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Posts posted by fllood

  1. FMA's may use the difficulty implemetations to make differences.

    This may cover challange rates and preferences which do correlate imo.


    For example like this:


    Easy: static behaviour (with random wait times)


    Medium: static with a few dynamic twists added

    (going to the kitchen / toilet, turning directions, a few random forks to path corners and anims)


    Hard: much dynamics included

    (lots of random fork to path and anim corners)

  2. What do you think of ivy, drainpipes, banners, chains, rough broken walls, other? Ought players to consider new possibilities?

    Definetly! I love doing that as player and hurray every time a mapper thinks about including that.


    Do you think we should be made aware and be prepared and even expect to try to climb things other than ladders?

    If one pipe,chain, etc is climbable, should ALL be climbable? Or at least testable without risk?

    I try every ivy and drainpipe I see and can reach and I'm disappointed if ivy, chains and drainpipes are NOT climbable. In my opinion these should be climbable as standard.


    I do not try broken walls and banners normally for I had never had the situation them being climable. But I really would applaud it and find it much rewarding to find out if sometimes unexpected things are usable. For these more "exotic" vertical ways it would be good if FMA's embed a hint in the story for"some other way to go" in a readable, visually or in the briefing for non-usual ways of possible movement do exist.


    So I say it's good to have some climables you can rely on (ladders, ivy, pipes and chains). But not to make everything standard as finding out as player that there are ways to climb sometimes that are not "standard" do make you feel clever and accomplishing when seaching, trying and then finding the new way that is hinted in the story or visually that such unusual climable do exist.


    On a sidenote:


    One thing should be considered if making many objects climbable by default in a FM is that it may have a huge impact on gameplay - actually make it more easy for the player (more player routes, especially more safe zones) which could be intended from the FMA as other routes being set more risky by design (more lights, AI archers/spellcasters). ... This hasn't specifically to do with what kind of objects are made climable so may be some offtopic to the first post. Anyway I feel it is something that isn't much considered and thought of in gameplay design in many TDM FMs I played so far.


    For example I love the non-ladder climable ways to the church roof in Biker's St. Alberic. However these are all absolutly "safe" zones and while cool to discover don't feel much rewarding having accomplished climbing them. They woud have been if lightend well or made it high tension having some AI very near by. In Jesps' Flakebridge it felt very rewarding getting up to the beams via the ladder as you had to avoid the AI first and find and sneak to that ladder through the whole church to make your climb (if coming from the main entrance as I did). Even if you decide to use the rope arrow instead you had to find and sneak first to a good safe spot past the patrolling attentive AI. Great setting of AI, Climables and Beams imo. in that FM. The rope walk added to that for I was uncertain first if it's solid or not. Much rewarding it was! :)

  3. @ Dussander


    You might noticed that Melan adopted Atti's unfinished WIP that I he/she revealed is a large university/academic map. The following factions is what Atti has in mind study in Bridgeport Academy (that might be changed as Melan see fit though!).




    In the deep of Bridgeport lies the Fangedbarrow Facility, an enclosed school of arts and science. Students work under 4 banners that is separated into two main 'factions':


    The Tists: Are into artistical type of studies


    Makers: theatre, painting,sculpting,music

    Believers: theology, magic, alchemy


    The Tects: Are into scientific type of studies


    Engineers: geology, architecture, mechanics, electricity

    Observers: astronomy/optics, chemistry/physics, math






    It's up to you, but I think it would be great and really beneficial for TDM world lore if you and Melan might want to share ideas to build up a consistency regards setting a Bridegport academic background/factions.

  4. Thanks for offering Biker. I archive all contributed maps and their regular updates on Fidcal's server for reasons in the first post.


    Melan has adoped Atti's map. Please PM him for any questions or offers to this map.


    I flagged you to adopt Johannes uncompleted work if you think you can lift working on that alongside continuing MD and Flanders aborted WIP's. If all that projects become to many to make complete please do consider contributing some of these unfinished work here for any mapper interested as well. ;)

  5. If someone picks up the map, and then maybe abandon it. This way i can even pick it up myself later?




    ... as long a work is "free for adoption" (still or again) the original author always can pick his work up again.


    I added that in the first post to clarification. :)

  6. I gave up on Mitering after a month experimenting. As Brethren predicted - it becomes to much pain if you often need to resizing brushes for probably little to none tris gain.


    Edit: found that for a few occations it still make sense though to ease texture usage.

  7. I think it's important for everyone on the team to be at essentially the same progress point in their levels if we're going to actually create a campaign. Ideas anyone? ... Should there be consequences if some members are trailing behind?

    No - at least how the project is currently structured: Everyone making their map as everyone do like (theme, size, story) and cluing all together at the end with a campaign main story (and probably a few twists/changes here and there needed for that in each map). And that makes sense to me! That way it allows for people not only to drop out, but also to drop in anytime before the last phase had began: making a story and building the campaign from our individual missions. No one should be forced to spend his time with mapping - if someone spend his time otherwise no problem for me as long we aren't in the final phase or anyone slowed down by that. We therefore should definitely base the campaign that way that if people drop (and we know people do) it won't affect the others which are keen getting something cool being completed


    However I would like to see people at least communicate. What they are up with their maps, rough status, exciting findings or problems they ran into . Also if they drop out for whatever reasons.


    So it depend what aim are you like to get at. Regards to the forum posts so far Brethren and me did start with our maps. If I understand your post Ungoliant you are rolling ideas for your map and the campaign story? And Jaxa at least started his mapping thread.


    What is the status with you other guys?


