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Posts posted by taaaki

  1. I added this for the Engine.


    Building the DLL complains, so I also added it for the DLL. But the build is still complaining about not being able to find omp.h.




    My VS2010 has omp.h under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\omp.h. Maybe check if it lives there in your Windows VM (might require the non-free version).


    Boost Threads basically just provides a wrapper around a lower-level threading library like pthreads. OpenMP provides nice and simple way of defining parallelism using compiler pragmas. The compiler then inserts the relevant threading code (using pthreads or whatever the particular compiler uses - I guess MSVS uses the Windows threading libs). I don't see why both can't be used simultaneously. OpenMP is far simpler to implement and maintain in there areas where its use makes sense (data parallelism, certain task-based parallelism, etc.).

  2. I've got a bit of experience with omp (and TBB, and Boost Threads, and pthreads), so I'd like to have a look at the code / diffs.


    More for the rest of us trying to compile and see the benefits: on Windows you'll need to enable OpenMP support in VS under the Engine project properties (C/C++ -> Language) and under Linux, the -fopenmp open needs to be set for GCC (the compilers ignore the omp pragmas otherwise).

    • Like 1
  3. If you PM me your current IP, I can dig into the server logs and see what is going on. However, you should upgrade to 2.01 as you will likely run into missions that don't work properly since they use standalone assets that aren't included with 1.08.

  4. Repost: I think when you go to "my content" it should show my exact post and have a little javascript that goes to the exact page in the topic(if multiple pages) and then the position on the screen where the post is.

    Is this referring to the forums? If yes, then you click on "Only posts" under "See this member's" on the left. You can then go directly to the relevant post by clicking the #xxxxxx link at the top right of the post.


    Another thing , ~~ possible BIG ISSUE, am I suppose to be able to register for wordpress and then be able to see the wp-admin path?

    You can register but you can't do anything in the wp-admin area besides make changes to your profile. I'm not convinced that we need to allow people to register on the site, but I think it is needed for people to comment on articles. However, we don't actually show the comments, so I'd be happier if we just disabled user registrations and nuked all the non-admin/editor users.

  5. The complication here is that the mission list is populated "out-of-band" directly from the mission DB, so the site isn't alerted to update the RSS feed. I had a brief look into how the mission list is populated to get it to work on the new server, but I'll probably have to dig around and see if there is an easy way/hook to update the RSS.

    • Like 2
  6. Don't feel too pressured to make changes straight away. It took me a while to get a good feel for how all the pieces of the engine fit together and interact (I still don't have a full picture), so you should probably spend a decent amount of time just figuring out the various program flows and conventions. This kind of project is going to require a fairly good understanding of game code and game systems, but you will still need to know what is going down in the underlying tech 4 code. Just take it easy and have fun.

  7. I'm a big fan of Steelseries for a gaming mouse. I have the Kana (~ $40 at amazon) and it's already lasted twice as long as my previous two Razer Diamondbacks. It's also really light, which is nice. On the keyboard front, I've semi-recently switched to the tenkeyless CM Quickfire Rapid with Cherry MX Blue switches (~ $75 at amazon - other switch types are more expensive). Loving it and hating the non-mechanical keyboards I have to use everywhere else. It has no backlight, but I prefer using a separate light strip to illuminate the keyboard.

  8. You could build a hackintosh instead, but it want be as conveniient as a mac mini though.


    I've been considering that as well. Just comes down to cost really since I don't want to spend too much on the full package (kinda hoping that the new HP and ASUS ChromeBox can be made to run OS X).

  9. I'm going to re-iterate what gnartsch and co. stated: I don't don't really see the point of combining the game download with the mission downloads. It's just too much, regardless of how the panels are implemented.


    In terms of the front page, I think it would be possible to make it work by moving the media to just above the news column (without the "Media" title) and extending the news column to consume the media column. That way, we have the TDM description right next to good screenshots / concept art as the first thing people see when they visit the site. There should still be a separate news page to allow regulars to go straight to the new stuff from a bookmark.





    Sent from my GT>9000 using Tapatalkwololol (I think this is reason enough)

  10. The mirror list that you posted in the second section is correct, so you're getting the latest version. I assume that you got that by opening the url in your browser?


    What version of the updater do you have currently and are you updating (from which version) or installing fresh? In the meanwhile, you can copy-paste the mirror list into a text file named tdm_mirrors.txt and place it next to the updater. Then run the updater, go to advanced options and select the "(--keep-mirrors)" option.

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