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Posts posted by Midnight

  1. I'm partial to the keyring idea as well, but I don't see the need to complicate things further by being able to drop keys from the keyring. I've never dropped a key in thief or TDM, I'm from the pack rat school of RPGs wink.gif.


    The only benefit to being able to see individual keys in the keyring, and it's an important one I think, is that it reminds you what keys you've picked up so far.


    Also, another Blast from the Past.

  2. If step 5 creates a darkmod folder, step 3 is unnecessary.

    Without step 3 there's no darkmod folder and no helper script to start the updater, or am I mis-understanding?


    On the website step 6 and 7 are duplicates. Also, it might be clearer if instead of just saying "Download darkmod.zip" it said "Download darkmod.zip, which will self extract once the download is complete" or something like that.

  3. I know that this won't be very popular as it would require further explanation to players, but there's always the option of using the 'dropper' method to place mines, but then requiring the 'use' key to arm the mine, either once you're happy it's been placed successfully or maybe even whilst it's still waiting to be dropped. Perhaps a subtle yellow light on the mine indicates it is currently armed.


    I'm also pretty happy with lock picking to disable the mine. I do like the DX method of double frob to disarm and then retrieve the mine, but using lockpicks personally seems a more believable way to disarm a mine.


    I prefer the idea of a symmetrical mine rather than one that has to perform all sorts of acrobatics or require the player to re-orient a poorly thrown mine, but bear in mind that it wouldn't make sense that a symmetric mine could be placed on a wall (DX style), so now would be the time to decide if this kind of feature is desirable. Personally, I don't think there's any great benefit to having a wall mounted mine versus a mine that can be carefully placed on the correct position on the ground.

  4. Rooftop tiles and ice are the only areas where I've noticed sliding, but this is to be expected surely, T1 and T2 had this as well.


    I don't see how TDM could be considered clunky, unless in this case the term is simply being used to describe movement that feels unfamiliar. Maybe you'll get used to it, but I think that TDM is one of the few games (including the original Thief games) where the movement feels solid, which is very important with a game that prizes a certain level of agility. Contrast this with some Source engine games like HL or Portal, which I love btw but the character movement really let's them down.

  5. Once the download is complete, remember to copy in the pk4 and then can you download just the tdmlauncher.macosx file from this link. Place this in the darkmod folder and see if TDM launches (and restarts correctly after creating the sym link) when double clicking this without using the helper script.

  6. I'm not certain, on my system the .macosx extension isn't associated with the terminal, so without the helper script you'd first have to change the properties of the launcher program. Maybe this can be set on the program that is downloaded, I'll upload a modified tdmlauncher.macosx program for grayman to test this evening.

  7. I assume you mean you double clicked the helper script rather than tdm_update.macosx? I think the instructions would be largely the same except for the recommendation to use the Application Support folder for the D3 location.


    The darkmod.zip file should only need to contain the update program and helper script (with execute set) and everything should be good to go once the pk4 and launcher files are included in the update process. Can you let me know whether the following revised instructions seem okay or need to be amended in any way:


    Install on Mac OSX (Intel)

    Ensure that Doom 3 is patched to v1.3.1 RevA (which provides native support for Intel processors): http://support.aspyr.com/index.php/kb/article/000579


    It is recommended that the "Doom 3" program folder is installed into the Application Support folder (i.e. ~/Library/Application Support/Doom 3/). If Doom 3 is installed into a different location then additional steps will need to be followed.


    1) Download darkmod.zip, and place it in the "Doom 3" folder (alongside "Doom 3.app" and the "base" folder).

    2) Decompress the darkmod.zip file by double clicking it, which creates a darkmod folder.

    3) Within the darkmod folder, double click the tdm_update_helper.command file to begin downloading the latest release of TDM (approx 2GB).

    4) If the Doom 3 folder is not located in the Application Support folder, see 'Using a custom Doom 3 location'.

