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Posts posted by Gimpy

  1. I played Thief 1, gold and 2 without saving (no saving, nothing. NOTHING), it was fun. really fun. especialy on expert.

    replaying after i died was so boring, i dont know about you guys but once ive played it once, i know the bloody thing back to front and inside out....


    problem is, now that ive done that, playing Thief at all is SO simple, as long as your patient. Even thief 3 is too easy, well easy enough, even though the AI are so much smarter.


    Anyone love the cradle mission as much as i do? ;)

  2. as i said, ive already got the option to upload a separate thumbnail in bmp or jpeg format.

    Im just trying to make the web application intelligent enough to convert the uploaded texture into a jpeg thumbnail IF there was no thumbnail uploaded with it.

  3. I found a way of converting tga files into jpg's.

    ive never used this function before but it looks do-able.


    im going to need an actual tga file your using in-game so i can see if it converts correcty (not upside down and back to front....)

  4. found it! :D

    its just not in the common lists. image/x-targa


    the only reason im doing tga is because its in the format you use, right?

    you dont really need tumbnails if your description is good enough, i will have a search function.


    I'll have a look to see if PHP can convert tga's to another web-friendly format.

  5. sure, i'll make them editable for you.


    i may have a small working sample for you ready by the end of the week.


    I had heaps of code that would have made this a breeze but im not allowed to use it (its technicaly owned by a company i used to work for) but now they have gone belly up and i can use it.

    I'll get done faster this way.


    can i have a special title now ? :D

  6. ITs more for security, PHP has the ability to limit the types of files that are uploaded, i can set it to accept only a cirtain type or accept anything but. Its more so that anyone using the program cant upload a php file and steal my source code.


    I had a look at the app you made. looks good. i'll get the webpage to have same work flow shown. thanks.

  7. Ive just finished a drop down class selection tool.


    its essentialy a form that has 2 drop down fields, one has a name of all the primary classes, the second dynamicaly fills when a selection has been made from the primary select field, so as usual Wood -> ALL WOODS SUB_CLASSES.


    These are very easily modified and editied, so now you have your user definied classes.

  8. I must say, ive NEVER seen anyone go into that much detail about thief.

    Bravo to all, some really good points where made, im impressed.


    i never really thought about it untill now but boy is it possible to make thief believable.

    anyone ever thought about the shadows? i have lived in a very old mansion in england, where the floorboards creak, its bloody cold, everything is made of sandstone on the outside and everything is wood inside. never have i ever not seen something because of a shadow, everything leaves a Silhouette.


    Can we have an abundance of candles!. They have good shadows, the ones that hde things...


    oh, and can SOMEONE make a cradle again, i wanna be scared some more...!

    did the cradle remind anyone of House on Haunted Hill?

  9. ok, what i have working so far...


    Login: _SIMPLE_ login/logout with cookies and add/remove user function...


    File Upload: Can upload ANY admin defined File type (and as many as you want at once :D) at ANY admin defined size. The uploded file has its own database field. The field keeps the name of the user who uploded the file, the size of the file, a link to the thumbnail (working on that part next) the time it was uploaded and ALL of its classifiaction data (Wood->Floor->floor1.jpg(*.tga))


    I have another question for all the mod members..


    If i where to set the php uploader to rename the file, i'll probably bring the hierarchy into the equation, so that file names make sence.

    so "randomimagewithwood.tga becomes Wood_Floor01.tga" when uploaded into the Wood->Floor-> directory, the number will come from its location in the database ( e.g. id=1).

    would that be acceptable or would you rather keep the names you give them?




    i can give a required field at the upload page, allowing the uploader to rename the file as he/she sees fit...

    if you want to make my life easier...



    Ok, well.. now you know where im at...


    Im getting my server back from school (thiers was dead) very soon, so i'll have a live copy going from home for everyone to have a look at (1-2 weeks :D)



  10. Ok, well the steps ive taken here include options to upload both.

    so, say on a texture submission form, there will be an upload field for the *.TGA files and then a field to upload an (optional?) jpeg thumbnail.

    That way when you go to search or just browse the already uploaded textures, the ones with thumbnails will have pics representing them.

  11. Iv'e stared working on it now, i'll get back to you on my initial progress.


    Can you tell me what format the uploaded textures will be in, i know it wont be something like jpg. If this is the case, would a thumbnail upload field be acceptable?

  12. Ok, what you’re asking is very do-able, I’ve had much weirder and far more complicated requests.


    I hope you have a monster sitting behind this web application; the SQL tables will get pretty big after a small time. (I specialise in economising code so don’t expect it to be really slow)

    Would you be happy with the uploaded textures/sounds/models to be placed in an FTP location? I can store everything you want in MySQL but it will become very slow.


    I also assume you want a login system with an add/remove user function.


    I would like to have a go at what you’ve asked BUT I would really like a detailed outline of what you want (just a small explanation of each feature, I have done this before but never for textures or sounds, I assume the components of each format will be different to what I’ve done and thus the information you wish to have placed in front of you.) I’ll create a very simple mock-up after the weekend.

    The time spent on that would be very much appreciated.


    Springheel, Your album request is very easy to do (to a point) so you can look forward to that.


    The states that you have said you don’t want to be hard coded, do you want to input the state in a textbox or did you want an administrative area where you can add/remove states from a list (this is an unusual request, if you where to delete a state that had objects defined within it, those objects would have to be moved to a different state manually).


    I would love to see your sample app, if its just so you can show me what you want it too look like, that’s great :D (The only problem I’m having so far)


    This will take a while to accomplish, I do have a LONG holidays coming up (I don’t have much of a life anyway) I would estimate 2/3.5 months. Just so you’re aware, I have quoted up to 10 months and only taken 3, so its best guess from me :)

    Is this time frame acceptable?


    I’m sorry to ask, but I need testing and development space (I can do this with VMWARE but is slows me down considerably). If you are interested in me, can I arrange some with you?



  13. ok, so you want a process where you can simply upload a texture (and a thumbnail, i will prolly be able to process a thumbnail from the uploaded pic, depending on format and extension) have it alocated into a hierarchy (i assume you want "Texture->Wood->Floor" style). Please fill me in on states (i think i know what you mean, but you'd better explain anyway)


    This sounds like i can do this, can you give me a time frame too, so i can honestly tell you if i can do what you want in the time.

  14. You might want to check out your DNS...


    i tried sending an email and it came up with this.



    The original message was received at Mon, 6 Jun 2005 23:58:33 +1000

    from localhost.domain []


    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----


    (reason: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkusr))


    ----- Transcript of session follows -----

    ... while talking to mail3.opentransfer.com.:

    >>> DATA

    <<< 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkusr)

    550 5.1.1 <recruiting@darkmod.com>... User unknown

    <<< 503 RCPT first (#5.5.1)



    It might be me...

    please check, i want to send an email :D



    all good, dont worry about whats above..

  15. Hi.


    I would like to put my hand up for this offer.


    I have been programming PHP for 4 or so years. I have developed about 5 web content management systems, code bases and other data intensive WebPages.


    I’m admittedly better at coding than design but I think that’s more of what your after (you have artsy-fartsy folk here, they can help )


    I only use LAMP setups, so no problems there


    I am a huge thief fan, I have loved it ever since thief 1 days (even mastered dromed too )


    I’ve always wanted to contribute to something like this and my opportunity just kame knocking. I’m honoured to be able to apply


    Just so you know, what your asking will take a while, I’ve done this kind of thing before but not for whole teams, just a department or 2 (most).


    "Needleboy" has a really nice sounding piece of software there. Sounds like its just for you.

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