thank you, that just made my day. And for the record, I was listening to Tetris music for two hours before I made that. While... playing it. The gameboy version.


    I did mention I have a thing for retro-gaming, aye?




    In terms of organisation/structure I'd place the Builders more in the fascist corner. But you're right, a little russian flavour would become them - we just mustn't overdo it. Maybe I can try and carry a bit of the feeling into a serious ambient.


    In terms of design, there's already much there - industrialisation, work as a political dogma, the big statues, the symbols... and if we go with stereotypes, the stern, melancholic character would suit them, too.



    It's a bit short for OCR, isn't it? (And it also lacks the obligatory UNZ UNZ beat j/k)



    Actually, I pictured the WRATH OF THE MAN-SMITH, flinging giant geometric stones with increasing speed from the heavens to smite the heathen!

  8. Oh people, this was meant as a joke, which just died a most hideous death.


    Yeah, it's the Tetris theme. I thought it was funny because of the Tetris<-->Building thing. I never seriously meant this for use as the Builder theme or anything other in the game in first place, that's why I posted it seperately and not in my ambient thread. Plus the :wink: smiley.


    Gah I'm such a sad nerd... :(

  9. You're correct - metainfo sounds should go there. I can't answer for pak why he put the frob sound not in there though.


    About the level-start... nah, about these "info" sounds in general: I mentioned elsewhere that we need a good review of them, because they need to be consistant (it wouldn't do if the "objective complete" and the "objective failed" jingle would sound completely different, imo) and most people should be cool with them, because they will be played a lot.


    I think the best way would be if we had different examples (if possible by different sound people, "sets" so to say) and the choose those most people can agree upon.

  10. I don't see the problem. Sparhawk said implementation of the drop/re-sell feature wouldn't be a problem and I guess setting up a property like LockInPurchaseScreen wouldn't be to hard to do either.


    If the FM has an item in the purchase screen that it is needed for the mission the author could just set that to true.


    I say go for it.


    Oddity, re weapons required: IIRC, there were some OMs where you needed Fire Arrows to set off stuff/solve riddles

  11. Well, the point is that DarkMod obviously has need for a more organized structure of its ambient listing (in the editor) than D3 had - and the problem is that appearently the sound shader structure in the radiant interface does not support "subfolders".


    Since this is a technical issue I recommend starting an appropriate thread in the Sound Coding sub-forum, with a proper name too. ;)


    I still find it hard to believe that there is no possibility of doing a hierarchic structure for the sound shaders (in which a child inherits properties of its parent). We have this for other objects, don't we?

  12. So yeah. I met him around new years, and talked a bit with him about the mod. Although he's a bit busy with university stuff, he'd like to help out. I know he can model, skin and animate. I think he works mostly with Maya, but also knows his 3ds.


    He put up some of his work here.


    Some of this is a bit older work, as far as I know the last thing he did was creating a virtual studio (for TV).


    He asked if he could have a smaller prop to model, just to see how things work out.


    So, what do you all think?

  13. I usually search for vocal bits in classic pieces with as few percussion as possible, chop them into bits an rearange them. The first part of "Children" for example is made with a differently pitched sample bit of Addagio for Strings. Were talking about like, 1.5 seconds.


    Sometimes I remember that something in my sample library would fit nicely over my current WIP. This happened with "Ruins", I had that Alien sample lying on my HD for a while and thought it would do nicely.


    The problem is, I get very lazy then and don't modify/add anything when I'm satisfied with the sound - which means, if I cut away the vocals, there wouldn't be much left..


    Come to think of it, the one exception where I didn't sample at all is "Defiled Church", where I created the vocals from scratch with a synth.

  14. Thanks for the feedback guys, feels good to be back in biz.


    Pak: All of the vocals on Ruins. All I could do there would be to cut the sample up and rearange it, but I honestly don't see the point if the length remains the same... I understand DF's point as well as I see possible copyright issues. I uploaded it anyways because if it can't be used in the official release, there's always the possibility people can use it for their "private" missions.


    As for uploading the older ambients, it feels wrong to leave a thread with dead links, so if it's cool with sparhawk I'm gonna do that (about 21 Megs, that ok?).


    SubjEff: This got me thinking... when we're going for the the toolset approach, maybe more "conservative" Thief-style ambients were in order? I mean, if we want to reach as many people as possible, shouldn't the ambients be "more true" to the original style? I can certainly try to do that, but - Eric Brosius I am not.


    On the other hand, that three different people liked each a different ambient of those three best is certainly a good feeling. Thanks! ^_^

  15. Ok, here are some new ones..



    "Ruins" uses a rather lengthy sample from the Alien Trilogy OST, so maybe we can't use that one...


    Please note that I didn't have had the time yet to transfer the older ambients to the ftp, but I plan to do so soon-ish.

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