    [Edit: deleted some campaign internal info]

  8. I think when people see that, it helps them feel like there is constant progress being made, and it's encouraging.
    That's one reason why I'm quiet detailed with my progress in my mapping thread ;-)


    ... and it's good to see accomplishments and have some overview of rough progress estimate for oneself as well to keep motivated. Of course it may not need be that much detailed as I try it for my campaign map if you don't need some guideline of tasks and progress track to keep yourself focused.


    [Edit: deleted some campaign internal info]

  9. I marked a set of surfaces as vine-friendly in SVN.

    thanks grayman, so if reading it well these are the candidates so far:









    Ammo retrieval is nice for vine arrows :)

  10. The vines will grow on most rough surfaces, though we're still working on establishing which ones.

    Thanks Springheel.


    While deciding please make sure all the materials they grow to will have an easy distinguishable common visual feature players can rely on to avoid try and error ( + waste of ammo) frustrations ;)

  11. As the Topic Description says...


    Also, are vine arrows restricted to verticals (walls) or are they as well designed to be able to hang from any horizontals (like ceiling)?


    Tracker 2787and Wiki are still vague on what to expect from 1.07 on.

    All advance spec info will be of help consider them for WIP maps ...



  12. If this solution works, could it be distilled into algorhytm form and placed on the DarkRadiant interface as a convenient button? All of the individual steps seem to be reproducible via in-editor commands.

    It had become the second important method for me in DR after Clipper. If you get used to it these steps are a matter of seconds and give you the flexibility to scale individual verts and axes. However a "scale all axes" option in the Scale Tool would be a helpful addition.


    (And if it is possible, fllood deserves high praise indeed! This is my Nr. 1 issue with DR right now.)

    Just passing the knowledge .... honor to whom honor is due: All praise is to be credited to ungoliant I've learned this from! Didn't expected this not to be common knowledge. I wonder how you guys did create your maps without? ;)

  13. You can scale and shape any brush in DR like this:


    o Select the brush

    o (best) choose minumum grid size, but maximum 1 unit

    o Put Vertices Mode for Edges ON

    o Select all Verts of the brush which should be scaled

    o Open Modify --> Scale, set X,Y,Z to the same numbers and scale each side the same amount (in case if you want a symetric scale)

    o Use snap to grip if needed to put the scaled bursh tight with other brushes


    is this what you're looking for?

  14. Fantastic! It would rock if you succeed grayman :wub:


    I'm very confident. Having the story idea and characters already set to build upon is a huge step done imo. - and really not the easiest one!


    You get all my fingers crossed! ... And don't forget to post updates whenever you feel and in need of new spirit, energy and motivation from us taffer fellows :)

  15. Now THAT were Many doors! ;)


    A wonderful big mission with lots T2 vibe.. Loved every second being there!


    In particular I loved:


    + The peaceful, idyllic start area (some water and moss arrows to be found would have been nice)

    + The chosen location and spot ambient sounds were great! Sth. that I do care and appreciate much.

    + All the nice rooftop walking possibilities.

    + The multiple and different ways to enter

    + All of the crypt visuals and feel ( simply gorgeous!!!)

    + Good use of geometry and room propotions.

    + Very good readable texts (I agree about the humor don't fit a mission which otherwise try to be creepy).

    + Liked the loading bar screen with percent progress given.

    + Very good performnce on my comparative old Athlon 4200, 3 GB RAM, 8600 GT with always above 30 fps and no stutters. Thanks for the optimisations. Very apprecited!


    You built all this in six weeks Bikerduke ?? - think I better quit mapping if looking at the crap I come up within in six weeks, oohp ...


    Had sth. been on the cemetery to be able to find that I missed?


    Just for the record when you the plan your update after the contest. Not that these had smallen the good time I had in this haunted Builder outpost:


    - You are very curtly in the briefing texts. For this the player may feel thrown into the place not being connected to the setting at first. The job instruction in the note is cool. Anyway it's essence should be part of the briefing text as well. Easy thing to change :)

    - I agree with someone saying it would feel more at an archivment and rewarding to a player if making lifting the curse mandatory and the main reason why the player was send to the place. Finding the scepter and book may be optional.

    - I also agree that the challange level had been a bit too easy. Anyway to my personally taste. After I did roam the area a while I didn't felt spooked or at least endangered which I always hope for being in a haunted, creepy location. For that I would have loved to see a few high tension areas (guarded, lighted). For example the last companion of Alberic do guard his remains to making his skull more challanging and rewarding.

    - I was hindered by the AI stuck at the overturned statue already mentioned by others. This should be adressed in an update as making it impossible to enter that room without alerting him.

    - Door closing is ok and a relief my low end rig. I only wish it would happen after a little more time. I think it's to quick and made me felt to much rushed to move when I wanted to have a look if the area behind would be without danger.

    - The upper places of the cathedral felt a bit too empty with so much corridors being there and nearly no rooms.

    - The leaves of the tree of the right small front tower cut through the roof (you would have to move the tree though, personally I don't care)

    - Z fighting in the fireplace in the dining hall (just noticed, don't care very much either)

    - shifting/rotation the textures a little on some places (like the pillars in the room where to throw the skull into the basin) would make some objects feel less cloned on a few spots.

    - The pool in the starting area felt like summer night. Then I've seen the leaves. The fog isn't much I connect to a season rather to being a haunted places generally. So I didn't felt much a distinctive season. Did I care in such a great map? Hell, no!! :)


    Seasonal Theme 2, Gameplay 4, Aesthetics (rounding up to) 5


    Thanks for all the time and love that went into this Biker!

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