    5) Once this is complete, double click the tdmlauncher_helper.command file to launch TDM.


    Note: A shortcut to these .command scripts can be created to make launching or updating TDM more convenient. Right click on the .command file and choose 'Create Alias' to create the shortcut, which can then be moved to the Desktop or Dock for example.



    Using a custom Doom 3 location

    Until idTech4 is open sourced, there is some dependency on the Application Support folder, where FMs are currently downloaded to. If the Doom 3 folder is not located within Application Support, you'll need to do the following to allow TDM to function as intended:


    1) Open up a terminal window (if you don't know how to do this, type 'terminal' into the SpotLight search bar and press 'Enter' to run the terminal application).

    2) Type the command 'cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Doom\ 3/' (without quotes) and press the 'Enter' key.

    3) Enter the command 'mkdir darkmod' and then 'cd darkmod' to change to the new darkmod directory.

    4) Create a symbolic link with the command 'ln /folder/darkmod/tdmlauncher.macosx tdmlauncher.macosx' where /folder/ is the path to your "Doom 3" program folder.

    5) You should now be able to launch TDM by double clicking the tdmlauncher_helper.command script in your "Doom 3" program folder where TDM has downloaded.


    Known issues:

    The automatic restart (when installing a FM, or restarting from the Graphics screen) currently fails to relaunch TDM v1.06 occasionally. If this happens, TDM will need to be launched manually by running the launcher program or script.


  8. The only other bug I've seen is the segmentation fault, but this happens less frequently than the restart bug. The restart isn't a huge issue since when a FM restart fails you can just launch TDM again and the correct FM will have been installed, so it just requires that additional manual intervention.


    We could leave this as a known bug for 1.06 and then have a closer look once I get you remote access to a OSX environment if you're happy with that approach.

  9. Is the problem reproducable (always on the second restart?) or is it seemingly random? Any pattern?


    Sorry, I had meant to test this before. Yes, I can confirm it does appear to be every second restart. The attached terminal log shows this failure happening twice (i.e. after four restarts), and then the fifth attempt at a restart saw a segmentation fault.






  10. TDM went away, but didn't come back.

    I'm guessing this is the same issue as post 88 (above), not actually related to downloads but an occasional problem restarting the mod. I can confirm it isn't memory related as I tested it with nothing else running, maybe the previous Doom3 process hadn't fully shutdown yet?

  11. Excellent, FMs are showing up immediately now and everything appears to work as expected!


    I see the bug report has been updated confirming this affects (some / all?) Linux distros as well, presumably this fix is also suitable for that platform?

  12. The _alchemist.pk4 file is created during download and renamed to alchemist.pk4 successfully, it is then moved to a new alchemist folder as well.

    The darkmod.txt and readme.txt files aren't in this folder though, just the pk4 file. These txt files only appear after a restart. I tried downloading two missions at the same time and both missions only show up after a restart once the txt files are created. Strangely the tdmlauncher.log file wasn't created at all until the restart as well, when it was created in the Resources folder. The Darkmod.log file remained the same after the restart. I've attached these files as well as the output from terminal:






    Also, this time around the prompt 'New missions available' appears when I go to the main screen immediately after download, but the prompt doesn't display any missions, it's blank (I assume this is because of the different code for downloads).

  13. I played and enjoyed this mission when it was first released, but wanted to have a 'proper' go at ghosting it, and after that experience I've got to say this is one of my top 3 missions in just about every aspect, story, gameplay, visuals (love the thoughtful placement of all the objects, everything seemed to belong to the space wub.gif).


    This is probably the best TDM mission so far for ghosting, the corridors inside the building are perfect for laying in wait in shadow and then running and jumping to the closest carpet. Here's my stealth score:




    I'm going to have to have another go at some point to achieve a perfect stealth score, and to get the rest of the loot (I thought I had pretty much cleared the place out, but damn that's a whole lot more to find! blink.gif).

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