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Posts posted by LEGION

  1. Yes Fullscreen.


    I played Glenham Tower now and I´m very sure that this is related to the visportal/performance-thing. Because I saw it in a room with door open. As a


    closed the door again the effect was gone. It´s not limited to horizontal line, my fault. And it´s not limited to light sources too, was just better viewable on them.


    So, you´ll see it most likely in open areas or when you never close doors (I always close them). I saw it around the tower, but it seemed weaker because I only mentioned it as I got out at the end.


    Just for my understanding: A 'visportal' opens and closes an area for the renderer, right?. So it is really difficult to use in open areas I guess. Would be having too much visportals a problem, too?


    edit: On my TV I have maximum 60hz on actual res. Could that be the cause, too?

    On my old screen (very old) I always had 85hz.

  2. Oh, uups! Sorry, Aida. :rolleyes:


    So, I´ll have to change the books and scrolls folders too. What about the files in the main readable-folder? I guess I change them too. There is parchment too. And scroll again. Little bit confusing, but I´m only at the beginning of understanding how TDM ticks...


    edit: can I replace parchment_guis with sheet_guis without causing problems? What is a sheet anyway in this case? Is it actual an readable item ingame?


    Thanks again Fidcal! :)



    back to topic:


    When eating food, most of the time the frob sound is played. I tried it in Glenham tower at the chest with the breads. Only one played the chunk-eat-sound. Saw this in missions before on apples.


    Since the new update usually I experience this:

    After I extinguish a candlestick I want to put it down with the 'drop'-key. This triggers a mis-positioning that puts the candlestick nearer to me. On the next 'drop'-key-press it is finally dropped.

    I´m not sure, but I think when I try to put the candlestick down with the 'frob'-key this bug does not occur.


    If it´s related to this: I use 'g_fov 85'.


    My goodness, my goodness. What a damn good and even damn more frightening mission!!! I´m still pumped up with adrenaline! wacko.gif I´m taking my head for you, Sotha. Erm, I mean my hat, of course! biggrin.gif


    It was much fun to climb the tower, the rock falling down with my rope arrow in it was funny as well. Some very good shock effects you implemented there. But the explosion was too much (in a good way). My heart slipped into my trousers. (a German phrase) But because of id´s Spoiler (not id software) I knew that there will come something up very likely, so I hid. But the damn zombie remaining in the room, I don´t know why, I simply had to kill him. It took several attempts and I never did it without loss of health. Didn´t they have a too long attack range?

    Sadly, very sadly, really very sadly, the music was set back to the default song after reloading. Did you made a mistake with the music or is this still a TDM-bug?

    But there was nothing else wrong after reloading. No FPS-drops either.


    The story was really good or even great. I most liked the first text by my predecessor. This really added atmosphere besides the stuff of him lying around, hehe. biggrin.gif


    I found 4145 out of 4605 gp´s. I really looked everywhere I could. Especially after I cleansed the whole place with the sphere. (nice lighting it had) Some hints where the real hard stuff is, please?


    I found a little bug: a mispositioned water tap by the bathtub. Oh and can I please have a translation of the (I guess Latin) objective-book, please? (Because I really would like to try this in real world so I could create my army and cleanse the world...)

    I saw a mispositioned flare on the oil-lamp in the far room on the left too. (same story as bathtub) These serious bugs almost spoiled the mission and I was short before uninstalling the mission and delete it! ohmy.giftongue.gif;)


    The layout and gameplay were really good, there were no real problems, but lots of tension. If the first zombie didn´t annoyed me so much (look at attached screenshot to see why) I could have ghosted the mission.


    I´m not sure if I like the current layout of the haunts, because they remind very hard of the Thief-haunts. Maybe a color-change of their clothes would help...

    I was disappointed by the Leech queen because I expected some rotting breasts. sad.gif The TDM really needs some girl-power...


    Overall it was an outstanding mission because of the setting and the atmosphere. Extraordinary atmosphere that is!

    Great job, Sotha!! :) :bothThumpsUp:




    This is the one that deserved to die for good. Though, finally he gave me a nice screenshot, me thinks.:)



    edit: why is the text following the one in size one bold? I couldn´t switch it off by activation and deactivation the bold-option.

    • Like 1
  4. Sorry, I use Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT and threaded optimization is off.


    I use the res 1216*692 with AAx4 and anisotropic filtering at 4 too. I use the high quality shader. I saw it most in Melan´s mission, before in Sons of Baltona a little. It´s not on every surface/wall. I think there has to be a lightsource too to cause it.


    I have to sleep a little and then I play the glenham tower and tell you if I saw it there.

  5. Oh, ok, my fault. But I already use V-Sync and this tears only appear when moving the view horizontally. It appears not when I look around very slow if it helps.


    As I said, didn´t saw it in Doom3, but on several TDM-maps. Someone else noting this?

  6. No, look at the 'f' in 'Father' on the right page. I already changed 'Everett' and 'Chris Hand'. Is it a font that´s not posted in the wiki?


    edit: It´s not 'Popsies' either. And there is no readable-folder in Melans pk4. So it´s not a new font. I don´t get it.


    @Melan it´s the book by the builder where the ladder leads up to some valuables near the staircase.


    Maybe I´m so stupid and it´s one of the new fonts I assigned, I´ll set it back. Wait a sec...


