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Posts posted by krallelite

  1. Hello,


    I posted in general about briefing videos and after thinking about it for a while, I thought I'd ask you guys if I could make some briefing videos for you.


    I have alot of experience in video editing, I have played through all the thief games and I know the style well. I could get voice actors and such. I think it could really work. It would take time, but I could do it. I can make a sample video for you guys if you want as well.


    If you guys think I could help out at all, by all means please let me know. I know you guys don't seem to be too interested in a campaign right now, but why not see what happens?

  2. Hi guys.


    Let me start off by saying, thank you.


    Thief 3 disappointed me to no end, and this mod is a gutsy, valorous, and admirable move. I am SO happy to see a small flicker of hope for my favourite stealth game of all time.


    Having said that, one of the reasons Thief was my favourite stealth games, was not only because of the game play (which I am sure you guys are doing well with for TDM) but also the voice acting. The witty remarks to odd situations. The gaurds calling out in a sometimes drunken haze. And also, the mission briefings.


    Now I know this is a huge project and I know you guys get all kinds of requests. But if there was some way to replicate those briefings with some suitable voice acting you guys would TRULY have hit the mark. I mean, the protagonist doesn't have to be garrett, but he should at least sound thievly. It can't be that hard to find some people willing to throw together a few pictures and fades and audio to create some of those briefings. They could be a seperate viewable video for the mission if it is not possible to put it dirtectly into the game. It's just such an essential part of the experience and I would hate to not see some kind of voice acting involved. I mean, I would even voice act for you if you guys can't find anyone else. Anything! Hell, I'd even MAKE the briefing videos for you. It's not that hard, I am studying film and video editing, I could do it! ANYONE could do it for you guys. If anyone has any ideas lets hear it. Also, I have now just realized now in my frenzied rant that it is possible you guys have already discussed this. If so feel free to fill me in....or smack me.


    Anyway I'm getting a little bit excited, and all I want is to see is some decent voice acting if it is AT ALL possible... keep up the good work guys!


    BTW you guys are my new saviors ;)

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