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  1. Responses to random things: I have no traffic limit. Regular Thief stuff consumes between 10 and 40GB a day, but that's only stuff tracked via my FTP server; there are a few other files that folks can grab but I don't really generate stats on those. My "direct download link" does indeed include a meta refresh resirect to the actual content; of course that works great in your browser but it would be quite a feat for that to work in the game. I could get most of the same benefits by just having the script spit out the actual content instead, but I'd have to write it and I doubt it's really worth it. So, bottom line is that I could do exactly what you need, with very little additional effort on my part. Really my only concern is, well, one of ego. I'm concerned about thiefmissions.com, a site I'd like to come to everyone's mind when they consider Thief-related things (and into which I've put some effort over the years), being a completely anonymous backend. Does anything ever tell the user where their download is coming from?
  2. For those who don't know me, I'm the guy who runs thiefmissions.com. Bikerdude gave me a heads-up that you folks needed some help with mirroring things, so I'm here to see whether I'll be able to help. Historically I guess I haven't had much to do with TDM; I think I have a really old version on the site somewhere and I've pulled in a few of the missions, but being a complete mirror hasn't really been a priority for me for a while. Part of the problem is, I think, that the way my site works doesn't integrate well with what I understand to be some integrated downloader internal to TDM. (I have never run TDM so I have no direct knowledge of how it works.) Bikerdude asked me to provide direct download links, which I suspect is the problem. It's not that I need ad impressions or anything; really all I want is to be able to track downloads through my database, and route things via FTP for better management on my side (preventing parallel downloads of the whole archive and such). If your system can do FTP and can follow the single redirect, it's easy to get a no-intervention download link. For example, http://thiefmissions...eceptiveShadows gets you the download without any additional clicks, but I suspect that doesnt' really work. So, I guess I'd like to know just how I can help, and just what your requirements are. If what I have now doesn't work for you, maybe I can find another solution that works for both of us.
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