    No, gladly I´m not stupid. It´s another font. Melan, you´re my last chance! :)


    Did you try leaning? As I remember, there was something in the way that you had to carry away.



    Was a nice mission, or should I say classic considering the age? (is it now 1969 or 2008?;))


    You lightened up the promo-shot, right? In game it was a lot darker or it is just my gamma-setting. Anyway, I had to ghost here because of the actual weapon-select-bug I thought there is now blackjack and other weapons. Was much fun. Like KoMaG I took my time and spent a lot outside. Nice Ambient sounds, made it more alive. Though it took my a while to get to know which way in. So at last, I know the prequel of Chalice, the others in the series will follow soon...

  8. I saw it on some FM´s, lately in Melans Return to the City. When I changed the view horizontally I got these tear´s, don´t know how to describe it else. It´s like when you deactivate V-sync (then you have it on vertical), or when the Refresh-rate of your screen is too low. (I got once 50hz accidentally, now I have 60hz btw)


    It appears only on far textures and I guess it´s related to high quality textures, because I don´t saw this in Doom3 as I looked into it yesterday. In Melans´ mission I saw it quite often. Right at the beginning on the house where you can lockpick the door, if you wanna test it.


    So I wonder why there is no H-Sync setting? Is V-Sync so powerful that it oppresses such 'rivals'? :D

  9. Again for the fonts: I like your ideas, Fidcal. Wouldn´t it be possible to add a GUI-folder in the DarkMod-folder and there I could manage 'fonts' (copy ones I can read over the unreadable) and if I want to set all back to original I could just rename or move the folder. Or would it be more complicated?


    As for new fonts and copyright, what about the fonts found here? They say it´s free, so could they be implemented in TDM or must the authors be contacted?

  10. So, jetzt müsste es aber passen. Dieser Shot ist auf 45KB reduziert, es geht ja nur um das Verhältnis.




    Der Credit-text ist übrigens nur ein Scherz, ja! ;) Ich musste das neu schreiben weil in deiner PSD war das schon eine Grafik und beim stauchen wurde das zu unscharf. Die neue PSD habe ich dir schon geschickt.


    Aber in der Update-version ist ja jetzt ein Shot von der Wache vor dem Lagerhaus. Sollen wir das auch so machen? Ich könnte schnell reinlaufen und das machen. Die neue Version habe ich sowieso noch nicht gespielt.


    edit: was ich tat: die breite habe ich auf 500 pixel reduziert. Dann habe ich was von oben abgeschnitten und die höhe dann auch auf 500. Der shot sollte quadratisch sein und dann wieder hoch auf 1024.

  11. Weisst Du eigentlich dass es inzwischen eine Update-version von 'Too Late' gibt? In dieser heisst der Startscreen 'too_late_update_start.tga' und hat sogar eine Größe von 1024x1024!! Und befindet sich in guis\assets\splash\


    edit: also die 1024er-version geht auch, ich muss nur noch mehr zusammenstauchen...

  12. Hi, ich hab´ mir gerade mal den Shot angeguckt und da er 4:3 ist glaube ich dass ich ihn nochmal in 16:9 machen sollte da er für das Bild wieder zusammengestaucht wird. Aber ich spiel erst mal mit rum...


    Danke für die Auskunft, wegen dem Tool frag ich dann mal. Aber eins nach dem anderen... :)

  13. Jetzt hab´ ich eben vergessen zu fragen wo es dieses Vorschau-Tool gibt. Also, darf ich das auch haben? :unsure:


    Eine kurze Einleitung wie ich in DarkRadiant an die Texte rankomme wäre auch schön. Es sei denn es ist zu kompliziert, dann durchforste ich doch lieber das Wiki...

  14. Thanks, Melan. I wasn´t able to locate the hiding place for the gems, but I was able to find some other places including the Tower, yeah I meant that one. Before I couldn´t see the ledge above me. So I have found 1140 out of 1615 gold pounds. I´ll definitely play the mission again tomorrow `cause I had to put out everyone and that´s usually not my style. But I found it really hard to ghost in the city. I couldn´t even read the public notices hanging there so I blackjacked. At the end there was only one cityguard walking and he spotted me as I was trying to get to the tower and he waited downside for me getting down the vine, so I had to nail him with a bunch of arrows. Especially the climbable places in town seeming for me almost impossible to ghost since guards in TDM are really able to looking far distances, but it´s realistic. Well, I will see how good my stealth-ability really is...


    Your mission really was a gem, Melan! All those details and I really loved that you could almost frob everything! I love that! :) Only the big chair in the clock-tower wasn´t. Is it not possible to make such things frobable? The clock-sound seemed not right.

    I don´t know what it is, but your mission seems to be the first one I played so far that doesn´t suffer from ambient-bugs after reloading. And I had to reload very often.


    I have a technically question. On the attached screenshot the shadow looks like cut. Is this a bug or caused of Doom3´s sharp shadows? It looks not right. I guess positioning the Lantern more left would solve it, but I´m very sure you know ;), I´m just curious. The shadow on the far side before the gate looks softly.


    edit: I can´t remember from which source I downloaded the mission, but I have the Hammer-version. Speaking of it, is there still an updated version planned? Maybe you could add a new area like the inside of the church or what else is behind the blocked doors. Would really like to see this gem expanded! What do you think? :)


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