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Posts posted by LEGION

  1. So you want and auto-cycling-around-enemy-mode to have that, right? Because changing the parry-direction with moving the mouse would make it impossible to react with the parry, because it would change with every movement. For not having this side-effect it would require an additional key for 'Realtime'-changing/adjusting parry.

  2. Yes, leaning with TrackIR would be damn cool! Also looking around while reading books and, what else could be cool?

    I have it too for my racing game (GTR2) and it works damn good!


    I didn´t bought the official one, though, too much to pay(100€). I instead tweaked my PS3-EYE-cam (30 € by now) (taken the Block-IR-filter out and added two IR-filter from a floppy-disk, was really hard to get inside the damn thing and even harder to get the filter out, but finally...) and I use it with the free software Freetrack. One can build himself the LED-diodes, but that was too much for me so I payed 40 bucks for TrackClipPro that provides three LED´s.

    It was definitely worth it.

  3. It´s capitalism! It infected the whole word and the same is slowly dying because of this. And there is nothing we can do. We could try, but no one will listen and there is so much stupidness leading, hopeless... I hope in 2012 it´s really over.


    I have a PS3 (a present, but I wanted it too) but I don´t buy actual games for it. Okay, on my birthday I bought 'Heavy Rain' but I played older PS2 games on it like Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell. I have a lot of PS2 games I bought for nothing at eBay that I didn´t even looked at it right now as I think of it.


    But the last year I played my 'old' games like Thief and ShadowMan on my old Laptop and this year I got a new PC and what am I playing? Thief and ShadowMan and since a couple of works I´m making my own mod for a Racing Game (GTR2). I´m a big Car-fan so that´s the reason for buying a console for me: Gran Turismo. There is nothing like it anywhere else.


    But the actual gaming market, really, the last years I simply lost track of what is out there that could please me. I had hopes in 'Dantes Inferno' but as I played the PS3 demo, pah, it was like shit. I don´t even car for God of War the (console-)world is talking, praising about.


    For my taste the market exploded around the millennium and that time I wasn´t able to detect games that I would might love like I loved Thief. The console game I buy will likely by Gran Turismo 5 and that´s it. I would like to look at Red Dead Redemption, but than again, I don´t have the money for that. I don´t know, there is nothing that attracts me at the actual industry. I only buy GT5 because I know what I will get. That´s different...


    Ah, I still can´t sleep. 10 in the morning. Terrible summer this is...

  4. Ah, come on PigtailsBoy, why didn´t you read the whole thread. Come on and say sorry. Or is the guy kicked? It doesn´t seem so, there is no 'banished'-sign...


    Whatever, like Carnage said, back to topic:


    Well, I didn´t finish right now because I (too) wasn´t able to find the secret place. But I read it here so you don´t have to hint me. I´m just to tired now to go on and it´s too hot here in my universe to sleep, so I write instead. :)


    I have to break a lance for Carnage. I really, I´m really honest, had no trouble finding the secret entrance. Though I have a really dark gamma setting (screen is TV in HD-mode, that is even more dark) but I use the Spyglass often to look around and that helped me spot the entrance and I intuitive searched near by and found what I need in less than seconds. That´s how things can turn out. :)


    But, I really had trouble with the very first gate. I searched for a secret switch around the starting area and several times a guard would ran on and make a big trara without me knowing what´s going on? Than I realized that this guard has a really wide ability to see me. But I guess this is TDM-default, isn´t it?

    I found exactly one lonely post describing this problem, but felt thousands complaining about the secret entrance I had no trouble with at all. How odd. *shacking head*

    I read in this post that the gate is somehow pushable? Well, I´m sure I did. I frobbed, ran into it, tried to climb it. Why couldn´t the player climb it? At the start of Patently Dangerous there was an even higher gate that the player could climb. Oh well, I finally managed to lure the guard with my lantern and gladly he put his sword back on his belt. Otherwise I had to start again, because I wanted to completely avoid any 'Trara' by guards. I´m in stealth-flight here. (at least the objectives tell so)


    The way around the mansion was really cool, really. Isn´t this the first mission with most guards in reference to the map size? In all the other Mansion mission there were much less guards (at least it felt like it) so I feared TDM can´t handle more. :unsure: Gladly this mission thought me the other way.


