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taaaki last won the day on December 24 2023

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  1. Part of my recent server updates managed to skip the Let's Encrypt certbot, so it was wasn't working correctly. Should be resolved now. Let me know if there are still services that are complaining about certs.
  2. Apologies for the unplanned downtime. A routine upgrade did not go to plan, and the rollback had its own issues

    1. nbohr1more


      Thank you for your continued maintenance work!

    2. datiswous


      I agree with @nbohr1more. Also thanks for letting us know what happened.

  3. I've added a redirect from /download-the-mod/ to /downloads/ so the correct downloads page should be reached if someone finds the old download link
  4. I've restarted some services and it appears to be back for me. Please let me know if anything on the wiki still isn't working.
  5. Just want to get a sense of the current server performance since I haven't had to manually intervene for around a week.

    Is it feeling better, or is anyone still running into issues?

  6. Server definitely still has some issues. I think I've narrowed down where the issue is, so I'll take a proper look after work.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. thebigh


      I noticed that too. Same time every day.

    3. thebigh


      I noticed that too. Same time every day.

    4. taaaki


      That's pretty much it. There are several system check/maintenance scripts that run daily. These were not sufficiently staggered, so they pile up and the system gets progressively slower as some of these scripts are disk intensive. Strange thing is that this wasn't such a problem before the system upgrade, so I suspect that there were some changes to these scripts that increased their impact.

      I've now staggered them a bit better, so we'll see how it plays out tomorrow morning. If that doesn't work, I'll have to dig a bit deeper.

  7. All services hosted on the server were sluggish. I've rebooted and it appears to be better. Let me know if there are still issues.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. taaaki


      I'm not noticing much difference compared to after the reboot yesterday. Are you getting those 504 errors, or just feels slower?

    3. Jetrell


      I've not noticed any problems since the reboot but I didn't get 504s before the reboot but did notice that it was a bit slow...

    4. thebigh


      For much of yesterday I couldn't get onto the forum or the wiki at all. It was just 504 504 504 504 504. So far today it's been fine.

  8. I think it wasn't fully implemented during the initial upgrade from IPB 3.x to 4.x, but if it's working again, may as well keep it.
  9. Updates made. Missions page should now present https links for the mirrors that support it.
  10. Thank you. I'll also have a go at rewriting the urls to HTTPS for all mirrors except the mstrmnds.de one and see about asking for https to be implemented there as well. I'll also have to check on those missing files from darkmod-alt02 (those should sync automatically, so I'll need to see why they're not coming through).
  11. I could try updating the mission details page to 'upgrade' the urls to HTTPS, but I'll need to check that all the mirrors are actually configured for HTTPS first.
  12. I managed to use the attached curl logs to find some of the relevant entries in the logs and correlate those back to a source IP. All the request from the source IP return 206 status (partial content success) and further checks on just the name of the file that was failing also return 206 (or 200 in the case of direct browser downloads). Nothing out of the ordinary in the web server error logs (other than failed requests for FMs that aren't on the server). The darkmod-alt02 server isn't running a firewall, so it can't be that. And am I correct in understanding that this isn't just happening with this one server or is it isolated to darkmod-alt02?
  13. Chrome is not liking the http:// links in an https:// page it seems. Live-editing the page in Chrome DevTools to make one of the URLs https:// seems to have done the trick. We'll need to update the mirror URLs to https, but the issue there is that I don't know if all the current mirrors support https. My two mirrors and missions.thedarkmod.com do though.
  14. Hmm, I updated the software on that mirror server over the weekend. Giving it a restart for good measure. Is it just the darkmod-alt02 server causing the issue at the moment?
  15. Will have a look at this after the pending system updates.
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