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Posts posted by Antsan

  1. Um, they weren't talking abput you not liking homosexuals or other languages because they aren't individual. They just said that this points of view are so old we don't even know when they started, so they are defenitely not individual but more like... very mainstream, because there is nothing logical behind being homophobe.

    So this doesn't make any sense:

    Also you fail to understand that just because someone likes a cock instead of a vagina, or says 'oui' instead of 'yes', it doesn't make them an individual, or give them a fundamentally different view on life, and furthermore, you're also badly confused by the idea that because one person has strong individualist views, that they should therefore automatically like anyone else who has stong individualist views.

    Has nothing to do with what they said.


    Yes, there are a lot of people out there who strong individuals, but that doesn't mean we are all the same. The very point is that we're all different from the average AND each other.

    May be true, but there is a whole bunch of people complainigng about how everyone (except them) is soooo mainstream and not individual and how everyone is dumb (except themselves, of course). And then they complain about humanity, sheepherds and dogs.

    At the end they didn't make any point, did not bring any argument and did no effort in proving, what they said, just stating some of their personal opinions as "facts". Like, you know, that the media is all influenced by the jews/government/corporations/[any other "dangerous" mainstream-group you are arguing against].

    Maybe they are right, but mostly in the end there's only one thing to know about them: They use words like they ant to, ignoring every definition, playing with words, using rethorics to fight their self-righteous fight against the ignorant mass. Whoever that ignorant mass consists of.


    I knew some militant communist who said that the German Democratic Republik would have been "true socialism" and that we all are corruptet by those capitalistic media. He even stated Constructivism was an idea of cpitalists to make us stopping to think.

    It's exactly what you do: Deny everything, everyone is dumb and every word you say can be used against you. Just don't answer or prove - no: blame!

    Or a more popular example: Intelligent Design! Maybe you don't believein that crap, but you definitely use the same technique in arguing.

  2. While I think localisation is important, it's not quite important enough (IMO) to pull people away from other tasks to pay attention to it just yet. Maybe it should wait until post-release. Unless we get an internationalisation expert on board who can do all the required work to prepare for localisation without any other team members being affected, it will probably have to wait.


    That's what I am offering. I am no regular team member. Although I am not an expert. And I couldn't handle the technical part. I am just not experienced enough.



    One more thing, I think other translations are needed much more than the german one. In some countries you just don't learn english that much. So if you start translating, better start with those important ones. In the end, germany only gets translations of commercial games, because the game-market is so huge here and not because of an actualy need for it.

    Okay, that's logical. But I don't know any other languages than German and English good enough.



    I would suggest that the WIKI (which is currently not available but hopefully back soon) is what needs translating the most. This is a HUGE task though, so maybe we could prioritize the pages somewhat, so that the most important basics get translated first.

    Sounds good, but for that you would need someone to decide, what is important and what s not. And that would need the time of the team members.

  3. I know, it's a little bit early, but I would like the idea of translating stuff into German. I could learn a few things and you could widen your audience.


    The earlier you would start the earlier the German version would be available.

    I like reading storys more than playing games to get the story either way, so it would be an opportunity to me to get to know the story without feeling like cheating.


    I am writing storys by myself (samples are in German, so it would be a little bit hard to judge if they are good for you, I think), so I don't think I would produce shitty text.

    And I'm fairly good at understanding English texts, so that would be no problem either.


    Never coming true, something for later, something to do before I start or can I start immediatly?

  4. Due to the fact I feel no need to form close relationships with people, their deaths don't affect me, and so I have no reason for the selfishly motivated 'how does this death affect me' grief that the rest of you wallow in on such occasions. Get over it.


    I want you to know how much fun you are missing. Okay, how much fun I think you are missing. And if it just was laughing about their dumbness (because appereantly all people except you are dumb).



    I don't see how anyone could have been 'changed' by them.

    And because they didn't change you they can't change anyone. Okay, thats great. So everyone isl ike you, or not?

    Wait, maybe I am just different from you. Simple example: Once I believed AI (which passes the Turing-Test) would be a threat to society. Just stupid morals without a logical background I found out later. I could have learned without Pratchett of course, but his book "Die Gelehrten der Scheibenwelt" (sorry, don't know the English name) was a good starting point. And of course that's only a small example.



    As for me becoming terminally ill, the only thing that would make it worse would be getting pity and empathy from others.

    This topic isn't abput you. And if someone starts to get all pity abput you when you're going to die you can complain.

    I would get worried if I was seriously ill and no one would care.

  5. I've seen in mentioned once in a different topic but theres appereantly no own topic for this and the news-site doesn't contain any information abput this.


    As the topic sais, the wiki is down. I cant reach it, no matter how often I try. And nearly every single bit of information about TDM is to be found in the wiki, if I get that right.


    So I just would like to know, if and when it will be up again.

  6. I take the time to talk op people that commonly are seen as "normal". Some of them are really just normal, but most start to think, if you give them a chance. Only because you are to self-centered to realize most people can think for their own. And that's sad, because you miss a whole world of information an opinion. You don't have to adapt it, but you can think about it. Extelligence is very powerful, you know?



    And as I've said, your empathy is useless unless you turn it into real help, which you can't and won't for Pratchett, so keep your useless empathies to yourselves. They serve no purpose other than to fill a few forum posts.

    Feelings are a part of your individual self. Okay, it's your concern what you feel, but you shouldn't think that your truth is the only truth. That's not deep, thats arrogant. And I can understand a need for expressing feelings (and normal feelings aren't unnatural ones) and I don't think it's wrong to express them here.

  7. My, I didn't want to be my first post in this forum to be in the Off-Topic-part, but whatever.


    I'm highly recognized as very different from my surroundings and when I start talking about social topics nearly noone is implying I would have a commoc attitude to life. Most people just stare down on me, stamping me as unrealistic, because altruism doesn't work, while they don't realize that I don't like idealism or doctrinism nor I believe in altruism. I just thought a little bit further, I think. Or came to different conclusions while thinking, you know, I really can't tell, if my brain works right. If it does not it would be hard for me to find out.


    Um, to the point: Only because of that I don't get grumpy. I come along with most people, because my difference doesn't make me superior (thats what you are implying, oddity). I can get along with them although they have totally different attitudes to life.

    I just think you are just self-righteous and need some excuse for complaining about people. Only because they are different from you and because they seemingly don't think (you know, it seems everyone is complaining exactly about that) they don't have to be wrong. How can you tell, when you aren't talking to them?




    And sorry if my English is not the best. It's just not my motherlanguage.


    And I fully egoistically am sad about Terry Pratchett having Alzheimer.

    And I am sorry for everyone having Alzheimer, but it just would be much too much work to make a list of all those people. You know, instead I can do other things that are more helpfull.

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