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Posts posted by bedhead

  1. I added a fresh tdm_update.macosx updater binary for download to the first post.



    Thank you.


    I guess if you take the intersection of TDM players and Mac Users, this is the result, the number of Mac players might well be in the single-digit percent range.

    With the exposure you guys will be getting from steam, its a good opportunity to grow this userbase. There might not be a lot of mac players now because they're not aware that the game exist yet.


    I'm sure you'll find more playtesters if you guys do a news update on steam greenlight page, moddb, facebook, etc (not everyone visits this forum).


    I'm excited to see TDM on steam with the windows, apple, and penguin icon next to it.

  2. I can't take screenshots for some reason. shift + prnt scr isn't working... Is it some other key? where do the screenshots go?


    The first time you go outdoor onto the main street in the beginning of Crucible of Omens there’s...

    15-20 fps in Linux running open source radeonsi drivers

    25-30 fps in Windows 8.1 with catalyst/crimson driver

    I don't want to install catalyst for linux because I don't want anything to break when a new updates come out so no comparisons there.

    Indoor environments runs at smooth 60 fps for both setups.


    My setup is

    cpu: a10 7850k

    gpu: reference 290x

    memory: 2x4 gb 2400 mhz

    linux is installed on an ssd


    My monitor is 1920x1200 resolution at 60 hz


    I wonder if the fps will increase with a cpu overclock...


    I can confirm what you're saying Ladro. Changing TDM resolution outside of native resolution will also change your desktop resolution and cause some weird glitches. I had to log out and log back in and manually change my desktop resolution back.

  3. I'm using Opensuse Tumbleweed with all the latest updates.
    My video card is a 290x


    I just tested Crucible of Omens and performance is about 90%+ of catalyst (just a feeling/ no hard fps yet). Large outdoor areas slightly sluggish but for the most part this mission is fairly smooth as well.

    I'm very happy with the results so far. This is such a big jump in performance compared to a year ago where TDM wouldn't even want to run.

  4. I got rid of catalyst drivers because there were some issues with some other games I was playing. Went back to using open source RadeonSI drivers and tested out the dark mod.


    Last time I tried playing the dark mod on the open source driver I had a black screen for menu. When I fixed that, the main menu was sluggish and I had to use the console to quit TDM. I couldn't even play TDM and performance was terrible for other games.


    Now the performance is amazing. If your on linux with an AMD card, there is no reason to use catalyst anymore. I've only tried Saint Lucia so far, I'll try other FMs and report my findings.

  5. There's a thread like this almost every 3 months.

    tl;dr everyone is busy working on their own thing and a coop mode is a massive undertaking.


    here's the last one.



    The closest thing you'll find is a member working on a new thief mod for doom 3 with coop


    If you're interested in seeing this happen, you should offer him some help then find a way to port that work to TDM.


    Personally, I'd also love to see coop happening in TDM if the level of teamwork is anything like portal 2.

    However, I have doubts that will happen anytime soon.

  6. They had a site that explained the syntax for every scripting function. That's something I don't know where to find now, at least in the detail it had, and miss. There's no telling how much was lost that was buried in countless threads on the forum.



    There's the Wayback snapshot of it.



    I found the wiki I was referring to - https://modwiki.xnet.fi/Scripting

    I'm sure this will be extremely helpful for those that like to tinker with TDM and other id tech 4 games.

  7. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm following fidcal's A to Z Beginner Guide to get a basic understanding of how the dark mod works and create a map.

    Then set small achievable goals for yourself. For instance, I'm trying to add a new weapon to this game.


    Lots of research as well

    - http://www.iddevnet.com/doom3/

    - http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Main_Page


    on a side note, it's a shame that we came after doom 3 world got shutdown. I heard there were tons of resources that were lost.

    I remember someone cloned the wiki and was trying to bring some of the resources back, but I forgot where the link for that was.

  8. This also was implemented in Thief 3. I see no differences)) In Thief 3 you can even look left or right without turning your body, so you can see your arms and weapons from unusual angles -- very athmospheric.


    Oh sorry I haven't played thief 3 so I dont know how the camera was implemented. I was assuming that body awareness was implemented by sticking a camera on the player model's head. However, this skyrim mod simply uses the first person hand models with third person body/leg models to achieve immersion. The gameplay remains exactly the same as vanilla except you get to see your body/legs when you look down. Please disregard if I was totally wrong.





    The player has an expendable tool that can be used for the pushing. Dunno what it could be, but it should be limited so that the push won't become an exploit that is spammed.


    The player uses the push tool, and emits a pushing stim. AI has a pushing response. If AI receives a push, they play a 'being pushed' animation.


    That way we could add push to mine explosions or players could do Interesting Things with the push-mechanic.


    I wonder if it could be coupled with the flashbomb. The flash would blind the AI and make them stagger backwards. Thus, the push could be facilitated with an already existing tool, and the flashbomb would be more useful, not only blinding the enemy, but making some space as well, too.


    I think a better approach would be having a delay between pushes (ie 15 seconds) so players can't spam it. Limiting the total amount of pushes doesn't really make that much sense IRL

  9. My suggestion to improve gameplay is for the ability to push the AI. There are times when I'm hiding in the corner and the AI bumps into me while searching. Naturally I can't move and the only thing I can do is draw my sword and block his attacks while trying to kill him. Most of the time I just die and have to reload a save. It would be nice to be able to shove him out of the way and make a run for it.

    • Like 2
  10. I know the blank screen issue is solved with the fix I mentioned, but I noticed some other stuff was still missing.

    I don't know much about OpenGL, but I wonder if there's other missing 32 bit libraries and whether or not they're related to the "not found" part.

    Checking portable OpenGL extensions...
    v - using GL_ARB_multitexture
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
    v - using GL_ARB_texture_compression
    X - GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc not found
    X - GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic not found
    v - using GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
    v - using GL_EXT_texture3D
    v - using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
    v - using glStencilOpSeparate
    X - GL_NV_register_combiners not found
    X - GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
    X - GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader not found
    v - using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
    v - using GL_ARB_vertex_program
    v - using GL_ARB_fragment_program
    X - EXT_depth_bounds_test not found
  11. type in terminal


    sudo apt-get install libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386


    to download 32 bit version of s3tc. It won't show up in synaptic for some reason.


    This is as far as I got to get past the blank menu screen. Your next problem is the ridiculously low fps and stutter.

    I never knew how to get past this without installing proprietary drivers.


    If you're stuck b/c of the low fps or blank screen, just hit the tilde key (~) and type quit to exit.

    • Like 1
  12. Yea I read the wiki on how to compile. But using a text editor and compiling with scons is such a pain for a project the size of TDM. I want to see where the variables are defined, where functions are located, and how each module connect to one another. To do that I need to use an IDE.


    It sucks that Visual Studios 2013 is used for TDM development rather than a crossplatform IDE. Especially since I don't have windows :(

  13. I want to tinker around with TDM to learn more about programming in the process.

    However, I'm using linux and don't have windows.

    I'm currently trying to use CodeBlocks to edit the source code and to compile things.

    However, I'm not sure how to open sln project file since I think these are VS files.

    Can anyone help me get started in TDM modding using linux?


    Any guidance or literature is appreciated ^_^

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