    And Carnage, about your comment about the little details. Don´t count me in on this! I look at everything and the first I saw upon entering the secret passage were the missing endcaps (just learned this word from Nielsen) at the stairs. I always make for myself a contest for playing as long as possible. Actually I lowered my main walk-speed so I can spent even more time in the mission! :ph34r: And as I spending time and sneaking around at slowest speed I look at everything, so please make the next mansion/mission more enjoyable for the eye. Just for me.


    But I really enjoyed the mission so far and as I am right at the end I think I can tell this much right now. The big fun factor were all the guards.


    So there is some time left now, what about guards switching lights back on? Is this possible now or will it be? As Diego said before, it would help to keep the player on his toes!


    I´m playing at the middle difficult because I wanted to at least blackjack one. At the end it were the allowed two.

    I KOed the servant in front of a lot of stuff that I thought I could take with me, but I thought wrong. Not even the nice silver thing that can held fluids. (too tired to translate 'Teekanne') The second KO got Nelson himself because I wanted to search his room in peace for the secret hiding place. So placed his body in his bed. Wouldn´t it be great that guards came into the room and see the master in bed and they say: "Oh, Master is sleeping, now I can plunder the bar/wincellar" instead of "Bloody murder" or what they would say.



    At the end I gave up searching and pushed Nelson out of his bed and placed myself in there and saved the game and came looking here reading the thread and posting until now and I even will go on:



    There wasn´t really a thing I didn´t liked without the secret hiding place, but all the forks, knives and spoons and yeah, the plates too didn´t looked so valuable but still I was able to put all that in my trousers or what else I brought with me. That was just an Loot-overkill. And because I couldn´t resist I read all the spoilers (now I know why Springheel never reads the thread until he finishes the mission) I know now that I later have to kill Nelson. And I have to say that I really don´t like to be forced to kill. Can´t someone else do things like this? Call the police, ah okay, no telephones. Or are there phones? They have Light switches, so why shouldn´t they have phones? And door bells? Ahh, I´m drifting away. About the kill, I´m a Thief, I don´t do things like that. Nelson could´ve sold the damn word to the devil, I wouldn´t care. I just want to make my cut. But okay, you say it´s part of the story and the story seems to be very interesting and I like to have missions that fit together.

    So there is now some time flown into the land, what is the standing of your mission two right now?


    And because this is your first mission and there are others to come in this storyline I would very like to see a remake or update of this one someday (next week, nah, just kidding).


    Hey, just tell me, is it normal that I always get a write-flash when I´m very tired but can´t sleep? (I prefer to be just odd)


    But because I contributed to the topic it´s no reason for kicking me, eh? :P And it isn´t really that long and you know what? This is the finish line. (Huh, I got a feeling that tomorrow I´ll be ashamed of this but right now I don´t care and still my eyes are hurting, but wide open. Damn summer. When I finally rule the world I will flame the sun away, I surely will!)

  5. I looked into the bob-thing and found out that things like 'runbob, walkbob and crouchbob' are not at all changing the amount of bobs, just how much bobs/footsteps are made.


    I increased the bobroll, -pitch and -up values and while walking and running it´s just fine now. But in crouch-mode it´s really too much, I almost got a headache now.

    Where can I define the amounts of bob´s for crouch, walk and run? (via the console)

  6. I read it all the first time. But if someone would make changes on books now without saying it, I would be never aware of it. :)


    I like the idea to change the blocking side while already blocking with the sword. I often do this for just watching my beautiful sword. Yeah, I´m some kind of sword-fetishist. :D


    The hitting-system is, as far as I know (AFAIK, right?), as 'realistic' as it can be. Collisions are in real time, depending on where the sword really is, so if there is armor in the way you hit the armor. I think it´s helpful to aim over. You surely don´t know what I mean, right? ;) How can I tell this, wait, it´s like blackjacking. Aim more to the top and for left slashes more left. I think that will help to increase accuracy.


