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Posts posted by 161803398874989

  1. Got some time to follow some more of Fidcal's AZ tutorial. I get some kind of Z-fighting at the top of the courtyard here, but it's only one layer of portal sky, meaning it can't be two brushes overlapping. What is happening here?



    Also, instead of the "value" of a light, I can only select a colour using the Windows colour selection dialogue. Is that normal?

  2. Its not that bad but yeah for a first timer it might sound like gibberish :P once you get cracking with some code it all starts to come together pretty fast though :)

    The Math is the bitch here :D that takes years to learn and im still not done besides being on the scene for around 20 years hehe.

    Why oh why do i suck so much at algebra :( im rather good at the rest of the math but i could newer wrap my head around algebra.

    If you have any specific questions, I'm right here.


    I've got a BA in mathematics and currently am working on my MA in mathematics/compsci.

  3. Why does having a character in your game use misogynistic language automatically make the entire game misogynistic? That's poppycock. There are people who talk like that, and it can be part of their personality. And seeing as the man in question does have a hate for the innkeeper, the kind of language he's using is entirely believable. You'd call a man an asshole too if he was mean to you.



    Let’s keep the conversation going on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Google+!

    This is the most terrible idea I've heard in a long time. One hallmark of social media is that the information is streaming: there's always new info, and old info is incredibly hard to find. A forum is a more permanent medium, much more suitable for storing user created content.


    Can we get archive.org to index the entire site?



    More like "there's an isolated island out in the Pacific where nobody equipped to carry out a conclusive study can make land. The avocados there are made of solid gold but turn to sand when you leave. I saw it though, with my own eyes, and so did others on the internet." Not only does it sound too wonderful to be true, but there's also no way to verify it with the technology we have.

    Yes, we do. The method by which lucid dreams have been scientifically verified (look up LaBerge's research) involves communicating from the dream to the real world via eye movements. We also have data indicating that exposing the eyes to light flashes, even through close eyelids, incorporates those flashes in the dreamworld. There's technology like the REM Dreamer to help induce lucid dreams based on this.

    This, effectively, gives us a system to communicate between the researcher in the sleep lab and the dreamer. This means we can give the dreamer a certain task to execute (likely from a list of several). If lucid dreams are as you experienced them, then likely (s)he won't be able to execute the task we give him.


    I'm not aware of any studies done on the subject though. None probably exist because most people seriously into lucid dreaming have experienced dream control.

  6. Merry, you're a nice person and all, but that was the largest amount of poppycock I've seen collected in a single post in a long time. I realize that sounds very harsh, so below is a more constructive deconstruction of your post.


    1. Subconscious/conscious is a false dichotomy. Yes, there are cognitive processes you are aware of and cognitive processes that you are not aware of. But they're still part of the same mind, and sometimes you can become aware of processes that you weren't aware of previously, e.g. stress and what causes it.

    2. Saying that your "subconscious" is not capable of rational thought is hilarious. An "aha"-erlebnis is a solution to your problem arising from a cognitive process you're not aware of, I'm sure you've had one at some point. How in the world would this cognitive process not be able of logic? It would just serve up random bullshit if it weren't.

    3. You are less aware when your sleeping, but that does not mean that sleep necessarily needs you to be unconscious. There exists a technique for inducing lucid dreams which is called WILD, and involves going directly from a waking state into a dream. You fall asleep without ever losing consciousness. It's quite an experience.

    4. The process of dreaming is nebulous and there is still a lot of debate as to its function. Saying it's your subconscious dealing with problems too complex for your conscious mind is simply wild speculation.

    5. Clearly you've never had a proper lucid dream. Most lucid dreams are vivid, very vivid. And with some practice, the amount of freedom you have and the experiences you can create are limitless. Yes, most beginners have issues with dream control and can't immediately do what they want. But that's akin to dismissing TDM just because blackjacking is a little tough in the beginning.

    6. Numerous accounts of problem solving in lucid dreams exist. Also cool to note is that there've been studies on athletes showing improved performance when they practiced in their lucid dreams.

    7. The technique you outlined for inducing lucid dreams seems to be the one involving habitual reality checks. This is just one way of inducing lucid dreams. The most popular technique is MILD, which relies on dream signs (a recurring dream thing like a contact lens multiplying) as a mnemonic aid (MILD stands for mnemonic induced lucid dream) to remember to question whether you're dreaming or not. Another technique which does not rely on habit formation at all is WILD (waking induced lucid dream), in which you do a sort of meditative/passive awareness-type-thing to go directly from waking into a dream. The WILD technique has many different forms, typically involving visualisation.

    8. What you can or can't do in real life does have a big impact on your dreams. In a lucid dream, if you don't believe you can fly, you can't fly. Waking life gives you certain expectations, and dream control is all about adjusting those expectations when you're in the dream world to do what's impossible in real life.

  7. Dreams are fun. A couple years ago I was really into lucid dreaming for a while.




    That consensus of that article is that the effect of gaming on your dreams is actually a very good thing. They argue that nightmares are there for a reason. They are supposed to train you to react to horrible scenarious and while a regular person would wake up in shock, sweating, a gamer would carry on with his dream and try to find a solution, actually training his unconscious to react properly.

    This is one hypothesis. Competing hypotheses are that dreams are used to process events and memories, or that dreams are just "junk" from the processes that occur during REM sleep.


    From my experience (~3 years of logging dreams), dreams closely reflect what occupies my mind, ie. what I'm thinking about day-to-day. This is roughly correlated to what happens in day-to-day life, including videogames, and anything else. The people involved in my dreams were the people on my mind, even if I hadn't seen them in a while.

    What I'm getting at, is that if you think about videogames a lot, you'll probably dream about 'em.

  8. Representing polytopes via their adjacenting plane is very common in mathamatics, especially in numerics and optimization. It has a couple of benefits, for example if you want to find out whether something is inside such a volume. With vertices, this is much more difficult. In addition, the engine relies on convex surfaces (for triangulation, I guess). Creating non-convex surfaces is not possible with this setup.


    The earlier mistake found was that during a translation a rotation was applied, too, and that it was put in an unneeded way creating rounding errors. (see here: http://forums.thedarkmod.com/topic/14375-dr-and-its-shifting-planes/?p=302075)


    However, it may still occour that rotation is taken into account, even if none happens (translation only), which can produce rounding errors. And there was an issue with the normalization of the plane normals (which are already normalized, hence their name). Don't know if this is still present, though.

    Man I really need to finish that Mathematics for 3D game programming book so I can take a look at this kind of stuff.

  9. Finished this one tonight in a little over an hour of real time, 54 minutes ingame time. I will echo the general sentiment that the sense of scale in the manor is off. I'd explored all the rooms before going down the big staircase, to find nothing much. I was anticipating much more content that clearly wasn't there.


    Solid mission overall, had a lot of fun. :)


    Das wäre als würde man den Akzent aus Norddeutschland mit dem aus der Schweiz vergleichen.. Wenn man Deutsch als Muttersprache hat, hört man einen immensen Unterschied!!

    Can confirm. Would also like to add that other accents in the same language can sound particularly grating.

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