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Posts posted by Zen3001

  1. Just going to give an example here.

    I played the mission coercion yesterday and felt kind of scared in that secret room.

    The painting with blood over it first made me confused and when I read that observation note kind of gave me an uncomfortable feeling, this with the necronomicon made a pretty cool expirience.

    Kind of similar to st.lucia were you know the tale behind an object and get to see the thing infront of yourself and wonder if maybe the mapper actually made something spooky with it.

  2. I'm stuck with a craptop, and can't run everything, I allready looked up the wiki page about performance so please don't spam it in this thread. Missions like st. lucia run ok with some fps drops sometimes in the outside areas but it's playable since most of the tension is inside. Not looking for much detail but it would be cool if the creator somehow still managed to make it look pretty.

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  3. i'm sure that the skyboxes were aligned correctly, (if I remember correctly) the pointfile showed me a red line going right trough the middle of a skybox material and not trough any edge, something with the material must have been wrong.


    and also I tried erasin and recreating the skybox multiple times before in different grid sizes, it only worked when I did it after a 3 days break.

  4. I decided to try again creating the skybox in the same map(without modifying any of the skybox files) just like i did previously and it randomly just decides to work this time.

    the only noticable thing I did was changing the grid size to 8 before creating the skybox material but I'm sure I did that in my previous tries too and I tried making the skybox again with grid siize 2 and it was still working.


    I guess it really just randomly started to work

  5. Isn't that the Customskies.mtr I created in the materials folder?

    Here's how it looks like:

          qer_editorimage   textures/skies/custom/nightsky.tga
       forceOpaque            // so transparent windows can draw on top of it
          blend      add      // so transparent windows can draw on top of it
          cameraCubeMap   env/custom/nightsky
          texgen      skybox
          texgen         wobblesky .0 .0 .0

    If that's not it I really don't know what you're talking about

  6. I never used dark radiant before and am currently just trying to get used to it's features.


    I took a skybox from this site: http://www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php, named and placed the files properly according to the wiki(http://wiki.thedarkmod.com/index.php?title=Skybox_Tutorial) except I also copied the forward facing texture, put it in textures/skies/custom an renamed it to "nightsky.tga"(this was mention on this thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20091206232215/http://www.doom3world.org:80/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3571). I can find the the texture in darkradiant but when I create a skybox with it the info_portalsky always ends up leaking.

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