    Much like it would be in real life, I like that. If you lower the Combat-difficulty you´ll have more time to 'plan' your hits. But I´m not a very experienced fighter. To be honest, until now I only fought in the arena of the Training Mission. Would be cool if the team would enhance this to a sort of 'event' where you can earn something.


    btw: As we speak of it: Yesterday I managed the first time to light the candle on top in the, äh, candle-room. The one where you have to build a wall of crates to get up. But there was no reward! :(

  7. That bot from Oddity is very beautiful. A texture like that would fit the spiderbot very well too. Now it looks too much like TMA. If you make bots/beasts, make them more dark and terrible please. That would fit more the TDM, because for me the world here is more serious and cruel than in that older Franchise. And Fire Elementals, I don´t think they fit in, sorry. (I just don´t like them) Maybe they could use more of a 'body' than just a flameball....


    Just my opinion.


    Is there somewhere a picture of the Lanternbot(or is it in fact the SpiderBot?)?

  8. Yes, everybody has it´s own taste and the good thing in TDM is that you can tweak a lot yourself and adjust it to your liking, if you know how it all plays/fit together.


    I finished now my toggle and deleted the changed mods and put the defaults back. As I tested I came to the conclusion that the walkspeed was still too fast for my taste and with the toggle-key I can now easily add a forth walkspeed (for crouch too). So I reduced the walkspeed to 40. (The difference before wasn´t much, I guess I did this in case of upcoming problems) I changed the step volumes too for my new slower walk, if someone is interested, here are the values: (I had to change the default volumes a little bit too to have no differences in the fifferent mods)


    this are the (lightly altered) default values:


    pm_walkspeed 70;pm_crouchmod 0.54;pm_creepmod 0.44;pm_stepvol_crouch_creep -12;pm_stepvol_crouch_run 0;pm_stepvol_crouch_walk -6;pm_stepvol_creep -12;pm_stepvol_run 6;pm_stepvol_walk -2


    and my new ones for a slower speed:


    pm_walkspeed 40;pm_crouchmod 0.6;pm_creepmod 0.54;pm_stepvol_crouch_creep -17;pm_stepvol_crouch_run -4;pm_stepvol_crouch_walk -10;pm_stepvol_creep -15;pm_stepvol_run 2;pm_stepvol_walk -8


    I bound this to two separate keys and configured a button on my gamepad to press the first upon pushing the button and to press the second key upon releasing the button.


    If you want a single button to toggle the values you must add this line to your doomconfig:


    bind "key" "toggle pm_walkspeed 40 70;pm_crouchmod 0.6 0.54;pm_creepmod 0.54 0.44;pm_stepvol_crouch_creep -17 -12;pm_stepvol_crouch_run -4 0;pm_stepvol_crouch_walk -10 -6;pm_stepvol_creep -15 -12;pm_stepvol_run 2 6;pm_stepvol_walk -8 -2;"


    If you want the new slower values right from the beginning without having to push a key add the following to 'autoexec.cfg' (If you don´t have it, create it in the DarkMod-folder, where Doomconfig.cfg is and open with Notepad) Though, if you do this you should switch the values in your toggle. If you don´t, you have to press the toggle-key two times to have a change in speed.


    seta pm_walkspeed 40
    seta pm_crouchmod 0.6
    seta pm_creepmod 0.54
    seta pm_stepvol_crouch_creep -17
    seta pm_stepvol_crouch_run -4
    seta pm_stepvol_crouch_walk -10
    seta pm_stepvol_creep -15
    seta pm_stepvol_run 2
    seta pm_stepvol_walk -8



    So, I hope there are at least, say, three guys outside here that will like these changes. I like them very much, it adds more variety to moving/sneaking around.

  9. Yes Fidcal, that´s what I have, though I have to add now the altered Run/Swim-mods. I think I add this to my gamepad as a key that modifies the value as long as I hold it down, with Pinnacle I can do such things now, yeah that will solve this entirely. :)


    And what I said about DarkMod reminding me of Doom3 was stupidness on my side, sorry. Didn´t know how to say what was on my mind else. It wasn´t the walk-speed (that reminded me), I guess it was the 'behavior' caused by the bob-value that I didn´t liked. In the meantime I found out the value for bobbing, but increasing it looks even worse. I always had the Thief-bobbing in mind but that itself I can´t stand now as I get back to Thief (for comparing reasons only, TDM spoiled my need for Thief atm).


    Don´t you think that the default walk speed and the footfall-sounds of this are too fast/loud for a Thief on tour who want´s to be in stealth?

