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Posts posted by AlarusLOL

  1. Great job on the campaign. My favorite parts were the city in the second level and the forest in the 3rd (although the forest made my hardware struggle a bit). It was also cool to see some talking NPCs.


    I had an interesting encounter in the second level. I was spotted by

    the two guards in front of the tavern

    , and so I took off running. I ended up hiding in the warehouse building on the second floor, on top of some boxes. Sure enough, the guards followed me in, and I was surprised to see one of them use the lift to search the second floor! Kudos to the mod team for making such smart AI.


    Edit: I almost forgot about the zombie pit. That was awesome too. Great to finally see the zombies in the mod, they're really cool.

  2. Superb level. It's way above and beyond anything I would've expected at this point. I'm impressed.


    I also had the "FreeCurrentPVS: Invalid Handle" crash early on when i would try and reload. I backed up to an earlier save and everything was fine. Later on in the level I started having this error again, this time it would just happen during play. I understand that this is a code error though and not a problem with the map, although this was the first time I had ever encountered it.


    Another strange thing I noticed was the way unconscious bodies would behave. Later on if I returned to an area on the far end of the map where I had lain a body, I would usually find it moved from where I had placed it, and it would often be contorted in an unnatural position (I just noticed that PranQster posted screen caps of this). Again, I understand this probably has nothing to do with the map, just thought I'd mention it. It does seem that the bigger and more complex the maps get, the more unstable they become.


    Really great stuff though, Fidcal and Baddcog. Great design, story, secret areas, objectives, pretty much everything. If this is a glimpse into what a campaign would be like, I'll certainly be looking forward to it.

  3. Clearly, one of the most beautiful maps for the Darkmod to date IMO. Also, some of the best gameplay. Great job Melan!


    I also had a big problem with framerate. I put the "r_showtris 2" command into the console and noticed large parts of the map were being rendered, despite being off in the distance. I can understand, however, visportalling a map with architecture like this would probably be a pain. I too can run Crysis and St. Lucia without any problems.


    This map also likes to crash on me at the very end before I can get to the statistics screen. Can someone clue me in as to what the loot total was? Thanks.

  4. One thiefly plot device I enjoy that hasn't been mentioned yet is the ol' plot twist. You set out to accomplish "objective X", and the rug gets pulled out from under you. The story suddenly changes, and objective X becomes objective Y.


    I typically like this as it makes the world seem more dynamic and less contrived.

  5. The Plague Ward gets my imagination going as well. One thing that helped me get some ideas about what it may be like was to read up on Thief, particularly the "Sealed Section". You might take a look at this link: http://thief.wikia.c.../Sealed_Section


    Of course, The City isn't the same as Bridgeport (and it's not supposed to be), but perhaps that will help you get some ideas. It wouldn't hurt to look around the rest of the wiki, either.


    For architectural ideas, I found myself plodding through The Bonehoard mission in Thief and taking screen shots. Unfortunately, getting Thief to run on a PC these days can be a chore.


    Hope this helps.


    edit: you may also try browsing Google for Victorian and medieval architecture, and Tudor architecture


    double edit: oops, I meant "The Haunted Cathedral" level in Thief. It takes place in the Sealed Section.


    In gameplay terms, why would I bother to buy holy water if flashbombs can kill undead as well?


    Well, a water arrow is 50 GP apiece in the original thief, a flashbomb is 200. Holy water is also 200, but it's effective for 30 seconds. It takes 2 holy water arrows to kill a zombie. It takes 2 flashbombs to knock a zombie down, 3 to kill it. Thus, it's probably more cost effective to use holy water and water arrows. Using flashbombs against undead is more of a last resort.


    As with everything though, if a mapper wanted to adjust that specifically for their map, they certainly could.


    Can you give me an idea of what would have to be done in order to make this happen? And, if it were done, would it look anything like the original games (i.e., zombie makes the appropriate sound and animation when hit, and could there be a puff of "smoke" or whatever it is when it hits)?

  8. Don't worry, we are here to answer your questions - it is just that we haven't done your specific example before so it takes a bit of thought :)




    It's no big deal, I was just in a bad mood that day. I was rather frustrated about not being able to build things which I thought were relatively simple.


    I've currently tried a mover_door_sliding being triggered with a trigger_multiple...and while it technically works, I can't quite get it to behave like I want it to. I might try a few more things, including writing a script. If anyone has any more suggestions I'm open to them (and thanks for your help so far guys).

  9. LOL I'm always so close, yet so far. I already tried what you suggested, but if the "start_off" property is set, it keeps it from working properly.


    There's just one piece missing. How can I build a pressure plate that slowly lowers when the player stands on it, and slowly raises when he steps off?


    edit: I can manage to build the brushes and everything...It's the rest I don't know.

  10. Ok...so now I'm having trouble getting the func_shooter entity to trigger. What I want it to do is to fire while the player is touching the trigger, and to stop when the player is not. My guess would be I would need to use a "trigger_touch" entity and write a script for it. If this is so, I wouldn't know what commands to put into it. If there's a way to do it all in the editor alone, I'd prefer that. And there's also the issue of how to build a pressure plate...


    (I hope I'm not bugging you (greebo) or anyone else with stupid questions. I didn't want this to turn into you guys doing 90% of the work for me, but it's kinda turning out that way. I guess I'm pretty lost without a tutorial)

  11. OS: Windows XP Pro SP3

    CPU: Intel Quad Core Q6600 @ 2.4GHz


    Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 640MB

    Driver version: 182.05


    No problems. I typically run a solid 60 FPS but I get momentary drops to about 45 FPS when outside or there are a lot of lights and AI around. Seems like I sometimes get small "hiccups" when outside, but they're subtle. I get about 15 FPS underwater with bloom on, and 30-60 with it off. Load times are typically around 45 seconds to a minute. Settings are:


    Resolution: 1280x800

    V-Sync on

    AA: x2

    TA: x2

    Bloom on

    Ambient rendering: standard

    Interaction shader: high quality


    DarkRadiant: Runs well, unless I open up a full-sized finished map (the training mission, St. Lucia) and then it gets choppy. Runs pretty well again once I filter out all entities.

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