    Maybe you all play too much Shooters. ;)

  10. Another good example for a great option(!). Really, I can´t have enough options, fill 2/3 pages with it, I won´t mind.


    Ah, I forgot to say that I really like the 'looking through keyhole'-idea. It should be activated as you press 'Lean forward' for several seconds in crouch-mode in front of the keyhole. While leaning one should 'touch' the door. Would be really nice, could work with an overlay like the Spyglass....

  11. You are also breaking your swimming speed (good luck in NHAT 1/3 now), which is clamped to about 1.3 x walkspeed.

    You're also changing your creeping speed (which is also a modifier). And your crouch speed (which is also a modifier)


    Your ability to push objects has changed some, since it's also partially based on walkspeed.


    Finally, it actually doesn't appear that jump uses walkspeed to apply a distance boost. It gets its vars elsewhere.


    As I said, I had this setting right from the beginning and no trouble at the swimming part(But now I can fix the swim value). I was aware of the modifiers, erm, in fact, I changed/slowed down the crouch modifier too. :rolleyes: Don´t know the default´s now, but I use the two crouch-heights Fidcal showed me. For the higher one I have, ahh wait,

    just checked and I still have the default value for the higher crouch (0.54), I just lowered it for the lower position to 0.4. I would´ve gone more down the value but anything lower than 0.4 wouldn´t give me footfalls in creeping-mode.


    Before it reminded me too much of Doom3 and in DarkMod/Thief I like to go slower around, adds up immersion for me. It´s a really important thing for me. I can understand that you´re upset, and I guess I´m maybe a good example why it´s not good to have so much changeable via the console, but I had always in mind what I changed (I wrote everything in the autoexec) and for bad cases I have bind a key that toggles the new and original values. So I wouldn´t gone mad on mappers in case I couldn´t solve a challenge because of my own changes.

    Should I maybe say: Don´t try this at home! :D


    So If I preserve the maximum speed-values I should be on the save side, shouldn´t I?


    edit: And I haven´t changed the original crouch-position, so I still can pass little spaces that are made for this height!

  12. Yeah, that´s my man! ;) The speed-sensitive Analog-sticks are the best, simply damn good play-feeling. So, thank you KoMaG for 'tipping' me to Pinnacle and now the DarkMod-Team don´t have to bother anymore for the Joystick-support I continually cried for. Instead you guys can now work on releasing the next update. :D

  13. Whoo, that´s a way too dark, at least at my screen. How did you get my shot, anyway? I wasn´t able to download the images so I had to make a screenshot of my originally own screenshot. I adjusted the gamma about 0.20 to get a version that´s bright enough to see the guard. I would appreciate a much more less bluish tone on outside night-sights, though.


    Yeah, there is not much wrong (on the first image), but the white textures could be 10 or 20% more dark. I know nothing about shaders yet, but I´ll look into it, always learning here... :)

  14. I just played Sons of Baltona and it never bothered so much until now that very often some textures seem to be too much bright and others may too much dark in shadows with no light sources. I´ve added a screenshot there you can see that the top and bottom are how they should be, I guess, but the walls and the beds/objects much too bright.


    I played around with 'r_lightscale' but this affects only the dark places.


    Is this still under development or will it be like this forever? Or is it somehow texture-related?


    edit: the shot appears to be darker as in real on my screen.


  15. When I look at my DarkMod-folder at the bottom, Windows count there 1,68 GB. If i select all (Edit->Select All) and then look at Properties it counts 1,89 GB. Did you do this?


    As I run the updater the first time I waited surely 5 hours minimum!


    Did the updater say at the end 'Enjoy DarkMod, Press ENTER to exit'?


    And did you say what Operating System you use? Can´t see it...

  16. I´m right now testing Pinnacle again, or I should say fighting. Is it possible to make combinations on my Pad to emulate a completely different key?


    for example: Button 5 I want to be the combo key. So, button 6 is for 'next weapon'. I want 'prev weapon' when I press button 5+6. Is that possible?


    ATM I´m experimenting with press/hold button commands. This is good for my two crouch-heights but I don´t know what to do with the weapon keys. I know the program has a help-file, but as I search for 'shifted' it shows me nothing useful.


    edit: I found it, this new Quad Shift -thing seems to be the key...

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